The Region 10 ADRC Advisory Council (R10-AAC) shall serve in an advisory capacity to the ADRC Program administered by the Region 10 Area Agency on Aging, Inc. for the State Unit on Aging (SUA) as it develops the Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ARDC) program by identifying barriers to access for long term care and recommending solutions.


  • The Advisory Council is a team of 10-25 members who actively support the Region 10 ADRC Resource Specialist/Options Counselor.
  • Members’ terms shall be at a minimum of three (3) years.
  • The term of a member shall commence at the next Council meeting following the members’ approval by the Council.
  • A member who misses two meetings in a calendar year will be contacted regarding their interest in continuing with the Council. A third meeting missed within a calendar year will be considered a resignation from the Council.


  • Provide input and support to the Region 10 ADRC for its implementation, operations, and sustainability.
  • Identify current Long Term Care (LTC) resource options for persons 60 years and older and persons 18 years and older with a disability and methods of accessing those resources.
  • Identify existing linkages within the LTC system that are working and build new linkages based on identification of gaps in the system.
  • Identify statutory limitations that are an impediment to the streamlining of access to LTC services.
  • Identify barriers to reasonable access to LTC services.
  • Provide advocacy for systems change by educating Local, State and Federal officials.
  • Identify issues with specific cases brought to the Council by the resource specialist(s) or member agencies.
  • Consider whether (identify if) issue is due to access barriers of resource limitations.
  • Identify and make recommendations to appropriate agency and/or the Co. Dept. of Human Services, State Unit and Aging on issues identified by the Council.


  • A demonstrated interest in the mission and goals of the ADRC program and resource specialist/options counselor.
  • A willingness to expand council’s knowledge of services through networking and marketing.
  • Attendance at regular monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly meetings, which are approximately 1-1/2 hours in length. Current meetings are the 2ndTuesday of the month 9:30 – 11:00.

I agree to the terms and expectations of the Region 10 ADRC Advisory Council. I am aware that this position description is an example of ideal representation and provides a common ground from which the Advisory Council members can operate.


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