Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page
The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.
CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RI.5.4-Determinethe meaningofgeneral academicand domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to agrade5 topicor subject area.R.CCR.4 Interpret words and phrasesas theyareused in atext, including determiningtechnical, connotative, and figurative meanings,and analyzehow specific wordchoices shape meaningor tone. / Questions to FocusLearning
Howdoes understanding the structureof our language and words help us increaseour vocabularyand comprehension?
When readers encounteradifficult or unfamiliar word duringreadingthere aremultiple strategies theycan useto help determineits meaning. Usingthesestrategies tocomprehend new wordswillaid in comprehension and vocabulary development.
Student FriendlyObjectives
Iknow cause and effect relationships and comparisons in text aretypes of context clues.
Iknow themeaningof an unfamiliar word maybesignaled byacause/effect relationship betweenideas.
Iknow keywords maysignala comparison with an unfamiliar word (e.g., similar to, in thesameway,as). I can identifykeywordsin text that mayprovideclues as to themeaningof an unknown word.
Reasoning Targets
I can usecauseand effect relationshipsin textto determinethe meaningofan unknown word. I can usecomparisonsintext to determinethe meaningof an unknown word.
I can usecommon, grade-appropriateGreek andLatin affixes and roots to determinethe meaningofunknown words. I can useaglossary, dictionary, or thesaurus to determinethe meaningof unknown words in text.
causeandeffect comparison context clues Greekaffixes Greekroots Latin affixes Latin roots prefix
roots suffix
Teacher Tips
AcquiringVocabulary-AppendixA: pages 32-35: Domain-specific words andphrases– Vocabularyspecific to a particular field of study(domain), such as the human body(CCSS, p. 33);in theStandards, domain-specific words and phrasesare analogous to Tier Threewords (Language, p. 33). Generalacademicwords and phrases– Vocabularycommon to written texts butnot commonlyapart ofspeech; in the Standards,generalacademicwords and phrasesare analogousto Tier Two words andphrases (Language, p. 33).
Glossaryof KeyTerms-AppendixA page42: Everyeffort has been madeto ensurethat the phrasingof the
Standards isas clear andfreeofjargonas possible. When used, specialized and discipline-specificterms (e.g., simile, stanza, declarativesentence) typicallyconform totheirstandard definition, and readers are advised to consult high- qualitydictionaries or standard resources in thefield for clarification. Theterms defined below arelimited to those words and phrases particularlyimportant to the Standards and that haveameaninguniqueto this document.CCSS refers to the main Common CoreStateStandardsdocument; thenames ofvarious sections (e.g.,“Reading”)refer to parts ofthis appendix.
Longman’sDictionaryof C ontemporaryEnglish Onli ne -onlinedictionary
Lesson-Explain the impact of asignificant experienceonaperson’s life.
Vertical Progression
RI.K.4-With promptingand support, ask andanswer questions about unknown words in atext.
RI.1.4 -Ask and answerquestions to help determineor clarifythe meaning of words and phrases inatext. RI.2.4 -Determinethemeaningof wordsand phrases in a text relevant to agrade2 topicor subject area.
RI.3.4 -Determine themeaningofgeneralacademic and domain-specificwords and phrases in a text relevant to a grade3 topicor subject area.
RI.4.4 -Determinethemeaningofgeneralacademic and domain-specificwords or phrases in a text relevant to a grade4 topicor subject area.
RI.6.4 -Determinethemeaningof wordsand phrases as theyareusedin a text, includingfigurative,connotative, and technical meanings.
RI.7.4 -Determinethemeaningof wordsand phrases as theyareusedin a text, includingfigurative,connotative, and technical meanings; analyzethe impact ofaspecific word choiceon meaningand tone.
RI.8.4 -Determinethemeaningof wordsand phrases as theyareusedin a text, includingfigurative,connotative, and technical meanings; analyzethe impact of specificword choices on meaningand tone, including analogies or allusions to othertexts.
RI.9-10.4-Determinethe meaningof words andphrases as theyareusedin atext, includingfigurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyzethe cumulative impact of specificwordchoices on meaningand tone (e.g., how the languageofa court opinion differs from that ofanewspaper).
RI.11-12.4-Determinethe meaningof words andphrases as theyareusedin a text, includingfigurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyzehow an author uses and refines the meaningofakeyterm ortermsover the course
ofatext (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No.10).
The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RI.5.4