President: Gena Mann

  • Called the meeting to order
  • Middle School soccer season starting. Incoming freshman parents will be given information to attend the May booster meeting.
  • Volunteers needed for ticket sales for the Middle School games. Sign up sheet was passed through all in attendance. All proceeds from the gate go directly to the booster club.
  • Nominations for new board members were read as follows: President- John Martin, VP- MachelleDungey, Sectretary- Gena Mann, Treasurer- Mary Mrozek and Fundraising- Mandy Rhodes. Motion by Nancy Hitcheich to accept those nominations. Seconded by Catherine Renfro. The floor was asked if there were any other nominations. Motion by David Satterla for Debra Wilson for VP. Debra Wilson accepted the nomination. Entertain motion for Debra Wilson to run for VP made by David Satterla. Seconded by Catherine Renfro. All in favor. Motion carried. Motion by Mary Mrozek for Debra Wilson and MachelleDungey to be on ballot for VP. Seconded by Catherine Renfro. All in attendance voted. New board members for 2013-2014 season are as follows: President- John Martin, VP- Debra Wilson, Secretary – Gena Mann, Treasurer- Mary Mrozek, Fundraiser Co-chair – Mandy Rhodes and Alyson Bumpass, Spirit Wear- Al Domroski, Concessions- Susan Kelly.
  • Shannon Holt will be our new Web Master.

Vice President: MachelleDungey

  • Reported End of Year Banquet info. May 3 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lewisville. Game for boys one and a half hours before start of banquet. $30 per ticket for parents and players of parents who are not booster members. Dress code will be dress slacks or khakis, collared button down shirt or collared polo shirt. Dress shoes and socks or sperry’s and socks. No flip flops, sneakers, shorts or jeans will be acceptable.

Treasurer – John Martin

Ending Balance for March: $21,831.93

  • Question asked about where the carry over is used. John responded it goes to needs for the soccer program.

Concessions – Susan Kelly

  • Wants to have concession stand open for Middle School games. Good profit for booster club. Will have one parent and 2 boys volunteer for each game. Boys can earn community service hours. Sign up sheet was passed through all in attendance.

Coach Doyle –

  • Disappointed with ending the season with a loss in the second round of playoffs.
  • Younger teams will be worked with to improve.
  • Will be looking at incoming freshman for talent at Middle School games
  • Uniforms are still in great shape. New socks always available to the players. Just ask for a new pair.
  • Looking into replacing the wind guards on the benches if not too expensive. If so, they will only be used by Boys Soccer.
  • Athletic Coordinator, Coach Johnson, approved an assistant coach for boys soccer. Will consult with principal on how to get Coach Muse this position.
  • New locker room facilities will be constructed over the summer. May purchase name plates with numbers for the new lockers.
  • Asked for suggestions for the soccer board. Names of boys who went on to play in college was one suggestion. Get names from past All District Players was another suggestion.

New Business:

  • Parents please order pictures of your boys from our photographer Fred Schulze. The website is
  • Al Dombroski, Catherine Renfro and David Satterla volunteered to audit books after the May Booster Meeting.
  • May 3 – End of Year Banquet
  • May 6 – Booster Meeting at 7:30pm. Location TBD

Meeting Adjourned