Geometry Project….An Interdisciplinary Unit for Q 4
You are to design a building that has dimensions no larger than what would sit comfortably on your lap and no taller than from your lap to your armpit.
This building must have the following characteristics:20 points each
It must show quality construction…flimsy papers taped together is not acceptable
It must have a sign incorporating your name and the place of business such as Green’s Giant Geranium Farm or Guthrie’s Great Sing and Dance Studio
It must show quality work, a worked on appearance, not that last minute thrown together look, more points are given for incorporating different or unusual polygons in your building (such as a hexagon window)
It may not be made of Legos or other commercially manufactured product designed for building. Instead, it shoud be homemade construction of wood, balsa, Styrofoam, plastic, cardboard, etc
It must be of a wholesome nature.
The following 4 items of work must accompany your building: 25 points each
A scale floor plan showing doors and windows architectural style (to be drawn to scale after the building is completed, to make it easier)
A chart of time spent on this project on a day to day basis beginning with today’s date.
A calculation of mean average spent on the project per day
A paragraph describing your place of business (building) in mathematical terms including dimensions(how tall,how wide,how long) angles, perimeter and areas.
This project is worth a total of 200 points. Buildings will be on display for all to enjoy.
English Class you will be writing poetry and prose. Science will add circuits, and Social Studies will have geographical locations and climatic connections. See each teacher for details.
Parent signature indicating you have shown this to them