Test Date:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Morning


Wilson, James and John J. Dilulio, Jr.

American Government: Institutions and Policies 10th Edition

Supplemental Materials:

Mrs. Blash GOPO website

Newspaper/Internet News articles

AP Exam Review Book (optional but highly recommended)

AP Exam Prep (free app)

Course Overview:

The objective of this course is to develop a life-long interest in and ability to analyze multiple perspectives on United States government and politics while engaging students in a continual evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the American political system in order to develop their critical understanding of their rights and responsibilities as a citizen. The curriculum for this class reflects the content of an introductory university course in American Government and Politics. You will be expected to be self-motivated, thoughtful, and to complete assignments without constant monitoring. Homework will be assigned nightly, including weekends. Emphasis is on both general concepts essential for understanding and interpreting U.S. government and politics as well as in depth analysis of specific examples and cases, with a clear expectation of taking and passing the United States Government and Politics Advanced Placement exam in May.

The class focus is on the institutions, groups, beliefs and ideas that comprise the U.S. system of government, while at the same time developing important skills in critical thinking, time management, and problem solving. Extensive reading, writing and discussion will be emphasized in the areas of political theory, political patterns and processes, government structures and procedures as well as the interpretation of data.

Due to the amount of curriculum to be covered, this course is largely based in lecture and discussion. Presentation of the material is often accomplished by the use of PowerPoint presentations, video clips, other visuals such as maps, graphs, statistical tables, political cartoons, as well as primary source readings and documents. Students are “trained” in the analysis and critical reading of primary and secondary source documents particular to U.S. government and politics which will assist them in evaluating political information, such as court cases, issues, current events, rhetoric and commentary as well as interpretation of numeric, statistical, and graphic information for insight into political trends. These skills will be practiced and assessed regularly through both formal and informal writing of Free Response Essays for each unit. To this end, each student is required to create a Unit Journal in which they will include their reading and class notes, content and academic vocabulary logs & quizzes, case briefs, and reflections as well as their free response outlines and essays. In addition to teacher evaluation, students will participate in self-evaluation, and peer evaluation exercises. Students are required to provide a valid email address that they check regularly to the instructor and have scholarly participation in the class blog discussions for each unit. This course will be taught in conjunction with AP Macroeconomics and will alternate by unit as a means of ensuring student readiness for both AP exams in May. Grading will be based on total points earned in both subjects throughout each semester.

Critical Themes:

1.  Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government.

2.  Political Beliefs and Behaviors.

3.  Political Parities, Interest Groups, and Mass Media.

4.  Institutions of National Government.

5.  Public Policy.

6.  Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

Course Requirements & Grading:

Your grade will be based on the number of points earned of total points available and will include the following;

·  Reading assignments (textbook, primary sources, court cases, current events, maps, charts)
·  Reading notes (Cornell notes, Outlines, Graphic Organizers, Film Notes)
·  Free Response Essays (Minimum 1 per Unit) / Class Work
·  Asks and answers questions
·  Contribute to team work, quizzes and thinking maps
·  Contributes to debates and Socratic discussions
·  Attends review and tutoring workshops
Traditional Assessments
·  Unit Journals
·  Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary Application Quizzes
·  Chapter & Unit tests (objective and essay)
·  Group assignments & projects
·  Semester finals / Writing Prompts
·  Take home & In-class Free Response Questions (Approximately 1 per unit)
·  Short responses
·  Letters and editorials
·  Research Papers & Projects
·  Blog Posts

Course Outline: Each unit is an approximate and may vary from 1-3 days.

UNIT I: Constitutional Underpinnings

History, Theory, Purpose & Basic Principles

·  Wilson Chapter 1

·  Diagnostic Test #1: Citizenship Test

·  Thinking Map: Bubble Map of Key Concepts

Federalism, Separation of Powers & Checks and Balances

·  Wilson Chapter 2 & 3

·  Thinking Map: Tree Map of three branches

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  The U.S. Constitution

o  Mandate: Key Constitutional Concepts

o  Key Constitutional Clauses Quiz

o  Federalist #51 & Reading Guide

o  McCulloch v. Maryland

o  Kelo v. City of New London

·  Data Analysis:

o  Cost of Federal Mandates, Education Spending, Federal Grants in Aid & Monthly Welfare Benefits

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT II: Political Beliefs, Behaviors, Ideology & Political Parties

Political Identity and Factors Influencing Participation

·  Wilson Chapters 4 & 7

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  The Political Compass Test

o  NBC Demographics: Majority and Minority

o  Fund Race

·  Data Analysis:

o  Trust In Government

Participation, History & Ideology of Political Parties

·  Wilson Chapters 8 & 9

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  Federalist #10 & Reading Guide

