Mrs. Epperley’s General Chemistry Class Rules, Expectations, and General Information
School Phone #: 757-923-4101
School email:
Blog Page: http:/
Class Rules
1. NO eating in the classroom, water is the only beverage allowed!!!!!
2. Class instruction begins at the tardy bell time.
3. Be in your seat prepared to work at the tardy bell time.
4. Bring all required materials to class daily.
5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
6. Do not interrupt me or others when talking. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
7. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to move around.
8. Be respectful of others and of school properties.
9. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
10. Keep all book bags, bags, and purses on the floor.
11. Dress appropriately (follow dress code)
12. Remove all head coverings (hats, do-rags, wave caps, scarves, etc.)
13. Cell phones and IPADs (or similar devices) are only permitted when the teacher tells you to take them out.
15. All school policies will be enforced.
Required Materials
3-ring binder/s (2 inch) Highlighters
Four notebook dividers 200 Index cards (3 x 5)
Notebook paper Index card box (to hold cards)
Graph paper 1 subject (70 pages) spiral notebook for labs
Blue or black pens Scientific/graphing calculator (home use)
#2 pencils
Notebook should be divided into four sections. First section First Nine Weeks, second section Second Nine Weeks, third section, Third Nine Weeks, and fourth section Fourth Nine Weeks.
All graded assignments are to be written in pencil, black ink, or blue ink, only.
Notes may be written in pencil or pen. You are responsible for getting notes when absent.
Laboratory work
1. For a safe and effective lab environment, ALL rules and procedures must be carefully followed.
2. No exceptions are allowed.
3. Only sit at lab tables during labs!!
4. Horseplay is NOT tolerated. (Horseplay will cause student/s to receive a zero for the lab grade.)
5. Bring all necessary materials (lab procedures, data tables and pencil and/or pen.)
6. Be prepared to carry out the lab through reading and studying the lab procedures and notes. Before the lab, a quiz may be given on the lab procedure prior to the beginning of the lab.
7. Dress appropriately for the labs including wearing proper shoes (closed toe shoes i.e. tennis shoes are the best). I recommend that students keep these in their lockers at all times. All other shoes are not allowed. If the student does not have the appropriate shoes on during lab, he/she will receive a zero for the lab grade.
Projects (Count as a test grade)
There will be a project First Nine Weeks, Second Nine Weeks, and Third Nine Weeks.
1. Homework will be checked. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN TO GET CREDIT. Include your name, date, and assignment title, and block in the upper right hand corner of your paper.
2. Homework is due the next class period, if you don’t have it, a zero will be assigned for the grade.
3. If someone is copying from someone else’s paper, both students will receive a zero for their grade.
4. Homework is to be kept in the correct nine weeks section of your notebook.
Class work
1. Papers must include your name, date, block, and assignment title in the upper right hand corner.
2. Work must be neat and legible. This includes paper with ragged edges. If I cannot read it, it is wrong.
3. If someone is copying from someone else’s paper, both students will receive a zero for their grade.
If you are absence, you are responsible for getting your make-up work and turning it in within 5 school days. Applies only to assignment/s given on the day absent (including tests and quizzes)
Bathroom Passes
Each student will have three bathroom passes for each nine weeks. My class information is important and you should not miss it. Passes are for emergencies only. Remember you have 5 minutes between classes so use your time wisely.
I will be available on Thursdays from 3:00-3:30. Other times by appointment only.
No games or programs are to be placed on school calculators. It is recommended that you have a scientific or graphing calculator at home for completing homework. You will be assigned a number and you are responsible for returning the calculator in working condition at the end of each block. In the event I am absent, the graphing calculators will not be made available by a substitute.
All school policies will be enforced.
Detach and please return this paper to Mrs. Epperley by the next class block.
Mrs. D. Epperley’s General Chemistry Rules and Expectations
Printed Student Name ______
Printed Parent’s/Guardian’s Name(s) ______
I have read and understand the class rules and expectations. Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Epperley. The first page should be the first page in the student’s notebook to use as a reference.
Student Signature Parent Signature
Parent email______Phone______
Cell phone______
Best way to contact you, please check one:
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Note via student
Do you have Home Access Center? (circle one) YES NO
Please note any issues or general information that I may need to know to allow me to better serve your child’s educational needs.