Carmunnock Primary School

Health & Safety Policy


·  Health and Safety is the responsibility of all staff at Carmunnock Primary.

·  In everything we do we must take health and safety issues for pupils, visitors and staff into consideration.

·  Monitoring and implementing health and safety guidelines will be given a high priority.

Health and Safety Procedures

·  Health and Safety files are kept in the office and are always available.

·  Health & Safety files are regularly updated - important updates will be copied and put onto the staff notice board.

·  Staff concerns on Health & Safety issues should be reported to S.M.T.

·  Head Teacher/Janitor/Union Health & Safety reps will carry out a Health & Safety

inspection at least once a session.

Child Protection

·  M Macleod is the child protection officer

·  Standard Circular 57 is in the staff room

·  All staff will revise child protection strategies at the start of term

·  All staff have a duty of care and must be familiar with child protection procedures

General Safety Issues


·  It is the responsibility of all staff to report any defective thing they consider hazardous (flooring, furniture, fitments, cables etc.) in their classrooms to the janitor. If the hazard is not repaired/removed the teacher should report it immediately to the Senior Management Team.

·  Every effort should be made to keep classrooms tidy and hazard free particular care should be taken with school bags.

·  Thought should be given to ventilation, temperature and light levels.

·  The windows on classroom doors must not be obstructed these are intended to give the occupants of the room a clear view of the corridor in case of fire (smoke!)

·  It is the class teacher’s responsibility to leave the classroom tidy and uncluttered so that our cleaning staff can effectively carry out their cleaning duties.

·  Pupils should be taught how to tidy and store everyday materials/resources in their room.

Corridors/Shared Areas

·  Open areas must be kept clear of obstructions.

·  Spills etc. should be cleared/reported immediately.

·  Pupils must be supervised and reminded of school guidelines on moving around the school.

·  Particular supervision/care should be taken on the stairs to the dining room and stage and in cloakroom areas.

Movement/Storage of Equipment

·  All staff have a responsibility to ensure that all equipment is handled and stored safely.

·  All shared areas must be left tidy with all materials properly stored - please leave any area as you would wish to find it!

·  Pupils should not be asked to move heavy/awkward items.

·  If you wish pupils to move items (e.g. chairs, boxes) they must be shown how to do it safely and adequately supervised.

·  If you wish larger items moved please discuss with S.M.T./Janitor

·  When displaying pupil work use safety ladders when necessary.

Pupil Supervision

·  Pupils must be adequately supervised at all times.

·  Avoid leaving your class unattended - if you have to please alert the teacher next door.

·  No more than eight trusted pupils should be sent to work in an unsupervised area (e.g. G.P. room, open area)

·  At wet intervals the class will be supervised by the P7 class buddies and S.M.T./ancillary staff (See wet play Appendix 1)

·  Playgrounds are supervised by an ancillary staff and S.M.T. (see playground guide Appendix 2).


All teachers must ensure that:

·  Pupils are suitably dressed for P.E. (e.g. shorts/T-shirts, sandshoes)

·  No outdoor shoes are worn and all laces must be properly tied

·  No jewellery is worn

·  Pupils are adequately supervised at all times

·  Pupils are taught how to move and use all gym equipment

·  The frame and box are checked by the teacher before any pupils use them.

·  Advice of P.E. specialist and P.E. guidelines on gymnastics are always followed.

·  The gym is left tidy with all equipment properly returned to storage.

·  Any defective equipment/flooring etc. is reported immediately to H.T./PT./P.E. specialist.

School Security

·  Visitors must enter by the main door and report to the office.

·  All visitors will wear a visitor’s badge.

·  Parents should be discouraged from entering the playground at all times.

·  After lines are taken in staff must ensure that the playground doors are closed and bolted.

Fire Safety/Emergency Procedures (See appendix 3)

·  Any fire hazards must be reported immediately (e.g. frayed wires, combustible materials)

·  There will be four fire drills each school year.

·  Staff must ensure that they are familiar with fire drill requirements and teach their pupils how to respond to the fire alarm.

·  Anyone finding a fire should set off the fire alarm immediately.

·  In event of fire the admin staff/S.M.T. will phone the fire brigade.

·  In event of emergency (i.e. pupils unable to return to the building) the staff will proceed with pupils to the Clason Hall or Castlemilk Hall

Pupils Medication/Unwell

·  No medication can be administered unless the parent has filled in a standard consent form.

·  Any pupil with medication should be sent to Mrs. Sanderson

·  Controlling Asthma inhalers are normally kept by Mrs. Sanderson unless they are needed on demand by pupils (decision on who keeps inhalers made by parent/S.M.T.)

·  Pupils with long term medical problems e.g. diabetics/allergies/epilepsy will have an agreed school/home action plan this will be given to all staff working with the pupil.

·  Pupils who are unwell during the school day and cannot continue with normal class routine should be sent to Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs McGown or H.T./PT. The decision to send for parents will be taken by H.T./PT

Accident Procedures

·  Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs McGown are our trained first aiders.

·  Staff should use professional judgement as to whether a child can be sent to first aiders or whether they should be sent for - injured pupils should not be left unattended.

·  In emergencies staff should use the emergency card to send for another adult.

·  All accidents must be reported to the H.T. (PT. in her absence)

·  Accident reports must be completed by H.T

·  If a child requires further medical attention the decision to send for parents/medical assistance will be made by H.T/PT

Drug and Alcohol Misuse

·  Any suspicious substances tablets etc. should be reported to H.T. immediately.

·  Pupils must be warned of the dangers of handling syringes or playing with tablets.

·  Any syringes should be reported to janitor/H.T. Janitor will remove to sharps box.

·  If you have concerns about intoxicated adults collecting pupils please inform S.M.T. immediately.

Personal Safety

·  Avoid confrontation

·  Trust your instincts if in doubt send for help (Emergency card)

·  Try to avoid seeing aggressive parents on your own.

·  Always report verbal or physical harassment to S.M.T.

Staff Room

·  This is for the use of all staff please help to keep it pleasant, clean and tidy.

·  Do not leave unused food or dirty dishes.

Review date: August 2011

Appendix 1

Wet Play Supervision

¨  Wet playtime will be signalled by 3 bells at 10.25a.m. or message to class.

¨  Staff should arrange toilet visit for groups of pupils.

¨  Staff should leave clear instructions about what pupils can and cannot do when the teacher is out of the room.

¨  Each class will be supervised by the Class Buddies from 10.30a.m. - 10.45a.m. as well as members of support staff and SMT.

¨  If it is a wet lunch all children will gather in the hall for a video. The support staff will supervise.

Appendix 2

Playground Guidelines

¨  Pupils will be taught Golden Rules and their behaviour monitored by staff

¨  Playground is monitored by support staff, janitor and SMT

¨  Teachers should manage the use of the playground play boxes.

¨  P.S.E. lessons should highlight how to play and share avoiding disputes.

¨  A football rota will be in operation and enforced by the janitor

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