Curriculum Vitae
1. Name / Surname: Mira Rana GÖKDOĞAN
2. Birth date: 31 August 1959
3. Degree: Assoc. Prof. Dr.
4. Status of Education:
Degree / Field / University / YearBachelor* / Nursing / Heidelberg University, Germany / 1983
Master / Forensic Sciences, Branch of Social Sciences / Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Sciences / 1997
Doctorate / Forensic Sciences, Branch of Natural Sciences / Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Sciences / 2005
Associate Professorship / Forensic Sciences, Forensic Health Sciences / Girne American University / 2013
*T.C. Higher Education Council Diploma Equivalency Document: 1998
Master Thesis, Title and Name of Advisor:
Adli Tıp ve Hemşirelik Eğitimi (Forensic medicine and nursing education)
Associate Prof. Dr. M. Fatih Yavuz
Doctorate Thesis, Title and Names of Advisors:
Fotoğraf karşılaştırılmaları ile insan yüz morfolojisi (Comparison of photographs regarding the morphology of human faces)
Prof. Dr. M. Yaşar İşcan and Prof. Dr. Gürsel Çetin
5. Academic Occupation:
Title of Occupation / Name of University / YearResearch Assistant / Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul / 1998-2005
Research Assistant Dr. / Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul / 2005-2009
Assist. Prof. Dr. / Kırklareli University, Health College, Kırklareli / 2009-2010
Assist. Prof. Dr. / Yeni Yüzyıl University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Istanbul / 2010-2011
Assist. Prof. Dr. / Girne American University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology, Northern Cyprus / 2011-2013
Assoc. Prof. Dr. / Girne American University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Psychology, Northern Cyprus / 2013-
6. Publications:
A. International book / chapter publications:
A1. Gökdoğan M, Atasoy S & Yavuz MF (2006). Forensic Nursing in Turkey: Today and Tomorrow. In V. Lynch (Ed.), Forensic Nursing. (pp. 618-619). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, ISBN 0-323-02826-8
A2. Gökdoğan MR (2009). Development and Advancement of Forensic Nursing Science Education: The Turkish Situation. In P.F. Geinare (Ed.), Recent trends in life-long education. (pp. 7-18). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, ISBN 978-1-60692-021-3
A3. Gökdoğan MR (in process - chapter). Power relation.
A4. Gökdoğan MR (in process - Ed.). Age estimation: a morphological method for forensic facial identification.
B. Publications in Science Citation Index, SCI Expanded journals:
B1. Kirteke E, Dokgöz H, Gökdoğan MR & Soysal Z (2003). Kausalzusammenhang zwischen Traumaursache und Verletzungen bei Gravidität. Rechtsmedizinische Bestimmung (Forensic determination of the causal relationship between traumatic cause and injuries during pregnancy). Der Gynäkologe, 36(3), 260-264; Impact Factor: 0.166
B2. Üner HB, Gökdoğan MR & Çakan H (2003). Some samples of weapons and instruments used as weapon in criminal offenses in Turkey. Forensic Sci Int, 132(2), 113-116; Impact Factor: 2.089
B3. Bafra J, Cakıcı L & Gökdoğan MR (2003) Blood feud and homicide in Turkey – a survey. Forensic Sci Int, 136(Suppl.1), S329; Impact Factor: 2.089
B4. Gökdoğan MR & Bafra J (2010) Development of a sexual assault evidence collection kit – the need for standardization in Turkey. Nursing Education Today, 30(4), 285-290; Impact Factor: 1.113
Supported by the Research Fund of the University of Istanbul. Project number: UDP-377/26082004
B5. Demirçin S, Akkoyun M, Yılmaz R & Gökdoğan MR (2011) Suicide of elderly persons: toward a framework for prevention. Geriatrics & Gerontology International; 11(1), 107-113; Impact Factor: 0.717
C. Publications in international journals:
C1. Gökdoğan MR, & Erkol Z (2005) Forensic nursing in Bolu, Turkey: a survey. J Clin Forensic Med, 12/1,
C2. Çelbiş O, Gökdoğan MR, Kaya M, & Güneş G (2006) Review of forensic assessments of female referrals to the branch of legal medicine, Malatya region, Turkey – 1996-2000. J Clin Forensic Med, 13/1, 21-25
