Initial Environmental Review (IER)

for UAS Test Sites

Operator: Griffiss IAP/NUAIR/Cornell Cornell/Cooperative Extension

Test Site Location: CCE 1, Genesee County, NY N430607, W0780708

(Also provide a complete list of preparers for the IER in Section XI, below.)


This initial environmental review provides basic information about the planned activities to assist in determining the potential for adverse environmental effects from UAS operations for the above referenced Test Site, and can assist in identifying and implementing possible mitigations or adverse impact prevention actions. This review includes information in several categories that are found in FAA Order 1050.1E, “Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures,” which may be needed for preparation of further environmental documentation as referenced in the Screening Information Request (SIR) document: Are there any anticipated environmental issues caused by the Test Site (including local/State jurisdiction)? If anticipated, what is the likelihood that an environmental assessment is needed and can be completed within 180 days of OTA award? No anticipated issues.

Note: SIR references are included to assist in locating information that you may have already researched, prepared, and submitted as part of the SIR process.

I.  Project Description - Describe the proposed project with sufficient detail in terms that are understandable to individuals who are not familiar with aviation or commercial aerospace activities. (See FAA Order 1050.1E, paragraph 405b.)

SIR references: Describe how the proposed airspace will support the research goals identified in What are the planned types of operational elements such as UAS platform(s), flight paths, altitudes, loitering areas, types of maneuvers, launch and recovery process, maritime capability, and climatic diversity (if any), and UAS performance characteristics such as speeds, e.g., supersonic, subsonic, very slow <90kts, etc.

The airspace overlies agricultural fields owned by one farmer, whose approval for this test has been received. UAS platform will be PrecisionHawk Lancaster electric fixed wing aircraft, using pre-programmed autonomous flight profile, 400 feet AGL and below. Flights will launch and recover by Radio Control procedures, be 45 minutes or less, stay within 1 mile of the operator, and fly at 28 mph or less. What is the anticipated number of concurrent UAS operations within the Test Site (maximum, median, and average per frequency of use)? Based on the size of the range(s), does this meet requirements for planned concurrent operations to support proposed research? One UAS operation at a time. What are the proposed hours/days/seasons/frequency of operations?

0800 – 1800 EDT, Mon-Fri, Spring-Fall

A.  Attach copy of the most recent Activity Plan, Flight Planning Guide, or other similar planning and project description document. Include a brief overview of the UAS mission(s) objectives and description. (See OTA.)

B.  Has airspace modeling been conducted using SDAT, TAAM, TARGETS, or other airspace/air traffic design tool? _ Yes Model: ______X _ No

If yes, provide a summary of the output from the modeling.

C.  If operations are currently being conducted within the Test Site, please describe in full detail. Attach chart(s) depicting the current operations. Describe:

1.  Type of UAS aircraft flown (fixed-wing or rotorcraft, name, MGTW, wingspan, landing speed

2.  The number of UAS operations flown within Test Site in an annual average day (AAD) (indicate number of operations between the hours of 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. (daytime) and between 10:00 p.m.−7:00 a.m. (nighttime) local

3.  Average altitude(s) flown along each route

a.  Do any of these operations occur below 3,000 feet above ground level (AGL)?

_ Yes _ No

b.  What is the lowest altitude of these operations?

D.  Describe the planned activity within the Test Site, attaching chart(s) depicting the activities. Describe: Operations will begin with COA approval and subsequent approval of follow on requirements. Chart attached.

1.  Type of UAS aircraft flown (fixed-wing or rotorcraft, name, MGTW, wingspan, landing speed): ): PrecisionHawk Lancaster, fixed wing, 5.5 lbs. MGTW, 60” wingspan, 16 mph landing speed.

2.  The number of UAS operations to be flown within Test Site in an annual average day (AAD) (indicate number of operations between the hours of 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. (daytime) and between 10:00 p.m.−7:00 a.m. (nighttime) local). ). 5 – 6 Daylight operations. No night time operations.

3.  Average altitude(s) flown along each route Average altitude is 300’ AGL.

a.  Will any of these operations occur below 3,000 feet above ground level (AGL)?

X_ Yes _ No

b.  What is the lowest altitude of these operations? 200’ except for launch/recovery.

