PAPER TITLE (font Cambria, capitals, size 18, maximum 2 rows, entire paper has single spacing)
J. Z. Author & F. J. Kaiser. regular font, font size 14
Tunnelling company, Capital, Country italics, font size 12
B. Autor
Tunnelling company, Capital, Country
ABSTRACT: To ensure a unified style for the entire Proceedings, please prepare your paper exactly according to the instructions provided below. To help you in paper preparation templates are available in English and Portuguese in the formats *.docx. We call your attention to the fact that the printed Proceedings will include only the “Field for Paper Title, author and affiliation” and the “Field for abstract”. Therefore use the “Field for Abstract” so that the reader is provided with full information about your paper and can find the details on the electronic midia attached to the printed Proceedings. The recommended number of words for the “Field Abstract”, is less than 300.


The titles are left aligned. In style 1. TITLE, HEADING 1 two empty rows are set (24 p.) above and one row below text (12 p.). Neither Titles nor first rows of the text following the Title are indented.

1.1subchapter title (bold font, second level titles are numbered with respect to the first level titles, style 1.1 title 2, heading 2, left aligned)

Subchapter text format 1.1 title 2, heading 2 is arranged in one column, 18.7cm (7.36") wide. All text should be in font Cambria 12 points, row height 13 points. Spacing between rows is exact. Never add space between rows and paragraphs. (Style Normal, full justification).When heading 2 is used just beneath heading 1, 7 pt spacing should be adopted only before heading 2, this can be done manualy in the tab "Page Layout", by selecting heading 1 and altering the spacing after from 13 pt to 0 pt and then, selecting Heading 2 and altering the spacing before from 20 pt to 7 pt.

1.1.1Subchapter title (regular font, third level titles are numbered with respect to the first and second level titles, style, left aligned. Do not use lower level of titles in the paper.).

Subchapter text format 1.1.1 Title 3, heading 2 is arranged in one column, 18.7cm (7.36") wide. All text should be in font Cambria 12 points, spacing between rows 13 points. Spacing between rows is exact. Never add space between rows and paragraphs. (Style Normal, full justification)

2Additional instructions for writing the paper

2.1work start

Name the file as follows: first – last name of the first author, the next word in the paper name will be the first word of the paper title, e.g. for this paper: “AuthorPaper.doc(x)”). Now you can start writing your paper or copy your older version of the paper into this new formatted one.

The paper is submitted in one of the Microsoft Word formats (doc, docx) and in the pdf format. It is recommended that the full paper does not exceed ten (10) pages.

2.2figures and charts

The figure caption is in the form “Figure 1: Title of First Figure” and is positioned below the figure, style Figure caption – space between the figure and text is a part of the style Figure. The row with the figure after the application of the style Figure is aligned in the centre of the page. The figure may not be wrapped by text.

Figure 1: Place the caption below the figure. Insert only original photographs (when using the *.jpg format with a resolution of 300 dpi). Always use the style “Figure caption” (size 10 with row height 11 points). Write in the following manner: ‘Figure 1 (Figure 1). Caption.’ Leave one empty row between the figure caption and the following text of the paper.


The table is indented from the left and right margin of the text field by 0.5 cm minimum and is centre aligned. The text must a reference to the table. Title is in the form “Table 1: Table example”, (style “Table caption”) and is placed above the table, is left aligned and has a space before the paragraph of 9 points and after the paragraph 3 points. The text following the table (either a continuation of the text by a new paragraph or a new title) is set with a space of 12 points before the paragraph, which is a part of the style Table. In the text of the single cells font Calibri 10 points is used. Text in cells may be bolded or in italics (e.g. column or row titles) and aligned as needed. Place the table close to the first reference in text and number them as they follow each other. Avoid abbreviations in the column headings. Designate units already in the second row below the heading. Centre align all headings in columns and start the headings by a capital letter. It is worth to switch on from the tab “Home” the function “Display all”. For an example see Table 1.

Table 1: Table example


Use equation editor of the used text editing software. Equations are not indented from the margins of the text field (the style for equations is Formula). Spaces before and after an equation are 6 points, to the right of the formula next to the right margin is its number in parentheses. The paragraph containing the equation is centre aligned for the equation.

