Amendment: 7

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Request for Proposal

Amendment Date: January 6, 2012

Amendment Number: 7

Bid Event ID: EVT0001028

Closing Date: January 31, 2012, @ 2:00PM (CST) (SEE BELOW)

Procurement Officer: Tami Sherley

Telephone: 785-296-3122

E-Mail Address:

Web Address:

Item: KanCare Medicaid and CHIP Capitated Managed Care Services

Agency: Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Care Finance

Location(s): Topeka, KS

Period of Contract: January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015

(with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods)


1.  The Closing Date is revised for this Bid Event as follows:

a. The Technical Proposal is due January 31, 2012 at 2:00PM (CST)

b. The Cost Proposal is due February 22, 2012 at 2:00PM (CST)

2.  Updates to the Phase II Data book will be available on Friday, January 13, 2012.

3.  The details and assumptions pursuant to the data book and the Low Cost Estimate (LCE) will be available on Thursday, January 26, 2012.

4.  Note: A Final Actuarial Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for January 31, 2012: 9:30AM – 3:30PM (CST) at the Department of Social and Rehabilitation Service’s Learning Center, 2600 SW East Circle Drive South, 2nd & MacVicar, Topeka, Kansas

5.  Conference Call Information:

a. Dial-in: 866-620-7326

Conference Code: 2887443018

6. The following RFP Sections are amended as follows:

1.5.9 Modification of Proposals

A VENDOR may modify a technical or cost proposal by letter or by FAX transmission at any time prior to the each respective closing date and time for receipt of technical and cost proposals.

1.5.10 Withdrawal of Proposals

A technical or cost proposal may be withdrawn upon written request from the VENDOR to the Procurement Officer at the Division of Purchases prior to each respective Proposal Submission Deadline (Closing Date).

1.5.14 Proposal Disclosures

At the time of Cost Proposal closing, only the names of those who submitted proposals shall be made public information. No price information will be released. PLEASE NOTE: No information will be released at the time of Technical Proposal closing. Interested vendors or their representatives may be present at the Cost Proposal Closing for announcements at the following location:

Kansas Division of Purchases

900 Jackson Street, Room 102N

Topeka, KS 66612 1286

Bid results will not be given to individuals over the telephone or email. Results may be obtained after CONTRACT finalization by obtaining a bid tabulation from the Division of Purchases by sending (do not include with either proposal):

A check for $3.00, payable to the State of Kansas;

A self-addressed, stamped envelope; and

The Bid Event ID Number.

Send to:

Kansas Division of Purchases

Attention: Bid Results/Copies

900 SW Jackson, Room 102N

Topeka, KS 66612-1286

Copies of individual proposals may be obtained at the appropriate time under the Kansas Open Records Act by sending an email to or calling 785-296-0002 to request an estimate of the cost to reproduce the documents and remitting that amount with a written request to the above address or a vendor may make an appointment by calling the above number to view the proposal file. Upon receipt of the funds, the documents will be mailed. Information in proposal files shall not be released until a CONTRACT has been executed or all proposals have been rejected.

1.5.22 Competition

The purpose of this RFP is to seek competition. The VENDOR shall advise the Division of Purchases if any specification, language, or other requirement inadvertently restricts or limits proposing to a single source. Notification shall be in writing and must be received by the Division of Purchases no later than five business days prior to the Technical Proposal Closing Date.

3.1.2 Submission Information

Technical Proposal Closing Date: January 31, 2012, 2:00 pm CT

Cost Proposal Closing Date: February 22, 2012, 2:00 pm CT

All copies of Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope or container. The outside shall be identified clearly as "Cost Proposal” or “Technical Proposal" with the Bid Event ID Number and the appropriate Closing Date.

The VENDOR’s proposal, sealed securely in an envelope or other container, shall be received no later than 2:00 p.m., Central Time, on the appropriate Closing Date, addressed as follows:

Kansas Division of Purchases

Bid Event ID Number EVT0001028

900 SW Jackson Street, Room 102-North

Topeka, KS 666121286

The Division of Purchases telephone number for courier delivery is 785-296-2373.

Proposals received prior to the respective Closing Date shall be kept secured and sealed until closing. The State shall not be responsible for the premature opening of a proposal or for the rejection of a proposal that was not received prior to the Closing Date and time because it was not properly identified on the outside of the envelope or container. Late Technical and/or Cost Proposals will not receive consideration. At the State’s option, such proposals will be retained unopened in the file or will be destroyed by the State at the State’s expense. Alternatively, the VENDOR may request the late proposals be returned at the VENDOR’s expense.

