Subject: World War 1; St Michael’s and BedfordPark
Learning Objectives:
To understand and learn about how WW1 affected the people of SMAAA and BedfordPark.
What the human cost to the locality was and how we can learn about the individuals and their stories.
How pupils can use these transferable skills to undertake their own research.
NC Link:
gain historical perspective by placing growing knowledge into different contexts: understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history / QCA Unit Link:
QCA History 17 / Cross Curricular Link:
- History
- Literacy
- RE
Resources (including ICT):
- Paper and Pens/Pencils and Clipboards
- WW1 Worksheet (provided by SMAAA)
- Resources Sheets (provided by SMAAA)
- Presentation (provided by SMAAA)
- Access to computers and the internet to undertake their own research
Lesson 1:
- Take a brass rubbing from one of the memorial’s, get pupil’s to think about how we can use this.
- Draw a rough map of the area and mark out important places; e.g. the church, the memorials, the houses etc.
- Take Notes from the presentation.
- Make a tick list (using the worksheet from lesson 1 as an example) of what they need to find out.
- Create a visual display of what has been learnt,e.g. a montage of photos, paintings, poems etc.
Lesson 1:
- Fill additional information onto the worksheet in the appropriate areas.
- What can be learnt from the surroundings?
- Draw a rough map of the area and mark out important places; e.g. the church, the outside memorials, the houses etc.
- Order the information chronologically.
- Take Notes from the presentation.
- What useful links can the pupils find that will aid their own research.
- Plan how to order the research.
- Use the same research tools to learn about the pupils own families during WW1.
Key Questions:
- What is the area we are looking at?
- What is the timeframe we are concentrating on?
- Who are we investigating?
- How can we find out information about these people?
- What will we do with the information we discover?
- Research
- Investigate
- Memorial
- Locality
- Remembrance
Opportunities for Assessment:
- Have any or all of the learning objectives been achieved?
- Do the children know what their learning outcomes have been?
- Have the children been observed to stretch out of their comfort zone to present the information learnt in an interesting way?
Shared Whole Class Work: Timing:
Lesson 1:Visit to SMAAA & BedfordPark 60-90 Minutes
- Initial talk and display at the church, introducing the topic and giving a brief overview of what we are trying to achieve.
- Tour of church and memorials inside and outside the church, highlighting plaques and anything that might provide information.
- Tour to some homes (outside only) of some of those on the memorial and discover what has changed/not changed in the last 100 years.
- Each pupil to fill out the worksheet provided.
- Presentation (Part 1) to the class showing the background stories of specific names from the memorials.
- Presentation (Part 2) to the class showing how the information was researched and how the pupils can undertake their own research.
- What has been learnt since the previous visit?
- What do the pupils have to show us? Display/ presentations/ PowerPoint/poems/diaries?
- What can be done, going forward, with the information the class has obtained?
Guided/Independent Work: Timing: To be set by teacher.
- Mind map what information has been discovered about one individual. Put their name in the centre and what has been learnt about their family, address, worship, schooling, service record, death?
- Draw a map of BedfordPark with appropriate landmarks detailing what has been learnt about the individuals studied.
- Create a fictional diary about one of the names on the memorial incorporating any real information.
- Complete any of the differentiation tasks.
Plenary: Timing: 60 minutes
- Lesson 3 is the Plenary to these sessions. The pupils are being given an opportunity to show what they have learnt and to put the information into a format that suits them.
- What personal targets have they met?
- How could they have extended themselves?
- sequence some of the events in the unit; gather information from a limited range of evidence for these events; talk about their findings
- recognise that different types of evidence for the events in the unit tell us different things; use dates and technical vocabulary accurately when sequencing events; communicate their findings through written narrative
Tassy Russell, St Michael and All Angels Church