The contribution of biogas plants to nutrient management planning

Adviser Torkild Birkmose

Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, National Centre

Udkaersvej 15, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

Tel. +45 8740 5432 Fax. + 45 8740 5090


In Denmark digestion of slurry is recognized to contribute to a better utilization of the slurry as a plant fertilizer. From a large number of field trials this has been documented. It is also evident that digestion reduces the smell problems after spreading the slurry.


Slurry, utilization, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, smell reduction


In Denmark biogas production is resting on three legs: energy production, agricultural advantages and a purer environment (figure 1). If you saw off one leg, the whole construction will tip over! A biogas plant is located in the intersection between the three legs. If the plant is correctly located and all three legs carry equal weight, large synergy effects can be achieved for the benefit of agriculture, the environment, the energy sector and thus the surrounding community.

Figure 1. Biogas is an intersection of energy production, agriculture and the environment.

Biogas provides many advantages

Over the last 12-15 years Denmark has made determined efforts to promote biogas production based on codigestion of animal manure and organic waste. The normal procedure in Denmark is to codigest about 75 per cent animal manure with about 25 per cent organic industrial and domestic waste. By far most organic waste originates from the industrial sector (Anonymous, 1999).

In the course of this period a wide range of advantages has been demonstrated which does not necessarily concern energy production (table 1). Some experts might almost claim that energy production is of secondary importance! The following paragraphs describe the most important advantages from an agricultural and an environmental perspective.

Table 1. Advantages of biogas production for the energy sector, agriculture and the environment. In bold the issues especially discussed in this paper

Energy sector / Agriculture / The environment
·  energy production
·  CO2 neutral / ·  improved utilisation of nitrogen from animal manure
·  balanced phosphorus/
·  potassium ratio in slurry
·  homogeneous and light-fluid slurry
·  reduced transportation of slurry
·  possible to get large amounts of slurry with a full declaration of contents
·  slurry free from weed seeds and disease germs / ·  reduced nitrogen leaching
·  reduced odour problems
·  reduced greenhouse gas emissions
·  controlled recycling of waste

What is digested slurry?

Digested slurry must be transported, stored and spread in the same way as slurry that has not been used for biogas production. However, there are some important differences. The distinctive features

of digested slurry are:

·  that several types of slurry and waste are mixed

·  that the organic matter of slurry is partly degraded

Table 2. Content of dry matter, nutrients etc. in slurry used in field trials at Danish Agricultural Advisory Service in 1999-2001. The digested slurry used is likely to be a digested mixture of about 50% pig slurry, 25% cattle slurry and 25% organic industrial waste. Source: Pedersen, 2001.

Dry matter, % / N-total, kg per tonne / NH4-N, kg per tonne / P, kg per tonne / K, kg per tonne / pH factor / NH4-N-share, %
Digested slurry (20) / 4,8 / 4,4 / 3,5 / 1,0 / 2,3 / 7,6 / 81
Pig slurry (28) / 5,0 / 4,8 / 2,9 / 1,1 / 2,3 / 7,1 / 74
Cattle slurry (15) / 7,5 / 3,9 / 2,4 / 0,9 / 3,5 / 6,9 / 61

To consider the nutrient value of nitrogen it is important to notice that:

·  the dry matter is relatively low in digested slurry due to the degradation in the biogas reactor. This makes the slurry more liquid.

·  the ammonium (NH4-N) content is higher than in untreated slurry due to degradation of organic bound nitrogen in the reactor.

·  the pH factor rises due to degradation of organic acids in the slurry. This increases the risk of ammonia volatilization.

Digestion increases the fertilizing effect of slurry

The physical and chemical process taking place in the biogas plant changes the fertilizing effect of the slurry in the field. It is important to make allowance for this when the fertilizing plans are prepared and also when handling and spreading the slurry. In the planning process the high content of ammonium has to be considered. This high content is advantageous to the crops as they are primarily capable of utilising ammonium nitrogen. In other words: It is often possible to replace nitrogen from commercial fertiliser by digested slurry and thus save money (Ørtenblad et al., 1995).

The thin, low-viscosity digested slurry seeps relatively quickly into the soil. This reduces the normally very high risk of ammonia volatilization. Trials have shown that the ammonia evaporation from surface applied digested slurry actually is lower than from surface applied pig slurry (Hansen, et al. 2004).

