Area Action Plans, once adopted by the forum shall be up-dated regularly. Updated Version will be put on Stirling Council Website and hard copies will be distributed to Forum members every two years

Rural South West Area Community Planning Forum Aims to:
  • Bring together representatives from all 12-community areas (Arnprior, Balfron, Buchanan, Buchlyvie, Carron Valley & District, Croftamie, Drymen, Fintry, Gargunnock, Killearn, Kippen, and Strathblane) to formulate, agree action plans related to specific topics identified by these communities.
  • Influence service design and delivery.
  • Influence budgetary decision making process.

Action Plans from the Rural South West Forum feed into the Community Planning Partnerships Single Outcome Agreement (SOA). Community Planning is about public organisations working with citizens to improve public services in their area. It’s also about combining resources and skills to tackle major issues such as health, transport, employment, housing, education, and community safety. As these topics cover the work of more than one organisation, they need a shared response, not only from public sector agencies but also from local businesses, voluntary organisations and citizens. Stirling Council has a duty to bring together organisations and citizens to identify the needs of our area, and to co-ordinate actions to meet those needs. Community Planning puts the citizen at the heart of service delivery. Citizens are invited to take part in all aspects of Community Planning, including participating on working groups.
The Forum is open to representatives from community organisations, including community councils, community development trusts, youth groups, village hall committees and other community groups.

Stirling SOA Strategic Topic

/ Rural South West Action Plan Priority / PROGRESS
Strategic Topic 2:- Making Stirling a place with jobs and opportunities for all / Rural South West Priorities
  • To achieve a range of additional affordable housing to help meet the housing needs.
  • Affordable housing will be delivered through a partnership of house builders, developers and housing associations with the assistance of public subsidy and the planning system.
  • To be able to provide and improve access and choice of housing to meet the needs of the community, especially to those in most need.
  • To solve problems and invigorate communities by working in partnership with all local people to improve their neighbourhoods and making them a safer, cleaner and better place to live and work.
  • Design of housing, to encourage sustainable living, including Sheltered Housing
  • To provide well-maintained comfortable homes with modern facilities in safe and pleasant neighbourhoods
/ Up-date from Strategic Housing implementatin plan (SHIP) The priorities listed in this SHIP are consistent with previous SHIPs and with the Local Housing Strategy. For the next three years, the priorities will continue to be i) Pressured areas ii) Regeneration areas iii)Market renewal and other areas
Rural Stirling Housing Association (RSHA): The RSHA priorities are to develop in both Stirling Rural and the National Park and on sites that are ‘deliverable’. Over the coming three years, these are completing the site at Doune, which is starting on site this year, responding to a developer opportunity in Drymen and responding to clearly identified housing needs in Callander and Fintry.
Stirling Council : The new house building programme of a further 124 units over the next three years is well set. The programme covers all three sub-areas (Stirling Core 82; Stirling Rural 29;National Park 13). The programme includes an additional 30 units to those already approved over the plan period. The specific locations sites are presently being finalised.

Adaptations As part of the SHIP, Scottish Government has asked the Council to estimate the funding required for what they refer to as ‘medical adaptations’ by Registered Social Landlords (previously referred to as Stage 3 Adaptations). In 2012/13, grant funding required by the three local Registered Social Landlords has been estimated at £104k and amongst the other Registered Social Landlord s operating in the Stirling Council area at £123k. In total £751k is estimated to be required over the plan period. These sums are in addition to the Council’s annual expenditure on adaptations across all sectors of over £1m. They are critical if the Council and its partners are to respond to the shift in the balance of care which puts greater emphasis on people staying in their own homes.

Future priorities : The Council and the National Park have a significant number of further sites on which they are hoping to encourage the development of affordable housing in order to meet the priorities identified in the HNDA. One of the Council’s priorities is likely to be contributing to the funding the affordable housing element of the planned redevelopment of the site of the former Stirling Royal Infirmary.

