Yaxley Parish Council.


Minutes of the Meeting of Yaxley Parish Council held on 26thApril 2017.


Councillor K Pawsey Councillor J MooreCouncillor I Luff

Councillor A LuffCouncillor J HawesCouncillor B Feaver

Councillor R HallCouncillor C Wright

District Councillor D Burn.

P Freeman Parish Clerk.

Four members of the public.

  1. Apologies for Absence.
  • None.
  1. Councillor’s Declaration of Interests in Agenda Items.
  • None.
  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 15thMarch 2017.
  • The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record was signed by the Chairman, proposed by Councillor I Luff and seconded by Councillor Hall.
  1. Matters arising from the minutes:

Action Points:

Notes on the action are in red.

  • Items for the Yaxley Messenger: None
  • New gate post for allotments main gate – contact Terry Keeley. PF.Completed
  • Contact Mr Childes about his request to keep bees on the allotments. PF. Completed
  • Contact Mrs Thomas and Mrs Armstrong about the agreement between the Parish Council and the Community Centre Committee, which the Clerk will prepare. PF. Completed
  • It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr Hearne about his outstanding allotment tenancy agreement. PF.Completed
  • Approach the publican at the Cherry Tree Public House about locating it on the wall of this building.KP.Completed.
  1. Notification of any urgent business.
  • None.

Public Forum.

District Councillor David Burn:

The following points were made:

  • The DissNeighbourhood Plan included various villages on the border between Norfolk and Suffolk.
  • There will be a constituency review of District Councillors to even up the number of voters.
  • Mid Suffolk District Council had to decide on the number of District Councillors and the plan was to reduce them from 40 to 34. There should be a decision by the next election in 2019.
  • The District Council was planning to move to Endeavour House in Ipswich in the Autumn of 2017.
  • There will be ‘touch down points’ in the District. Residents needs will be met by phone calls and websites rather than visits. The plan was to save money and to be more efficient.
  • A Housing Bill, about planning in general, was out for consultation.
  • The scoping exercise for Crown Chicken will have a decision on various parameters.


Applicant for planning permission for a Canine Crèche on the Stramit site on Eye Airfield:

Graham Cowley made the following points:

  • The crèche will be for dogs to be socialised and cared for. It will offer a service for people at work who are dog owners.
  • It will be a controlled environment and offer basic training. There will be a dedicated indoor play area and outdoor areas with concrete, dirt and forest type surfaces. There will be areas of shade.
  • There will be trained members of staff which will include canine First Aid.
  • He had a passion for dogs.
  • It will be licensed with Environmental Health, have links with veterinary surgeons and offer accommodation for between 50 and 60 dogs.
  • There was no housing nearby.
  • In future, the site may develop to include kennels, a grooming parlour and a dog hotel.
  • So far, he had not made an application for keeping dogs there overnight.
  • There had been enquiries already about the accommodation.
  1. Correspondence received.

Signed: ______Date: ______

26th April 2017.

Yaxley Parish Council.

  • Various documents from SALC.
  • Various emails from Suffolk Community Foundation.
  • Town and Parish Council Newsletter.
  • Various emails from the Highways Department Suffolk County Council.
  • Clerks and Councils Direct.
  • The Local Councillor.
  • Headway Suffolk.
  • Palgrave PC contacts: change of email address.
  • UK Power Networks Stakeholder Newsletter Spring 2017.
  • UK Power Networks helping vulnerable people in your community.
  • BMSDC call for sites publication letter.
  • Community speed watch - Mellis Parish Council.
  • Progress Power update - Preparatory work was taking place to enable the site to be developed quickly.
  • Metfield funding event.
  • Suffolk Walking Festival.
  • Free Community Event for Magazine Editors
  • Mayor Making - invite dignitary 2017.
  • May 2017 Parish Liaison Meeting.
  • MSDC CIL Neighbourhood Payments.
  • Questionnaire

Signed: ______Date: ______

26th April 2017.

Yaxley Parish Council.

  1. Yaxley Allotments:
  • Update on allotment gardens and tenancy agreement.
  1. Report on the number of vacant plots: 17.
  2. Applications for plots: None.
  3. Tenancy agreements for 2016/2017: one tenant had not returned his agreement.
  • Unused plots: nothing to report.
  • Gatepost: the gatepost had been repaired by Mr Keeley.
  1. Highway matters:
  2. Portable Speed Aware Device.
  • The Parish Council was ready to activate use of the device, however there had been no action on erecting posts at the agreed sites. The Clerk had tried, without success, to contact Mr Irving, who had been at the site meeting in February.
  • It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr Irving again and suggest that a post should be delivered and the Parish Council will arrange for it to be put in place. Action: The Clerk.
  • Pedestrians, including young children, using Mellis Road at peak times.
  • Nothing to report.
  • The Clerk will report potholes on the street in Yaxley. Action: The Clerk.