4.  Has noise screening been conducted using an FAA−approved noise screening methodology (AEM, NST, TARGETS Plug-In, etc.)? If so, attach a copy of the results. No screening has been conducted. Small electric motor is very quiet.

5.  Has noise analysis been performed using an FAA−approved noise model (INM, AEDT, etc.)? If so, attach a summary of the results. No.

II.  Purpose and Need - Identify the problem facing the proponent (that is, the need for an action), the purpose of the action (that is, the proposed solution to the problem), and the proposed timeframe for implementing the action. The purpose and need for the proposed action must be clearly justified and stated in terms that are understandable to individuals who are not familiar with aviation or commercial aerospace activities. (See FAA Order 1050.1E, paragraph 405c.)

SIR references: What are the research goals and objectives for the proposed UAS Test Site? Provide the Airspace Use Plan that describes how you will safely integrate UAS into the NAS. Flight ops will remain 400’ AGL and below, and remain within visual line of sight. Flight schedule will be posted to FAA 1 week in advance. Airspace NOTAM will be issued for each flight day.

A.  Describe the purpose and need for the proposed project. If detailed background information is available, summarize here and provide a copy as an attachment to this review.

B.  What operational/economic/environmental benefits will result if this project is implemented?

III.  Affected Environment - Describe the existing environmental conditions of the potentially affected geographic area(s). Include the following, if appropriate:

1.  Maps and photographs

2.  Land uses and zoning

3.  Population estimates and other relevant demographic information

(See FAA Order 1050.1E, paragraph 405e.)

SIR references: airspace definition and characterization unique characteristics of the proposed location (i.e. terrain, prevailing weather conditions; proximity to water; environmental factors affecting ground and airspace) existing… Test Site infrastructure for conducting the proposed research traffic density and mix within the proposed and surrounding Test Site Airspace surface characteristics underlying the proposed airspace,

A.  Provide a description of the existing land use and airspace in the vicinity of the proposed project. Predominately agriculture land use under Class G airspace.

B.  Will the proposed project introduce air traffic over noise sensitive areas not now affected?

_ Yes X_ No

If yes, will they be affected to a _ greater or _ lesser extent?

Note: An area is noise sensitive if aircraft noise may interfere with the normal activities associated with the use of the land. See FAA Order 1050.1E for full definition of noise sensitive areas.

C.  Are wildlife refuge/management areas within the affected area of the proposed project?

_ Yes X_ No

If so, has there been any communication with the appropriate wildlife management regulatory (federal or state) agencies to determine if endangered or protected species inhabit the area?

_ Yes _ No

1.  At what altitude would aircraft overfly these habitats?

2.  During what times of the day would operations be more/less frequent?

D.  Are there cultural or scenic resources, of national, state, or local significance, such as national parks, outdoor amphitheaters, or stadiums in the affected area? _ Yes X_ No

If so, during what time(s) of the day would operations occur that may impact these areas?

E.  Has there been communication with air quality regulatory agencies to determine if the affected area is a non−attainment area (an area which exceeds the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, lead, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, or nitrogen dioxide) or maintenance area (an area which was in non−attainment but subsequently upgraded to an attainment area) concerning air quality? _ Yes X_ No

If yes, please explain:

F.  Are there WUS (waters of the United States), reservoirs or other public water supply systems within the Test Site area? X _ Yes _ No

If yes, identify all WUS and public water supplies. 3 small streams run thru the test area.

IV.  Potential Environmental ConsequencesDescribe any reasonably foreseeable environmental consequences of the planned activities. The description of environmental impacts must respond to substantive issues and provide sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether your activities would qualify for a CATEX, environmental assessment, or environmental impact statement. (See FAA Order 1050.1E, paragraph 405f and Appendix A.)

Note: Refer to FAA Order 1050.1E, Appendix A, for details on what information to consider and review to determine the impact your activities will have on each impact category. If the impact category will not be impacted by the planned UAS activities, affirmatively state this and provide support for the assertion.