Strategic Topic 3 –
– Making Stirling a place where lifelong learning is valued and encouraged / South West Priorities
  • Improved play areas
  • Decrease vandalism
  • Increase Nursery facilities
  • Increase After School facilities
  • Increase facilities for young people
  • Community Worker (Youth) post
/ Youth Services- Sarah Winstone has moved onto new pastures. For up-date on youth service provision and priorities please contact Clare Fisher, 01786 442975 or email
Balfron Learning Communities – attached synopsis of 28th February meeting attached.
Strategic Topic 4 -Making Stirling a place where improved wellbeing adds life to years, not just years to life / South West Priorities
  • Need to plan for residential or supported care for increasing elderly population
  • Need for joined up services
  • More information needed on available services
  • More flexible services
/ The next PPF meeting is on Wednesday 20th June 2012, incorporating topic What happens if you complain? Addressing Health Inn-equalities and up-date on community hospital. Future meetings on 19th September incorporate topic Dental Services and up-date on travel; 14th November topic includes Reshaping Care to older people services and up-date on community hospital.
For more information, please contact Jesse Anne Malcolm
Public Partnership Forum Development Co-ordinator, Falkirk Royal Infirmary Headquarters, Westburn Avenue, Falkirk, FK1 5SU. Tel: 01324 614660, 0845 130 3714 (local rate) or mobile 0776 699 4969 E-mail:
Strategic Topic 5 – Making Stirling a place with safe, strong & resilient communities / Proactively act to detect and deter travelling criminals who are entering this policing area. / PACT report provided.
Strategic Topic 6 - Making Stirling a place with high quality environment / South West Priorities
Promote care and respect for the environment
Protect landscape and water ways
Enforce dog fouling penalties
Tackle litter and fly tipping. / A major studies for the Campsies and the Kilpatricks Hills have been carried out, funded through the Central Scotland Green Network. The lead organisation are keen to encourage and support community engagement with neighbouring communities. The Kilpatrick Hills CSGN Study sets out a plan for realising a range of tangible benefits for the area. The long-list projects were refined to a short list of six projects, which are described in more detail in the full rpeort. Some projects represent a combination of ideas contained in the long list. The selected projects represent an initial application of the strategy on the ground, and include consideration of forward links to potential follow on work. The detailed projects are Communications strategy; Car parking improvements; Linking native woodlands; Hedgerow improvements; Link footpath from Mugdock Country Park to Balloch Country Park; Ride and walk access improvements. If a representative from interested communities and/or forum would like to participate, please contact Robert Hunter, 01786 442751 or email
Strategic Theme A – Making Better Services /


Full spend of Council allocation for roads
Balance urban and rural roads expenditure
Change prioritisation of road spend, particularly in relation to key roads
Better co-ordination of road works
Improve quality of road repairs
Improve road edge condition
Improve Road Drainage
Improve road markings
Reduction in speeding
Full Road Appraisal.
All key roads appraised.
Increase efficiency of road gritting
Improve quality of pavements
Increase parking capacity / Roads Service have advised the gritter drivers don't take the vehicles home due to them being on a rota, this means that two drivers are on standby per each gritting route each day. This is that we comply with the driving regulations. They are unaware of any incident where the driver was unable to access the depot.
Strategic Theme B – Making Stirling a place where participation & responsibility are encouraged /

South West Priorities

ACPF identifies and addresses the needs of community / Community representatives continue to promote and feedback to respective communities and organisations.

Outcomes for Stirling –

Work on the development of the next Single Outcome Agreement has started. As part of what is being called ’Outcomes for Stirling’, the Communities Team will be organising a survey at the end of May to gather evidence on community priorities. This will be followed by a series of participatory workshops with community representatives from the Rural South West on Tuesday 19th June 7.00 pm – 9.00pm at Balfron Campus to discuss the results of the survey and agree community priorities for the new Outcome Agreement. For more information, please contact

Public Entertainment License

Stirling Council wants to hear from local organisations, community and voluntary groups or anyone who may be affected by the recent change in legislation covering the licensing of public entertainment. For more information please Comments on the above proposal are welcome and should be sent, no later than Friday 1 June 2012, in writing to: Licensing, Economy, Planning and Regulation. Room 229, Viewforth, Stirling, FK8 2ET or by email to:


RSWF- Progress Report May 2012