It is the VENDOR’s responsibility to ensure that proposals are received by the appropriate Closing Date and time. Delays in mail delivery or any other means of transmittal, including couriers or agents of the issuing entity shall not excuse late proposal submissions.

NOTICE: The State reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to adjust this schedule as it deems necessary.
1 / State Releases MCS RFP / November 8, 2011
2 / Pre-Bid Vendor Conference (Not Mandatory) / November 17, 2011
10:00 AM Central Time
3 / Deadline for Submitting Written Questions Requesting Clarifications / November 30, 2011
12:00 noon Central Time
4 / An Optional Pre-Bid with the State’s actuaries will be held on November 30, 2011: 11:00 – 1:00PM (CST) at the Eisenhower State Office Building, 700 SW Harrison, Auditorium B, Topeka, Kansas.
Conference Call Information:
1)  Dial-in: 866-620-7326
Conference Code: 2887443018 / November 30, 2011
11:00 AM Central Time
5 / Deadline for State to Post Final Responses to Written Questions / December 12, 2011
6 / A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference/Teleconference with the State’s actuaries at a date to be announced in mid to late December, 2011. / December 28, 2011
7 / Deadline for Submitting Follow-up Written Questions Requesting Clarifications / December 30, 2011
12:00 noon Central Time
8 / Deadline for State to Post Final Responses to Follow-up Written Questions and updates to the Data Book / January 13, 2012
9 / Deadline for State to Post Details / Ranges of Assumptions and LCE / January 26. 2012
10 / Final Actuarial Mandatory Prebid Conference January 31, 2012: 9:30AM – 3:30PM(CST) at the SRS Learning Center, Room A and B, 2600 SW East Circle Drive South, 2nd & MacVicar, Topeka, Kansas 66606
Conference Call Information:
1)  Dial-in: 866-620-7326
Conference Code: 2887443018 / January 31, 2012
11 / Technical Proposal Submission Deadline (RFP Technical Closing Date) / January 31, 2012
2:00 pm Central Time
12 / Cost Proposal Submission Deadline (RFP Cost Closing Date) / February 22, 2012
2:00 pm Central Time
13 / Division of Purchases notifies vendors selected for further negotiations. / March 23, 2012
14 / Vendors submit evidence that 50% of provider network is in place. / March 30, 2012
15 / Face-to-face negotiations with selected vendors begin. / April 3, 2012
16 / Final questions and instructions are sent to vendors. / April 9, 2011
17 / Due date for vendors’ answers and revised offers / April 16, 2012
18 / Intent to award and draft contract are sent to selected vendors. / May 18, 2012
19 / Final negotiations or terms and conditions are completed. / June 15, 2012
20 / Final contract is sent to Contractors for signature / June 22, 2012
21 / Signed contracts are due from Contractors / June 29, 2012
22 / Signed contracts are sent to CMS for approval / June 29, 2012
23 / Receive CMS approval / August 29, 2012
24 / Contractors are notified of CMS approval and begin work on first deliverables / August 30, 2012
25 / Contractor deliverables (provider contracts, beneficiary booklets, etc.), are received for review and approval. Contractor works on providers network development and with the fiscal agent to develop and test all of the necessary interfaces (rosters, providers files, encounter data, RA, TPL info) / September 21, 2012
26 / Contractors must submit evidence that 90% of provider network is in place / October 12, 2012
27 / Contractors must have 90% of implementation activities finalized. / October 12, 2012
28 / 100% of implementation activities are finalized. / November 16, 2012
29 / Notifications and enrollment options are sent to beneficiaries. / November 28, 2012
30 / Old MCO Contracts Expire / December 31, 2012
12:00 Midnight Central Time
31 / New Contracts take Effect and Services Rendered Under New CONTRACT(S) / January 1, 2013
12:00:01 AM Central Time

A signed copy of this Amendment must be submitted with your bid. If your bid response has been returned, submit this Amendment by the closing date indicated above.

I (We) have read and understand this amendment and agree it is a part of my (our) bid response.




Amendment Number 7 EVT0001028 was recently posted to the Division of Purchases Internet website. The bid document can be downloaded by going to the following website:

It is the vendor's responsibility to monitor the Procurement and Contract’s website on a regular basis for any changes/amendment(s).