Minutes of the thirty-fourth CDAP Information Technology Committee (CITC) Meeting
In the Ministry of Health Head Office fourth floor Minister’s Conference Room
Thursday October 6th 2005
Present: / Christopher Samuel / (CSa) / - / Ministry of Health, Committee ChairmanWayne Lucky / (WL) / - / Ministry of Health (MOH)
Heera Rampaul / (HR) / - / Ministry of Health
Louella Sealy / (LS) / - / NCRHA
Wazir Hosein / (WH) / - / Pharmacy Board (PB)
Artie Whittington / (AW) / - / NIPDEC
Richard Robinson / (RR) / - / NIPDEC
Stephon Stewart / (SS) / - / NIPDEC Pharmaceutical Division, Secretary
The meeting commenced at 10:15 am, approximately.
1.Confirmation of Minutes
1.1CSa requested that Committee members review the Minutes of thirty-third meeting and bring forward any issues at the next meeting.
2.CDAP Expansion
2.1CSa stated that the Principal Pharmacist in the MOH, Lynette John would be invited to attend future CITC meetings.
2.2CSa introduced all members, recapped the Committee’s past efforts in developing the CDAP IT Solution Request For Proposal (RFP), stated the CITC’s future role of monitoring project implementation and would address any issues which may affect it. CSa added that the main purpose of the meeting was for NIPDEC to update the Committee on the progress of the CDAP IT Solution implementation.
2.3RR stated that there would be a parallel run where both the smart card and standard national identification methods would be accepted. RR added that the PIN number would eventually be the primary means of identification used on the smart card. RR continued that Ministry of National Security data would be integrated with the Public Registration System (PRS) and would provide PIN numbers for non-nationals. WH stated the MOH must set clear guidelines as to who would be eligible to access CDAP.
2.4RR stated that the Ministry of Legal Affairs would offer access to PIN number information and every fourth transaction would require online patient identification verification from the CDAP IT Solution servers. RR added that the MOH would request this information based upon the requirements provided by NIPDEC.
2.5When asked by WL, RR stated that CDAP IT solution can be expanded and its limitations would be set through the policies of the MOH. RR added the smart cards would not be branded CDAP and patient identification information would be accessible by other approved systems.
2.6RR stated that a workable solution to introduce the Pharmaceutical Care Management System (PCMS) proposed by Infotech has been envisaged and could be used in both public and private pharmacies. AW added that this has been approved in principle, but funding is still required. WH added that participating private pharmacies could pay a percentage of the cost of the system.
2.7WL stated that any PCMS must be able to integrate with the systems planned for use in public health institutions. WH commented that the overall cost of health care could be reduced if such systems are properly implemented and utilised.
2.8RR stated that cost was a factor why physicians were not included in this phase of the CDAP IT solution, but the vendor was willing to absorb a percentage of costs to conduct a pilot. RR added that the physician pilot’s results could be evaluated to determine whether it should be expanded. WH suggested that both public and private sector physicians be included in such a pilot.
2.9AW stated that NIPDEC would review the inclusion of physicians and submit a proposal to the MOH. RR stated that one of the pilots’s main risks would be the level of acceptance from physicians. AW added that this pilot would be done with the local medical board.
2.10CSa stated that the letter authorising LS’s involvement on the CITPT was drafted, but the Permanent Secretary in the MOH (PSMOH) had some questions. CSa and LS would discuss right after this meeting.
3.Project Status Review
3.1RR tabled the CDAP IT Solution Project Status Report as of October 7th 2005 for review.
3.2RR stated that the vendor has established a project specific website that would contain information related to the CDAP IT Solution. RR would request access credentials for the MOH to access the website.
3.3RR stated that the revised project schedule was completed and approved by NIPDEC. RR submitted the Vision and Scope document and added that this would be approved by NIPDEC after the vendor corrects a few typographical errors.
3.4RR stated that the risk assessment framework and plan was approximately 39% complete and would be revised by Wednesday 12th October 2005.
3.5RR stated that requirements workshops were held with the CDAP IT Project Team (CITPT) and Infotech would use feedback from these to present the specifications of the solution. RR added that a patient smart card enrolment plan was also being developed through Infotech.
3.6RR stated that due to time constraints the fifty terminals for use at the pilot pharmacy sites and other necessary hardware have already been ordered.
3.7RR stated that the PB submitted the final list of pilot private pharmacy sites and Infotech would draft a requirements list for all pilot sites to be ready for inclusion in the implementation. CSa requested that RR forward this document for SS to distribute to Committee members.
3.8RR stated that even though the Envisioning phase was a little behind schedule, it is 90% complete and would have minimal impact on the implementation completion date.
3.9RR reviewed the list of planned activities from 29th September 2005 to 28th October 2005 and stated that the Planning phase is underway and should 20% completed by 26th October 2005.
3.10RR added that the pilot would be deployed in November 2005 for the pharmacy component to be operational by December 2005. RR added that next deployment phase would see the full implementation of backend support systems.
3.11RR stated that while smart card deployment would continue after the scheduled project end date of 2nd May 2006, only persons using CDAP for the first time would need to be registered.
3.12RR stated that the solution prototype is to be completed by Wednesday 12th October 2005. RR would confirm with Infotech the actual completion date and when it could be presented both to the Minister of Health (MinOH) and the CITC.
3.13RR stated that the vendor would be gathering information concerning Governance/Change Management Planning as this would affect all aspects of CDAP and would require PB and MOH assistance. RR would coordinate.
3.14RR stated that the Communications Plan would identify and define all key relationships. RR added that the patient enrolment plan would be reviewed after the vendor has submitted it. RR continued that this plan would then be modified, where necessary, to execute the best-fit solution facilitating a fast smart card rollout.
3.15RR referred to the payment schedule, which included future expected payment dates upon completion of project deliverables. RR added that Infotech was instructed to bill NIPDEC, who would in turn be reimbursed by the MOH, to avoid future vendor payment delays.
3.16RR stated that due to the expansion of CDAP the quantity of smart cards needed to be increased from 50,000 to 200,000. RR added that a change request for the 150,000 extra smart cards would be done and after the card requirements are determined, Infotech would submit its quotation to NIPDEC. RR continued that a tender for the additional smart cards may be done, based on the time available to do so.
4.Other Matters
4.1CSa stated that the CDAP IT Steering Committee would now be renamed the CDAP IT Committee (CITC) as it monitors the implementation of the CDAP IT solution.
4.2CSa tentatively scheduled the next meeting of the CITC for Thursday 20th October 2005 from 10:00am at the MOH Head Office.
With no further business the meeting ended at approximately 11:17 am.
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Date: 31/Oct/2018