  1. Finances and financial report.
  2. Balances on Accounts: 28thMarch 2017.
  3. Current account:£4,859.74p.
  4. Deposit account: £5,569.06p.
  • Councillors noted the bank balances.
  • Annual Accounts 2016/2017.
  • Detailed accounts, had been given to Councillors, which recorded all items of income and expenditure, and compared them to the budget. The spreadsheet also showed both as a percentage of the budget.
  • The accounts were to the date of this meeting and included a bank reconciliation for both accounts.
  • There were no questions from Councillors.
  • To authorise cheques for signature:

N.B. Cheque signatories to initial cheque stub and invoice.

Payee / Details / Cheque Number / Amount / Power
P Freeman / Clerk’s Pay and Expenses / £221.74 / LGA 1972 S112 (i)
HMRC / PAYE / £55.20 / LGA 1972 S111
David Newcombe / Grass cutting / £70.00 / LGA 1972 S111
Terry Keeley / Repair to gate to the allotment / £55.00 / LGA 1972 S111

Signed: ______Date: ______

26th April 2017.

Yaxley Parish Council.

  • It was unanimously agreed to pay the invoices listed above, proposed by CouncillorA Luff and seconded by CouncillorWright.
  • Receipts:
  • MSDC – Precept: £2,625.00
  • HMRC – VAT Refund: £3,305.72
  • PH Hammond – Rental Payments: £821.80
  • Allotment Rents: £60.00
  • it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Highways Department of Suffolk County Council about the outstanding invoice.Action: The Clerk.
  • Requests for financial support: Headway Suffolk.
  • It was agreed not to support this organisation. Proposed by Councillor I Luff and seconded by Councillor a Luff.
  1. Annual Parish Meeting.
  2. The Clerk will contact the usual organisations for reports and the meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. Action: The Clerk.
  1. Casual Vacancy. Information attached.
  2. There were 3 applicants for the casual vacancy.
  3. Each applicant had prepared a short statement on which Parish Councillors based their decision.
  4. Melanie Fisher was elected with 7 votes and one abstention.
  1. Purchase of a Defibrillator.
  • The Chairman had contacted the landlord of the Cherry Tree Public House about placing the defibrillator on the wall of this building.
  • it does not require electricity supply but it would benefit from it to power a heater. It was agreed that the Parish Council would pay for the installation of the electricity.


  • It was agreed to purchase 1 x Defibrillator + Ce-tek Standard Mild Steel Outdoor, Heated Cabinet with Marine Grade Lock at £1,395.00 + VAT. In addition,1 x Infant/Child Reduced Energy Electrode Starter Kit at £115 + VAT.Action: The Clerk.
  1. Fibre Broadband in Yaxley.
  • Nothing to report.
  1. Yaxley Community Centre:
  2. Car Park and Security of the Community Centre.
  3. This will be considered at the next meeting.
  4. Agreement between the Parish Council and Yaxley Community Centre Committee.
  5. The agreement had been circulated to Councillors and there was a discussion of its content.
  6. It was agreed to amend 2 v) by adding (excluding the play area).
  7. The agreement was agreed and will be sent to the Community Centre Committee. Action: The Clerk.
  1. Parish Council matters for publication in the Yaxley Messenger.
  • The purchase of the defibrillator.
  • Update of the membership of the Parish Council.
  1. Planning:
  2. Applications:
  3. Application Number: 0549/17

Proposal: Change of use to canine creche facility offering canine day care services, including secure fenced external exercise area and staff/customer parking.

Location: Oaksmere Business Park, Eye Airfield Industrial Estate, Eye Road, Brome and Oakley IP23 8BW.

  • Following a discussion, it was agreed to support the application, proposed by Councillor I Luff and seconded by Councillor Wright.
  • Applications – no decisions to date:
  • Planning decisions:
  • Approved:

Application Number: 5021/16

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 and 7 following grant of planning permission 1822/16.

Location: Yaxley Manor House, Mellis Road, Yaxley IP23 8DG

  1. Refused:
  1. Withdrawn: None.
  2. Appeal by: None.
  1. Play area:
  2. To receive Play Area Inspection Report.
  • Councillor A Luff and Councillor I Luff reported that the play area was in good order although the wood was beginning to flake off the climbing frame. There was a hole which needed to be filled.Action: Councillor A Luff and Councillor I Luff.
  • It was agreed to order additional play bark.
  • Councillor a Luff and Councillor I Luff agreed to continue until the next meeting.
  1. Yaxley Cemetery:
  2. To consider inspection report - Councillor J Hawes.


  • The grass had been cut and all was in order.
  • 2 more slabs were needed in the area where ashes were buried.
  1. To receive Councillor’s reports.
  2. CouncillorLuff – EPR.
  • The next meeting will be in August.
  • SALC.
  • Nothing to report.
  • Councillor Moore - Yaxley Town Estates Fund.
  • Nothing to report.
  1. AOB - Any items raised earlier but not for an extended discussion or decisions and items for inclusion at the meeting on31st May 2017.
  • Annual accounts.

Meeting closed at 8:53 p.m.

Signed: ______Date: ______

26th April 2017.