Arc of MooreCounty
P.O. Box 773
Southern Pines, NC 28388
Wendy Russell / 910-692-8272
The Arc of Moore County is committed to improving the lives of people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. One of their signature programs is the First in Families program that helps eligible individuals and families access information about community resources and supports; referrals to resources; advocacy; funding to help purchase services such as respite, child care and therapies; funding or discounts for assistive devices, home adaptations and other items.
Community Success Initiative
PO Box 822
Pinehurst, NC28370
Tammy Sinnott / 910-987-7300
Community Success Initiative (CSI) is a training program consisting of 15 principles of personal growth and leadership. Re-entry support for ex-offenders is part of the initiative and consists of small group trainings and individual mentoring in general life skills, leadership, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and paths for transitioning back into family and community life. CSI brokers relationship building between individuals and resources such as businesses that may hire ex-offenders, work release inmates, and youth offenders; job training opportunities; housing programs; family counseling programs; substance abuse counseling and recovery programs; and mental health counseling.
Connections Family Program
P.O. Box 1051
Richmond and AnsonCounties: Adrian Lovelace (866-916-1493)
Randolph and MontgomeryCounties: Vickie Wilson (866-348-2769)
Connections Family Program, a program of the Mental Health Association in NC and Sandhills Center LME, provides support to families of children with emotional, learning or behavioral challenges. The program empowers and educates familes and professionals to access the knowledge, training and treatment options available in the community. Support is given through workshops, support groups, trainings, and individual advocacy.
Family Promise of MooreCounty
P.O. Box 1173
Aberdeen, NC28315
Susan Bellew / 910-944-7149
Family Promise of Moore County provides shelter, meals and hospitality to homeless families with children through a cooperative network of local congregations. These families receive comprehensive assistance in the areas of transportation, compassionate supportive services, and advocacy to assist them in achieving independent living. Among the programs offered by Family Promise are the Family Mentoring program, where volunteers are paired with a family and provide support when difficulties arise, and the Wheels to Work program, which supplies cars to qualified recipients in need of transportation.
Friend to Friend
111 McNeill Street
Carthage, NC28327
Anne Friesen / 910-947-3333
Friend to Friend is a domestic violence and sexual assault agency located in MooreCounty. Friend to Friend is a United Way and non profit agency- all services are free. Some of the services include a 24 hour crisis line,court advocacy services, community education, in-office domestic violence and sexual assault counseling, and support groups. The Friend to Friend shelter houses up to 18 women and children who have fled from physical and emotional abuse.
Healing CenterChurch
P.O. Box 2420
Rockingham, NC28379
Dawn Courtney Mason, First Lady and D. M. Mason, Pastor / 910-997-7284
When funds are available, The Healing Center Church can assist with temporary shelter (temporary hotel stay), food, and clothing. The church has assisted members who were experiencing homelessness with deposits for utilities.
Moore County Planning & Community Development
P.O. Box 905
1048 Carriage Oaks Drive
Carthage, NC28327
Community Development Planner Tim Emmert / 910-947-5010
Moore County Community Development has a broad-based commitment to housing that includes: advocating for a variety of affordable housing options; developing programs that help low-income residents build assets through home ownership; rehabbing and repairing low-income homes; and helping organize efforts to address homelessness.
New Horizons: Life & Family Services
1225 S Long Drive
Rockingham, NC
Kelly Cunningham / 910-997-4840
New Horizons is a non-profit domestic violence and sexual assault agency located in RichmondCounty. New Horizons is a United Way partner and all services are provided free of charge. The services offered include 24 hour crisis line support, individual supportive counseling, DV/SA groups, court advocacy services, community outreach/education, and a Displaced Homemaker program.
RichmondCounty Mental Health Society, Inc.
PO Box 1103
Rockingham, NC 28380
Board President John Baker / 910-895-1080
Volunteer Program Director Rene Rohleder / 910-997-2298
Provides prepared lunch meals to the poor and homeless in two RichmondCounty locations:
428 So. Hancock Street (at intersection of US1 South)
Rockingham, NC
Meals served Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 12 noon to 1:00PM.
#10 Hamlet Avenue (across from the Ballroom in old Belk Bldg)
Hamlet, NC
Meals served Monday thru Friday from 12 noon to 1:00PM.
Samaritan Inn
525 Salisbury Street
Wadesboro, NC28170
Pastor Michael Chambers / 704-694-2996
The Samaritan Inn is a homeless shelter in AnsonCounty. They can house up to16 men,16 women, one large family or two small families. Services include, but are not limited to, transportation, meals, clothing, community outreach and support groups.
SandhillsCenter, LME
P. O. Box 9
West End, NC 27376
Housing SpecialistWanda Feldt / 910-673-0906 ext 2047
Housing Specialist Donna McCormick / 910-673-0906 ext 2046
SandhillsCenter’s housing department assists persons with a SPMI diagnosis acquire supported housing. The department offers to person’s with a mental health diagnosis a zero percent supported housing loan of up to $400.00, which may be used for rent, deposits, and/or utilities. The housing department is also the local lead agency for persons on disability income living in independent targeted unit apartments.
Sandhills/Moore Coalition for Human Care
1500 W. Indiana Ave
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Executive Director Caroline Eddy / 910-693-1600
The Sandhills/Moore Coalition for Human Care is a non-profit which coordinates the efforts of more than 70 area churches and three hundred volunteers to meet the emergency needs of MooreCounty neighbors. The number of households served has grown from 911 in 2005 to 3,323 in 2009, more than tripling the number of families served. Among the services provided by the Coalition are: food, vocational support, clothing, utility assistance, prescriptions, dental, transportation and housing assistance. The Coalition frequently coordinates with governments, nonprofits and private organizations to help clients address ongoing needs.
Southern Pines, Maxton, Laurinburg Housing Authority
P.O. Box 1437
Laurinburg, NC28352
Executive Director Nancy Walker / 910-276-2582
Provides assisted rental housing through the Conventional Public Housing Program. Eligibility is primarily based on income but we also screen for criminal history and rental history, including previous participation in other HUD Programs. Applicants must be at or below 80% of median income for MooreCounty and 40 % of all new move-ins each year must be at or below 30% of median. Residents pay 30% of adjusted income for rent and utilities. We have a fifty dollar minimum rent and all utilities are paid for by the Authority. Residents are charged only, if they exceed the monthly allowance. Applications are available at the office: 801 South Mechanic Street, Southern Pines., 910-692-2042. An in person interview is a required part of the application process. We have 101 units (total). We do not to provide emergency housing. Note: The eligibility and operational regulations for the Public Housing Program are different than the Section 8 Voucher program and the Multifamily Section 8 assisted properties.