Altynay Kaidarova
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division (CEMSE)

Engineering Building (9), Level 3, Office 3326-WS05

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Telephone Number +966 554035595


Career Objective

Motivated, hardworking and highly efficient graduate of Electronic and Communication Engineering from Liverpool University. Looking for challenging career opportunity to resolve engineering problems by utilizing comprehensive understandings, analytical and problem solving skills . Striving to use all possessed experience gained during organizational activities .

Education and qualifications

Jan 2016 – King Abdullah University of Seince and Technology, Thuwal, SA
current Ms-PhD in Electrical Engineering

2011 - 2014 / University of Liverpool, UK
BEng Electronics & Communication Engineering
Obtained 1:1, First Honour Degree )
Relevant modules:
·  C Programming
·  Electrical circuits and Power systems
·  Digital and Wireless Communication
·  Communication System
·  Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Systems
·  Signals and Systems
·  Signal Processing and Digital Filtering / ·  RF Engineering
·  Digital Control and Optimization
·  Instrumentation and Control
·  Antennas
·  Project Management
·  Applied design and Industrial Awareness
·  Advanced Modern Management
·  Assisted in the project of Integration , Automation and Control of Renewable energy sources in the department of Intelligent Systems and Energy Efficiency at PI “NURIS”.
·  Conducted a final year project in the field of Bioinformatics using machine learning techniques. Evaluated the efficiency of using different machine learning algorithms on Electrohysterography dataset records to classify term and preterm delivery, focusing on the prediction of the preterm birth at early stage. The conference paper is scheduled.
·  Conducted a project: Direct-sequence spread spectrum for 3G Mobile communication.
·  Developed a robot that had the intelligence to follow a white line and navigate a maze.
Skills gained:
·  Learned effectively working under pressure and achieving set of goals before deadlines .
·  Developed ability to work as group member and team leader during projects management.
·  Gained confidence in presenting in front of numerous students and academic staff.
·  Developed research and writing up skills in all assignments and project activities.
2010-2011 / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore . Pre –University Bridging course
·  English (A) / ·  Physics (B)
·  Maths (A)
2009-2010 / Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Astana. International Relationship.
1998-2009 / Gymnasium school for talented students, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region, town Aksu . Secondary school (11 grades).

Major academic prizes and achievements

2014 University of Liverpool Vice- Chancellors International Attainment Award -PG . For excellent academic performance .

2014 University of Liverpool BNFL Prize. For demonstrating excellence in final year project.

2010 / Recipient of International Scholarship of President of Kazakhstan “Bolashak”
2009 / Awarded with Kazakhstan gold medal for excellent studies at school.
2008-2009 / Awarded gold crest award in regional Kazakhstan Olympiad in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.

Work experience
2014 -2016 Laboratory and Research assistant at PI ” Nazarbaev University Research and Innovation Systems”, Kazakhstan , Astana

Summer 2008 - 2012 / Maths tutor for high school student, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar

Membership of professional bodies

Undergraduate member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET.

Interests and activities

2013-2014  President of Kazakh Liverpool University Society, organizing

different social events and meetings

-Created an environment where people can continually
contribute to the success of society.

- Developed ‘What if?’ strategic thinking and effective
decision making skills.
- Increased confidence in managing and motivating a group of

2007-2009 President of the Gymnasium school for talented students,


Interested in artistic and designing activities such as drawing and painting.


English, Kazakh, Russian .


References are available upon request.