Field trials with digested slurry in winter wheat have demonstrated a nitrogen utilization higher than pig slurry and much higher than cattle slurry (figure 1). This means for example that if a farmer fertilizes a field of winter wheat with 170 kg of total nitrogen in digested slurry in stead of 170 kg of nitrogen in cattle slurry, he can save about 54 kg of nitrogen of mineral fertilizer and still get the same yield!

By reducing the supply of nitrogen in mineral fertilizer a reduction in nitrate leaching can be expected. The specific reduction is dependent on the autumn and winter cover of the fields, the soil type etc. In general a reduction in nitrate leaching of 0.33 kg nitrate-N per kg reduction in nitrogen in mineral fertilizer was used in the evaluation of the second Danish environmental protection plan. (Jørgensen, 2004).

Figure 1. Utilization of nitrogen in digested slurry compared with pig and cattle slurry in field trials at Danish Agricultural Advisory Service. Average of 11 trails with digested slurry, 15 trials with pig slurry and 15 trials with cattle slurry. Source: Pedersen, 2001, Pedersen, 2003.

Phosphorus and potassium

The utilization of phosphorus and potassium in animal manure is normally a matter of avoiding oversupplying the crops. The best solution is only to supply until the requirement of for instance phosphorus is covered. If the requirement of potassium is not covered at the same time extra potassium in mineral fertilizer must be supplied.

The phosphorus/potassium ratio of digested slurry is often about 1:3. This ratio is excellent for crop rotation schemes including for instance grain and rape - these crops often require about 20 kg phosphorus and about 60 kg potassium. Crop rotation schemes dominated by roughage crops require extra potassium from commercial fertiliser as the demand for potassium is much higher in for instance grass, beet and maize, than in cereal and rape. If a relatively large share of the slurry to the biogas plant originates from cattle the phosphorus/potassium ratio of the digested slurry will be considerably higher, and the slurry will be more suitable for roughage crops.

Digestion reduces the smell from the slurry

In a biogas reactor almost all easily degradable organic compounds are degraded and converted into biogas (methane). Amongst these compounds are a lot of volatile organic compounds that smell very bad. For example a great number of fatty acids. When these compounds are degraded, the smell will be reduced compared to untreated slurry after spreading on the fields. In figure 2 the content of four fatty acids in untreated and digested pig slurry is shown. A significant reduction is demonstrated. In figure 3 the slurry has been spread in a field, and air samples have been collected and analysed by a smell panel. A significantly lower emission of smell after spreading of digested slurry than of untreated pig slurry was detected. Apparently a higher emission of smell was observed after 260 minutes than after just 20 minutes. The reason is probable, that the temperature was considerable higher after 260 minutes as it was in the middle of the day.

Figure 2. Concentrations of four very bad smelling volatile fatty acids in untreated and digested slurry. Source: Hansen et al., 2004

Figure 3. Odour concentration in air samples collected above untreated and digested slurry spread on a field. Source: Hansen et al., 2004.

Final remarks

The agricultural and environmental advantages of digesting slurry and organic waste are so manifold that digestion should have much higher priority. It is a paradox that only about 4 percent of all animal manure in Denmark is used to produce biogas.

Some of the reasons for this relatively low percentage are poor and unstable economy and a large administrative workload in the period of establishing (the plants are typically planned and established by farmers and it often takes 3 - 4 years from the first plans are made to the biogas plant is operational).


Anonymous. (1999): Centralized Biogas Plants. Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics.

Hansen, M.N.; Birkmose, T.; Mortensen, B.; Skaaning, K. (2004). Miljøeffekter af bioforgasning og separering af gylle. Grøn Viden, Markbrug nr. 296

Jørgensen, U. (2004). Muligheder for forbedret kvælstofudnyttelse i marken og for reduktion af kvælstoftab. DJF-Rapport, Markbrug nr. 103.

Pedersen, C.Å. (2003). Oversigt over Landsforsøgene, 2003. Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, Landscentret

Ørtenblad, H., Birkmose, T., Knudsen, L. (1995). Næringsstofudnyttelse af afgasset gylle. Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, Landscentret