[See Rule 5]

Application for permission to pay the entertainment tax under Section 6(2) of the Andhra Pradesh Entertainment Tax Act, 1939

The Entertainment Tax Officer,------


I hereby apply for grant of permission to pay the entertainment tax under Section 6(2) of the Andhra Pradesh Entertainment Tax Act, 1939 and furnish the following particulars:-

  1. Name of the proprietor and his residential address.
  2. Name(s) and address(es) of the proprietor, partners, members, all persons having any interest in the entertainment.

(1)Serial No.

(2)Name in full of each person

(3)Name of father of each person

(4)Age of each person

(5)Permanent address of each person

(6)Present postal address of each person

(7)Extent of interest of each person

(8)Signature of the person

  1. Name and address of the place of entertainment.
  2. Local Authority in whose jurisdiction the entertainment is situated.
  3. Classification of the theatre (whether temporary, touring, semi-permanent, permanent, Air-Cooled or Air-Conditioned).
  4. (a) Particulars of the Licence for Cinematography exhibition granted by the licencing authority under the A.P.Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1955 (copy of licence in Form-B to be enclosed).

(b) Period for which the above Licence is valid.

7. Capacity of the place of the Entertainment.


Category of Class Rate of admission No. of seats Gross


(1) (2) (3) (4)







(Total Gross Collection Capacity per show)

(Rupees in words) ------

I agree to furnish the security demanded for the payment of the entertainment tax due from me and to furnish true and correct returns of payments admission to the entertainment under each of ticket value in such form and at such time as may be stipulated.

I agree to pay the taxes due in respect of the entertainment along with the returns as per the provisions of Act and rules shall pay any excess found due within seven days after it is demanded.

I agree to and shall abide by all the conditions of the permit.

If I fail to submit true and correct returns it is open to the Entertainment Tax Officer to forfeit the security furnished and recover the taxes due from me in addition.

Signature of Proprietor


I ______son/daughter/wife of ______hereby declare that to the best of may knowledge and belief the information in this application given above is true and correct.


Date : Signature of Proprietor.