C3. Erkol H, Gökdoğan MR, Erkol Z & Boz B (2007) Aggression and violence towards health care providers – a problem in Turkey? J Forensic Legal Med, 14/7, 423-428
D. Printed oral presentations at international academic meetings (Proceedings):
D1. Gökdoğan MR & Bafra J (2004). Development of a sexual assault evidence kit – the need for standardization in Turkey. 5th Congress of the Baltic Medico-Legal Association, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The Research Fund of the University of Istanbul supported this work. Project number: UDP-377/26082004
D2. Ülker Akyıldız E, Özaslan A & Gökdoğan MR (2005). Sudden death by natural cause while driving a vehicle – a 5 years survey. 3rd Congress of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, Constanta, Romania
D3. Gökdoğan MR (2006). Age estimation: a morphologic method for forensic facial identification. The 12th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification, Istanbul, Turkey
D4. Özaslan A, Balkay M, Gökdoğan MR & Üzün İ (2008). Correlation between mean organ weight, height and BMI, related to death through asphyxia in the Turkish population. 1st International Eurasian Congress of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
D5. Faikoğlu R, Şahin D, Şahin İ, Gökdoğan MR, Yaşar S, Alparslan N & Dereli E (2009). Nursing malpractice: case reports. 1st International Congress on Nursing Education, Research and Practice, Thessaloniki, Greece
E. Printed poster presentations at international academic meetings (Proceedings):
E1. Gökdoğan MR (1998). Approach to forensic education for nurses in Turkey. Sixth Annual Scientific Assembly – IAFN, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
E2. Bafra J, Cakıcı L & Gökdoğan MR (2003) Blood feud and homicide in Turkey – a survey. 3rd European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
E3. Gökdoğan MR & Erkol Z (2004). Forensic nursing: the health care response to violence – approach towards this issue in Turkey. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, Serres, Greek
E4. Özaslan A, Tuğcu H, Karadayı B, Gökdoğan MR & Koç S (2009) Determination of sex using torso measurements. 4th MAFS Congress, Antalya, Turkey
E5. Özaslan A, Karadayı B, Gökdoğan MR, Tuğcu H & Koç S (2009) Estimation of stature from torso measurements. 4th MAFS Congress, Antalya, Turkey
F. National book / chapter publications:
F1. Göksoy E, Gökdoğan C & Gökdoğan M (Turkish Translation Editors). (1995). Klinik Kılavuzu. Hasta Bakımı (Clinical Guide. Nursing). Istanbul: Yüce Yayınları (Yüce Press), ISBN 9754112653
F2. Soysal Z, Gökdoğan M, Çelik S & Çağdır S (2003). Mahkeme kararıyla yapılan obstetrik girişimlerle ilgili etik ve hukuki sorunlar (Forensic determination of the causal relationship between traumatic cause and injuries during pregnancy). In Z. Soysal (Ed.), Adli Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji (Forensic Obstetrics and Gynecology). (pp. 713-723). Istanbul: Adli Tıp Kurumu Yayınları 9 (Council of Forensic Medicine Publication 9)
F3. Gökdoğan M & Altunçul H (2003). Adli obstetrikte ve jinekolojide adli hemşirenin rolü (The role of the forensic nurse in forensic obstetrics and gynecology). In Z. Soysal (Ed.), Adli Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji (Forensic Obstetrics and Gynecology). (pp. 1169-1173). Istanbul: Adli Tıp Kurumu Yayınları 9 (Council of Forensic Medicine Publication 9)
F4. Soysal Z & Gökdoğan M (2003). Obstetrikte ve jinekolojide laparoskopi ile ilgili adli tıp sorunları (Medico legal problems in relation to laparoscope’s in forensic obstetrics and gynecology). In Z. Soysal (Ed.), Adli Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji (Forensic Obstetrics and Gynecology). (pp. 1174-1177). Istanbul: Adli Tıp Kurumu Yayınları 9 (Council of Forensic Medicine Publication 9)
