SECTION-1 PKI Installation…………………………………………………… page - 2

SECTION-2 Procedure for Log-in using PKI eToken………………. page - 4

SECTION-3 Verification of E-token and IE settings………………… page - 7

(If unable to login after installation and IE settings)


PKI Installation

1. Install the EXE file from CD

eToken Model / E-Mudra
Step A / Insert CD to CD drive
Step B / Install etoken drivers. (Or Click on Installation EXE in CD and install eToken drivers.)
Step C / In the CD, right click the chain certificate and install (separate CD)

2. Restart the system

3. Plug the PKI Key in System.

4. Open IE browser.

a). Enable ActiveX controls:

a)Go to Tools>Internet options, Click 'Security', then select 'Internet'.

b) Click 'Custom Level 'and enable all the options for 'ActiveX controls and plugins and

make “Low safety” for S/w channel permissions.

c)Same for Local Intranet and Same for Trusted Sites.

d)Click 'OK 'to save the setting.

b).Trust the website (Adding of eTender URL in Trusted Sites):

a)To Copy the URL of the e-Tender site (Eg:

b) Go to ToolsInternet options

c) Click 'Security', then select 'Trusted Sites' and click 'Sites'.

d) Enter the URL of eTender site Ex., deselect the option

'Require Server Verification (https) for all sites in this zone'.

e) Click 'Add'.

f) Click 'OK' to save the settings.


Procedure for Log in using PKI eToken

1) Open the browser and enter the URL:

2) Enter your eTendering user-ID and Password and press enter (GO).

2) Press “Click here to login.

IMPORTANT:If downloading PKI COMPONENTS screen appears, wait until certificate selection screen appears. (It may take around 5minutes to download TCS Data Singing Control component)

3) Select your certificate and press OK. (Refer Fig shown below)

4) Provide eToken password and press ok.

5) Re-enter the etender site User Id and Password, press enter.

6) The In Progress screen appears after successful login.


Verification of eToken and IE Settings (If unable to login after installation and IE settings)

1)Insert the token, click Internet Options–Content–Certificates–You will get the name of the Certificate user in the window as shown in the figure.

2) If downloading PKI COMPONENTS screen appears, wait until certificate selection screen appears. (It may take more than five minutes as it has to download TCS Data Singing Control component)

3) This can be checked by (This step is for first time login only) Go to ToolsInternet options>General>SettingsView0bjects

Confirm whether the TCSDataSigner Control File of 132Kb size is downloaded in the browser.

Note for OS: For all the OS (Windows 98 to Vista) above setting will be same. But for Windows 07, first go to “My Computer” properties and please check, is it 32 bit or 64 bit. Depending on that the e-TokenExe will be given for installations.

Note for IE’s: For all browsers whose versions are below IE 8 the steps will be common as above explanations. But for IE 8 and above, in Tools-- Internet Options -- Security -- after doing all the above stated steps, the option “Enabled Protected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer)” the check box should be deselect/unchecked.


For more details/support, please contact : Phone:080-40482000.


Thank you