Elementary School Intervention Plan2014-2015

School: Winchester Elementary

Action Steps / Timeline / Required Resources / Person(s) Responsible
Select members for school level support team; set and publish meeting dates (every 4.5 weeks). / August 2014 / SCS RTI2 Manual / F. Childres
K. Hamilton
Ensure that staff members receive professional development on universal screener and intervention programs, as needed. / August-September 2014 / District professional development schedule in MLP
Site-based fidelity check / K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
Develop and implement building procedures for fidelity monitoring to include data/usage review and classroom observations in Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III. / August 2014-May 2015 / SCS RTI2 Manual
Checklists, electronic monitoring tools
Schedules with who/when/how often
Site-based fidelity check / F. Childres
K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. / September 2014 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Data review, Writing / All Teachers
Identify students in need of strategic Tier II and intensive Tier III intervention in Reading and/or Mathematics. / September 2014
December 2014
May 2015 / Data from universal screeners, report cards, teacher observation, other student assessment data as appropriate / All Teachers
K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
Communicate assignments to intervention programs to parents of students involved / September 2014 / Parent letters / F. Childres
K. Hamilton
All Teachers
Set schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions; realign staffing as needed. / September-December 2014 / Computers/labs
Resources for small group intervention / K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
J. Herrington
J. Black
Provide Tier II and Tier III interventions for all students in need of intervention. / September 2014-May 2015 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Daily small group pull out instruction, Writing / All Teachers
J. Herrington
D. Hearns
T. Malone
Establish progress monitoring for students receiving interventions—biweekly for Tier II and weekly for Tier III / September 2014-May 2015 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Daily small group pull out instruction, Writing / All Teachers
J. Herrington
K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
School level support team meets every 4.5 weeks to review data and make recommendations for modification. / September 2014-May 2015 / Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation / K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
J. Herrington
V. Thomas
Communicate progress and/or changes in intervention assignments to parents (e.g., moving between/among tiers, newly assigned, moving out of intervention). / September 2014-May 2015 / Parent letters / F. Childres
All Teachers
Students with academic gains (SWAG parties) BRONCO BUCK STORE, Computer Club, Art Club, Book Club, Saturday School / October 2014-May 2015 / Enrichment Activities/ Before School Tutoring provided by School-Age Care / F. Childres
K. Hamilton
All Teachers
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. / December 2014 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Data review, Writing / All Teachers
J. Perry
School level support team meets to review data and make adjustments to intervention schedules for the second semester, as indicated by the new data. / December 2014 / Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation / K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
J. Herrington
J. Perry
V. Thomas
Revise schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions, as needed, based on December universal screening / December 2014-January 2015 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Daily small group pull out instruction, Writing / All Teachers
J. Black
Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. / May 2015 / iReady, Mathematics
Istation, Reading
Daily small group pull out instruction, Writing / All Teachers
School level support team meets to review end-of-year data and make preliminary plans for next year. / May 2015 / Student assessment data
Attendance records
Completed fidelity checklists
Teacher observation / K. Hamilton
K. McClinton
P. Sizer
J. Herrington
J. Perry
V. Thomas

Note: Schools are free to add additional action steps if they choose, but they will not be required to do so. Components in bold type are site-based decisions; all other components have been determined by the District. On those action steps, schools need only add the names of the responsible parties.