F5. Küçükateş E, Gökdoğan M, Soysal Z & Çağdır S (2005). Obstetrikte ve jinekolojide hastanın kan naklini reddetmesi: tıbbi, etik ve hukuki sorunlar (Patient’s refusal of blood transfusion in obstetrics and gynecology: medical, ethical, and legal aspects). In Z. Soysal (Ed.), Adli Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji (Forensic Obstetrics and Gynecology). (pp. 1232-1250). Istanbul: Adli Tıp Kurumu Yayınları 9 (Council of Forensic Medicine Publication 9)
F6. Soysal Z, Gökdoğan M & Afşin H (2006). Diş hekimi açısından çocuk istismarı olgularında anamnez (Anamnesis of child abuse cases for the dentist). In H. Afşin (Ed.), Diş Hekimliğinde Anamnez (Anamnesis in Odontology). (pp. 327-330). Istanbul: Nobel, ISBN 975-420-475-6
F7. Soysal Z, Gökdoğan M & Afşin H (2006). Aile içi şiddet ve diş hekimi (Domestic violence and the dentist). In H. Afşin (Ed.), Diş Hekimliğinde Anamnez (Anamnesis in Odontology). (pp. 351-353). Istanbul: Nobel, ISBN 975-420-475-6
F8. Soysal Z, Gökdoğan M & Afşin H (2006). Diş hekimi açısından yaşlılarda istismar ve ihmal (Abuse and neglect of the elderly for the dentist). In H. Afşin (Ed.), Diş Hekimliğinde Anamnez (Anamnesis in Odontology). (p. 355). Istanbul: Nobel, ISBN 975-420-475-6
F9. Gökdoğan M (in Print). Cinsel saldırı konusunda çalışan adli hemşire - SANE (The sexual assault nurse examiner - SANE). In E Abaci Kalfoğlu (Ed). Cinsel Suç Kavramı ve Delillendirme (Sexual Assault Concept and Indications),
G. Publications in national journals:
G1. Gökdoğan M, Göksoy E & Gökdoğan C (1985). Colostomili hasta bakımı ve rehabilitasyonu (Care and rehabilitation of colostomy patients). Medica Dergisi (Medica J), 7, 47-48
G2. Gökdoğan C & Gökdoğan MR (1997). Gastroenteroloji’de tümör markerleri (Tumor markers in gastro-enterology diagnostic). Aktüel Tıp Dergisi (J Current Medicine), 2(1), 56-58
G3. Gökdoğan C, Taşçı H, Çiçek Y, Pekmezci S & Gökdoğan MR (1997). Gastroenterolojik cerrahide tümör belirteçleri (Tumor markers in gastro-enterology surgery). Aktüel Tıp Dergisi / SENDROM (J Current Medicine / SYNDROME), 9(11), 83-85
G4. Gökdoğan MR & Altunçul H (2002). Adli hemşirelik: kapsam ve görevi (Forensic nursing: terminology and definition of roles). Hemşirelik Forumu (Nursing Forum), 5(5), 16-21
G5. Gökdoğan MR, Altunçul H, Kayı Z & Yavuz MF (2003). Türkiye’de adli hemşireliğin gelişimi: pilot çalışma (The development of forensic nursing in Turkey: pilot survey). Hemşirelik Forumu (Nursing Forum), 6(1), 16-20
G6. Çelbiş O & Gökdoğan MR (2005) Adli Tıp Kurumu’na 2000-2001 yıllarında akıl hastalığı açısından muayene edilmek üzere gönderilen ve aleyhlerinde akıl hastalığı varlığı iddiasıyla boşanma davası açılan olguların değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of referred cases that were previously sued for divorce due to accusation of mental illness at the Council of Forensic Medicine). Türkiye Klinikleri Adli Tıp (J Forensic Med), 2(1), 5-8
G7. Gökdoğan MR (2008) Cinsel saldırı konusunda çalışan adli hemşireye (SANE) duyulan gereksinim (The need for a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE)) Adli Tıp Bülteni (The Bulletin of Legal Medicine), 13(2), 69-77
H. Printed oral presentations at national academic meetings (Proceedings):
H1. Demircan YT, Gökdoğan MR & Gölge ZB (2000). Cinsiyet değişikliği ameliyatlarına sosyal, psikolojik ve yasal boyutları ile yaklaşım (Approach towards social, psychological and legal issues for transsexual operations). IV. Adli Bilimler Kongresi (IV. Forensic Sciences Congress), Istanbul, Turkey
H2. Gökdoğan MR (2006). Adli hemşirelik: adli hemşireliğin kronolojisi, ilgi alanları, Türkiye’de ve diğer ülkelerdeki eğitim sistemlerinin karşılaştırılması (Forensic nursing: chronology, working fields, and comparison of national and international education systems). VII. Adli Bilimler Kongresi (VII. Forensic Sciences Congress), Konya, Turkey
H3. Gökdoğan MR (2010). Cinsel saldırı konusunda çalışan adli hemşire - SANE (The sexual assault nurse examiner - SANE). Cinsel Suç Kavramı ve Delillendirme Sempozyumu (Sexual Assault Concept and Indications Symposium), Istanbul, Turkey
