Evaluation of ESPGraduateStudent Performance
Action being evaluated:
Student Name ______Faculty Name ______Date of Evaluation ______
TheSACS mandatesthat allacademic programs evaluate theperformance ofgraduatestudentswithregard tothestated learning outcomes/objectives of the respective programs. For theM.S.programinESP,this will include astandardized measure ofperformancefor the comprehensiveexamination(for thosenot completinga thesis), the thesis or projectresearch proposal, the thesis defense, selectedseminarcourses,andthecapstonecourse(EVPP677) for students in the management concentration.For thePh.D., this will include thequalifyingexamination,thedissertation proposal, the dissertationdefense,and selectedseminars. The standardizedinstrument for the evaluation of these activities will be amodificationof Bloom’sTaxonomy appearing below:
Activity Level SampleVerbs Examples Rating Comments
Remembering:Does the student recall orrememberthe information? / Define,duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce,state / Ex:Reproducechemicalreactionformulae forcarbon dioxide dissolved inwater ORforphotosynthesisAND respiration.Understanding:Doesthe student explain ideas orconcepts? / Classify, describe,discuss, explain, identify,locate, recognize, report, select, translate,paraphrase / Ex:Discussthekeyabiotic factors affectingthediversity of either terrestrial OR aquatic ecosystems.
Applying: Does the studentusethe informationin a new way? / Choose,demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate,schedule,sketch, solve,use,write. / Ex:Usingan organismofyourchoice, illustrate 3 potential ecological tradeoffs and howthat organism's adaptationshave allowed it survive inthe context of these tradeoffs.
Analyzing: Doesthe studentdistinguish betweenthedifferent parts? / Appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment,question, test. / Ex:Contrast the characteristics ofr- vs.k- selected populations.
Evaluating: Doesthe studentjustifya stand ordecision? / Appraise,argue,defend, judge,select, support, value, evaluate / Ex:Giventwo interacting species of your choice, arguefirst “for” then“against” their relationship being oneof parasitism.
Creating: Doesthe student createnew productor point of view? / Assemble, construct, create,design,develop, formulate,write. / Ex:Create a scenario whereby humanity doesnotgoextinct oncepopulationgrowth consumes all freshwaterresourceson
Earth. (Besuretoreference whatyou know aboutpopulation dynamics and resource limits.)
RATING: Faculty will evaluate studentperformance for each ofthe six hierarchicalcategories as4,3,2,1 or 0 – 4 being the highest - (withquarterpt increments forflexibility)
with the understanding that it will beprogressively more difficult toearn ahigh grade as oneproceedsupthe hierarchy from“Remembering”to“Creating”.
AdaptedbyD. Sklarew(Oct.2008)from (link updated June 2013)