Number the equations as they follow and place the number by tabulator at the end of the row, in parentheses. Reference the equations by these numbers. For an example see Equation (1) below:

From the above we see that sin  = (x + y)z or:


where k0 = reaction modulus, ro = tunnel radius, Е = modulus of elasticity; o = Poisson number

For simple equations in text always use upper and lower index. Do not use the equation editor within the text on a single row.

3citations of sources of information, symbols anD units

The used citations of information sources are in the Harvard system. If cited in the text and referenced to the entire paper: Cording (1991) describes underground construction, or if we reference to a part of a paper: Chambon (1994, p. 1155) assumes that . . . If the name of the author is not directly referenced in the text, then the following types of citations are used: one author (Cording, 1991), two authors (Chambon and Corte 1994), several authors (Zienkiewicz et al. 2013), the author is an organization (ITA 2015).

It is very important to maintain a uniform style. Note spaces, punctuation and capitals in the following examples.

References in text: Fig. 1, Figures 2-4, 6, 8a, b (not abbreviation).

References in parentheses: (Fig. 1), (Figures 2-4, 6, 8a, b).

USA / UK / Netherlands / the Netherlands instead of U.S.A. / U.K. / The Netherlands.

Author & Author (1989) instead of Author and Author (1989).

(Author 1989a, b, Author & Author 1987) instead of (Author, 1989a,b; Author and Author, 1987).

(Author et al. 1989) instead of (Author, Author & Author 1989).

Always use the official SI system:

kg / m / kJ / mm instead of kg. (Kg) / m. / kJ. (KJ) / mm.

20°1632SW instead of 20° 16 32 SW.

0.50 Instead of 0,50 (used in French texts); 9000 instead of 9,000, if greater than 10,000: 10,000 instead of 10000.

14C instead of C14 / C-14 and BP / BC / AD instead of B.P. / B.C. / A.D.

× 20 instead of ×20 / X20 / x 20; 4 + 5 > 7 instead of 4+5>7 but –8 / +8 instead of – 8 / + 8.

e.g. / i.e. instead of e.g., / i.e.

Use the following note signs: *, **, †, †† etc., place the note directly below the table.


The title CONCLUSION (Titles of level 1 are bolded in capitals, size 14 and style 1. TITLE, HEADING 1, the title is left aligned). The text format of “CONCLUSION” is arranged in one column, 18.7cm (7.36") wide. All text should be in font Cambria 12 points, row height 13 points. Spacing between rows is exact. Never add space between rows and paragraphs. (Style Normal, full justification)

5acknowledgements (Bold, capitals)

The text format of “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” is arranged in one column, 18.7cm (7.36") wide. All text should be in font Cambria 12 points, row height 13 points. Spacing between rows is exact. Never add space between rows and paragraphs. (Style Normal, full justification)

REFERENCES (bold, capitals, style REFERENCE HEADING 12 points)

At the end provide a list of all references in alphabetical order under the heading REFERENCES. The sources are listed alphabetically according to the authors or institutions, the form of citations is according to the standard ISO 960. At the end of the citation is a full stop. If several papers of the same author are cited, they are ordered chronologically. Style “Reference text”.

[1]ZIENKIEWICZ, O.C.; TAYLOR, R.L.; ZHU, J.Z.The Finite element method, its basis and fundamentals; 7th Edition, Butterwort-Heinemann, 2013. (Book reference).

[2]CHAMBON, J.F.; CORTE, J.F.; Shallow tunnels in cohesionless soil: stability of tunnel face; Journal of Geotechnical EngineeringASCE Vol 120, No 7, July 1994, pp. 1150-1163. (Citation of a paper).

[3]CORDING, E.J.; Control of ground movements around tunnels in soil, General Report; 9th Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 1991. (Citation from the Conference Proceedings).

[4]ITA AITES home page, [on-line], 2015. (Web pages).

6final deadline

Your paper should reach the publisher before the deadline for submittal – by October 30, 2016.