Reading Fundamentals Plan for Success

School: Cesar Chavez Teacher:S. Acosta Contact:(602) 764-4000X44564/

Department: ReadingCourse Title: Reading Fundamentals Code:5611000

No. of Credits:1Grade Level(s):9-10 Prerequisite(s): None

1. Course Description:Reading Fundamentals is designed to teach the standards for Language Arts so students will become critical and lifelong readers. In this course, students will increase their vocabulary, improve their spelling, reading fluency, and comprehension skills that will help them increase their learning in all subject areas. The classis 50 minutes (students receive 1/2 per semester) and includes the following segments: whole group instruction, small-group instruction, Read 180 computer software program,literature circles, and whole-group wrap-up.

2. Materials Required:pencil, paper, and binder

3. Grading System:90 - 100% = A80 - 89 = B 70 - 79 = C 60 - 69 = D 59 = F

40%- Whole Group, Small Group, and Literary Circles 30% - Software

20 % Quiz/Test/Project 10% Participation

Term 1 45% Term 2 45% Final Exam 10% SEMESTER GRADE 100%

*Accommodations and modifications will be included per IEP and 504 Plans*

*Parents and students can access grades using Synergy. *


StudentVue :

4. Title I Program: Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading and English. If interested, please contact the Principal Mr. Georgia or Assistant Principal for Instruction Dr. Delgado for additional information at (602) 764-4000.

5. Make-up Policy:Students must see the teacher either during KKIS time before school, during advisory,or after school(KKIS)to receive missed assignments due to excused absence(s). Make up work is due in the number of excused days the student has missed.

6. Attendance/Tardy Policy:We will follow the district’s attendance policy. “Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

“Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing (PUHSD Governing Board Policy J-1561 JHR)

Students may fail the class for the semester in any course, when reaching a total of 12 excused/unexcused absences and after school-documented interventions have been exhausted. (Student Procedures Handbook page 22)

Attendance is vital for the optimum success of students in this program. Students are expected to be in their seats with their materials when the bell sounds. The school tardy policy will be followed to help ensure a successful learning environment for all students.

7. Classroom Rules/Expectations for Students

  • Attend every class, every day, on time, seated at correct station, ready to learn
  • Attentive, on-task, respectful behavior of people and property that allows everyone the opportunity to learn
  • Follow all district and school-wide policies including: appropriate dress code and wearing of school ID’s
  • Electronic equipment use (no cd players or radios in class; pagers and cell phones must be off and out of sight)
  • No gum, food or drink is permitted in class (except bottled water)
  • Backpacks, purses, bags, personal electronic equipment, etc. in designated areas ONLY

Everyone and Everything is deserving of Respect. No Exceptions. Furthermore, all students are expected to follow additional classroom guidelines and procedures set forth by the teacher, as well as the policies and rules set forth by the Phoenix Union High School district. Infractions will result in referrals to administration for disciplinary action and/or in-class detention time.

Technology is an integral part of the classroom. We will follow the district’s policy on vandalism or destruction of property for replacement and/or restitution as it is stated in the student’s district handbook.

**Fall 2017 Open House is from **

Plan for Student Success Sign Off Reading Fundamentals

Please, read, sign, and return this form to your teacher byFriday, 8/11 2017. It must be returned in order for your student to have access to the computer. Thank you very much.

Please Print Student First and Last Name ______

I, ______, have read and understood the Plan for Student Success.

(student signature)

I will support and follow all procedures and guidelines for the Reading Fundamentals classroom

I, ______, the parent/ legal guardian of ______

(parent/guardian signature) (print student name)

have read and support the above Plan for Student Success.

Parent and family involvement is critical for student success. Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact the teacher with any concerns or questions.

  • Parent/Guardian, please provide your phone number and best time to reach you:
  • Please print your first and last name ______
  • Phone Number: ______

Please circle: home workcell

  • Best time to call: ______
  • Do you need an interpreter for the phone call? ______If yes, what language? ______
  • Email:______