H4. Abaci Kalfoğlu E, Petridis G, Özcan ŞŞ, Gökdoğan MR, Faikoğlu R, Tan RA & Yükseloğlu EA (2010). Biyoetik çerçevede cinsel dokunulmazlığa karşı işlenen suçlar (Offences against sexual privacy in a bioethics framework). Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği VI. Tıp Etiği Kongresi (Bio-Ethic Association of Turkey VI. Medicine Ethic Congress), Istanbul, Turkey
H5. Abaci Kalfoğlu E, Petridis G, Özcan ŞŞ, Faikoğlu R, Gökdoğan MR, Tan RA & Yükseloğlu EA (2010). Çinsel suçlarda DNA veri tabanlarının etik açıdan değerlendirilmesi (Evaluating sexual offences in terms of DNA data base). Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği VI. Tıp Etiği Kongresi (Bio-Ethic Association of Turkey VI. Medicine Ethic Congress), Istanbul, Turkey
H6. Gökdoğan MR (2011). Hemşirelik Eğitimin Etkisi ile Profesyonelleşme (The influence of nursing education towards professionalism). Hemşirelik Haftası Etkinliği (Nursing Week’s Activity), Istanbul, Turkey
H7. Gökdoğan MR (2012). Kadın; hem severim hem döverim (Woman – I love her and I break her). Dünya Kadınlar Günü Etkinliği (International Women’s Day’s Activity), Girne, Northern Cyprus
I. Printed poster presentations at national academic meetings (Proceedings):
I1. Gölge ZB, Gökdoğan MR, Cantürk G, Safran N, Çöloğlu S & Yavuz MF (2000). Aile içi şiddet: eşler arası ilişkiler (Domestic violence: relations between spouses). IV. Adli Bilimler Kongresi (IV. Forensic Sciences Congress), Istanbul, Turkey
I2. Gökdoğan MR, Altunçul H, Kayı Z & Yavuz MF (2002). Adli Hemşireliğin Gelişimi: 1997-2002 (Development of Forensic Nursing: 1997-2002). 1. Anadolu Adli Bilimler Sempozyum (1st Anatolia Forensic Sciences Symposium), Erzincan, Turkey
I3. Gökdoğan MR (2007). Cinsel saldırı olguları ile ilgilenen hemşire'ye duyulan ihtiyaç (The need for a nurse responding to sexual assault cases) VII. Adli Bilimler Sempozyum (VII. Forensic Sciences Symposium), Gaziantep, Turkey
I4. Demirçin S, Akkoyun M, Yılmaz R & Gökdoğan MR (2007). Huzurevinde kompleks intihar - olgu sunumu (Complex suicide in a rest home – case report). 14. Ulusal Adli Tıp Günleri (14th National Forensic Medicine Days), Antalya, Turkey
I5. Şahin D & Gökdoğan MR (2009). Cinsel saldırı olaylarına profesyonel eğitim önemi (Importance of professional education in sexual assault cases). 1. Ulusal Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği Kongresi (1st National Women’s Health Nursing Congress), Istanbul, Turkey
I6. Gökdoğan MR & Sezgin D (2011). Hemşirelik haftası onuruna hemşire kepleri 1-4 (Nurse’s caps - in honor of the Nurse’s Week 1-4). Hemşirelik Haftası Etkinliği (Nursing Week’s Activity), Istanbul, Turkey
7. Projects:
7.1. Project Member, 2002 Excavation (2002 yılı Van-Yoncatepe Kalesi ve Nekropolü Kazısı), Region of Van History and Archeology Center: Yoncatepe Excavation related to the Istanbul University, Literature and Art Faculty. Supported by the Research Fund of the Istanbul University. Project number: 4/27082002
7.2. 2004 Project Administrator, Development of a sexual assault evidence kit – the need for standardization in Turkey, Supported by the Research Fund of the Istanbul University. Project number: UDP-377/26082004
7.3. 2009 Project Administrator, Gençlikte alkol kullanımı ve etkili faktörler (Juvenile alcohol use and influential factors), Supported by the Chancellorship of the Kırklareli University. Project number: B.30.2.KLÜ.
8a. Juror Master Defense:
8.1. 2011 Master Thesis: Hemşirelerin tabi oldukları mevzuat ve hukuki sorumlulukları konusundaki farkındalıkları (Awareness of nursing legislations and legal responsibilities among nurses), Istanbul University, Institute of Forensic Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey
8.2. 2012 Master Thesis: Ortaöğretim kurumlarında çalışan öğretmenlerin psikolojik yıldırımaya maruz kalma durumları – KKTC örneği (The exposure state of teachers who work in secondary schools to Mobbing – sample of TRNC), Girne American University, Institute of Social Sciences, Girne, Northern Cyprus