SIR references: Describe plans for community education and outreach to inform the local communities of activities to address concerns for noise, and other environmental issues. Describe plans for evaluating environment effects, such as airport traffic patterns, instrument flight procedures, helicopter ingress and/or egress routes, and noise considerations. Describe how any unique characteristics of the proposed location (e.g., terrain; prevailing weather conditions; proximity to water; environmental factors affecting ground and airspace) are factors for achieving the research goals identified in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance

A description that reflects the Applicant’s understanding of how the completed environmental studies will achieve the research goals and objectives identified in Section Do environmental studies (NEPA compliance) exist for the entire volume of the proposed Test Site? If yes, provide a copy of the each of the studies as an attachment. If no, are any studies in process? Are there any anticipated environmental issues caused by the Test Site (including local/State jurisdiction)? If anticipated, what is the likelihood that an environmental assessment is needed and can be completed within 180 days of OTA award? None anticipated.

A.  Air Quality – Disclose the potentially significant impact of a proposed action on the attainment and maintenance of air quality standards established by law or administrative determination. Refer to FAA Order 1050.1E, Appendix A, Section 2. Describe how the proposed airspace will support the research goals identified in What are the planned types of operational elements such as UAS platform(s), flight paths, altitudes, loitering areas, types of maneuvers, launch and recovery process, maritime capability, and climatic diversity (if any), and UAS performance characteristics such as speeds, e.g., supersonic, subsonic, very slow <90kts, etc. The airspace overlies agricultural fields owned by one farmer, whose approval for this test has been received. UAS platform will be PrecisionHawk Lancaster electric fixed wing aircraft, using pre-programmed autonomous flight profile, 400 feet AGL and below. Flights will launch and recover by Radio Control procedures, be 45 minutes or less, stay within 1 mile of the operator, and fly at 28 mph or less. What is the anticipated number of concurrent UAS operations within the Test Site (maximum, median, and average per frequency of use)? No concurrent ops.

Based on the size of the range(s), does this meet requirements for planned concurrent operations to support proposed research? What are the proposed hours/days/seasons/frequency of operations? 0800-1800, Mon-Fri, Spring-Fall (mixed aircraft operations) None. Population density: Confirming that none of the proposed airspace overlies any congested areas identified on FAA VFR Sectional charts. Airspace is over privately owned single farm.

B.  Coastal Resources - Identify lands included in the Coastal Barriers Resources Act (CBRA), system and potentially affected coastal zone management (CZM) program areas. Refer to FAA Order 1050.1E, Appendix A, Section 3. None.

SIR references: Underlying waterways/bodies of water: Identifying and considering special provisions for airspace overlying any heavily utilized large bodies of water or waterways within a 10NM radius of the proposed airspace. None.

C.  Compatible Land Use – Disclose the compatibility of existing and planned land uses in the vicinity of the test site. Refer to FAA Order 1050.1E, Appendix A, Section 4.

SIR references: and Federal and Tribal lands None. Population density: Confirming that none of the proposed airspace overlies any congested areas identified on FAA VFR Sectional charts. None. Major interstate highways; heavily travelled roads to be avoided by UAS flight operations None. Public venues None. Stadiums with seating capacity of 30,000 or more None. Underlying waterways/bodies of water None.

D.  Construction Impacts – Identify the potential type and nature of any construction and measures to be taken to minimize potential adverse effects. Refer to FAA Order 1050.1E, Appendix A, Section 5. None.

SIR references: If applicable, describe mitigation plans and identify resources for conducting Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) operating procedures. N/A. (existing and planned Test Site infrastructure). N/A. Future airport construction within the next five years N/A.

E.  Department of Transportation Act: Section 4(f) – Identify potential impacts to any publicly owned land from a public park, recreation area, or wildlife and waterfowl refuge of national, State, or local significance or land from an historic site of national, State, or local significance as determined by the officials having jurisdiction thereof. Refer to FAA Order 1050.1, Appendix A, Section 6. None.

SIR references: and Federal and Tribal lands None. Public venues: Identifying major public venues to be avoided when populated. None. Stadiums with seating capacity of 30,000 or more None.

F.  Farmlands – Identify potential impacts on agricultural production within the test site area; compatibility with State, local, and private programs and policies to protect farmland; any disruption of the farming community either as a direct result of the construction or by changes in land use associated with the action. Refer to FAA Order 1050.1, Appendix A, Section 7.