·  Data Analysis:

o  Party Identification, Political Party Participation by Income, Political Party Money, Presidential Votes 1960-2000, Presidential Vote by Party Member & Trust in Government

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT III: Interest Groups, Elections & Media

Campaigning, Voter Behavior & Election Results

·  Wilson Chapters 10 & 11

·  Thinking Maps: Sequence Map of Elections, Tree Map of Major Players in Elections & Their Roles

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  Baker v. Carr

o  Wesberry v. Sanders

o  Buckley v. Valeo

o  Shaw v. Reno

o  Redistricting Game

o  Voter Turnout Analysis

·  Data Analysis:

o  Number of PACs, Pac Contributions, PAC Contributions, Party Identification Chart, Political Party Money Table, Split District Outcomes, 2004 Electoral College Map, Average Turnover House, Campaigns & Spending, Campaign Contributions House, Congress Reelection Rates, Congress Incumbent Reelection Rates, Exit Polls 2008, Midterm Election Losses, Front Loading & Number of Reelection Votes by Region

o  Voting America

Freedom of the Press, Role, Responsibilities & Impact

·  Wilson Chapter 12

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoon Index

o  Various Internet News Sources & Video clips

·  Data Analysis:

o  Sources of News, T.V. Coverage of Conventions, T.V. Conventions in O.C. & T.V. Conventions National Coverage

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT IV: The Legislative Branch

Origin, Organization, Function & Procedures

·  Wilson Chapter 13

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  U.S. v. Lopez

·  Data Analysis:

o  Approval of Representatives & Congress, Constituent Contact with Congress, Demographic Characteristics of Congress & Money Raised by Congressional Election

·  Key Legislation Quiz

·  Research Representatives & Letters to Representatives Project Requesting Buses For Federal Reserve Field Trip.

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT V: The Executive Branch

Presidential Authority, Leadership, Presidential Elections, Electoral College, Organization & Staffing of Bureaucracy

·  Wilson Chapter 14 & 15

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  United States v. Nixon

o  Clinton v. New York

o  Bush v. Gore

o  270 Win

·  Data Analysis

o  Average President Number of Presidential Press Conferences, Presidential Approval, Presidential Approval Ratings, President Vetoes, Presidential Victories on Congress, Treaties & Executive Agreements, Characteristics of Federal Employees, Demographic Characteristics of Federal Employees, Trend in Federal Civic Employment, Federal Government Civil Employment, Number of Pages in the Federal Register, Federal & State and Local Employees

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT VI: The Judicial Branch

Judicial Federalism, Judicial Review, Justices & Judges, Supreme Court & Landmark Cases

·  Wilson Chapter 16

·  Supplemental Readings & Resources:

o  Federalists #78

o  Marbury v. Madison

o  Mapp v. Ohio

o  Presidential Appointees to Judiciary & Supreme Court Caseload *Table & Chart Analysis

o  Oyez

·  Key Court Cases Quiz (Based on comprehensive list of all cases cited on syllabus)

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT VII: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

Personal Freedom, Individual Liberties, Majority Rule, Minority Rights, Women’s Movement, First Amendment Freedoms

·  Wilson Chapters 5 & 6

·  Supplemental Reading & Resources

Gitlow v. New York
Lemon v. Kurtzman
Palko v. Connecticut
Engel v. Vitale
Abbington v. Schempp
Gideon v. Wainwright
Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. Board of Education I & II
U.C. Regents v. Bakke
Gratz v. Bollinger
Grutter v. Bollinger
Miranda v. Arizona / Griswald v. Connecticut
Roe v Wade
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Gonzalez v. Carhart
Lawrence v. Texas
Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena
Scheneck v. U.S.
Johnson v. Texas
Ashcroft v. ACLU
Employment Division of Oregon v. Smith
D.C. v. Heller

·  Data Analysis

o  Black Elected Officials Chart, Minority & women elected officials & Number elected Hispanic officials

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question

UNIT VIII: Public Policy

Policymaking Process, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Foreign & Defense Policy & Contemporary Issues

·  Wilson Chapter 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 *Select Pages

·  Policy Comparison Project

·  Thinking Map: Tree Map of Policy Areas & Key Legislation

·  Supplemental Reading & Resources:

o  Zelman v. Simmons-Harris

o  Open Secrets

·  Data Analysis:

o  Defense in Spending, Entitlement Discretionary Spending, Federal Benefit Payments, Federal Receipts & Outlays, Federal Spending 2006, Federal Spending as % GDP, Federal Surpluses & Deficits, National Debt, National Debt as % GDP, Social Security Stats, Sources of Federal Revenue 2006 & Types of Public Policies

**Unit Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Journal, Unit Exam & Free Response Question


Review for AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam and final exam.

End Of Year

Culminating Current Events Project and/or Film Analysis

Final Exam