Supplemental Figures

Figure S1. Expression of SB11 in Math1SB11transgenic mouse

Figure S2. Incidence of primary and metastatic medulloblastomas in transgenic mice

Figure S3. Ascertainment analysis of SB bi-allelic insertions and overlap between bi-allelic SB gCISes and the COSMIC database.

Figure S4. Chromosomal mapping of T2Onc transposon in primary tumours and matched mets from Math1SB11-T2Onc-Ptch+/- mice.

Figure S5. Chromosomal mapping of gCISes in primary tumours and matched mets from Math1SB11-T2Onc-Ptch+/- and Math1SB11-T2Onc-TP53mut mice

Figure S6. Transposon mutagenesis identifies candidate driver events in human medulloblastomas.

Figure S7. IHC staining of human medulloblastoma tissue microarrays (hTMA)

Figure S8. Prognosis prediction by immunohistochemical staining for select gCISes on a human medulloblastoma TMA

Figure S9. Validation of additional SB insertions by end-point PCR and qPCR

Figure S10. Sequence mapping of potential remobilization insertions

Figure S11. Primary tumor and metastasis in Nestin-TVA mice injected with virus carrying either Shh or Shh plus Akt

Figure S12. Examples of disparate therapeutic responses (MRI) of primary and metastatic compartments in human patients with disseminated medulloblastomas

Figure S13. Overlap analysis between primary and metastatic medulloblastomas in copy number aberration, promoter CpG methylation, and whole exome sequencing data.

Figure S14. Array CGH karyograms of copy number analysis on all matched primary and metastatic human medulloblastomas

Figure S15. MYCN amplification in a primary tumor but not in the patient matched metastasis by FISH

Figure S16. Bisulfite sequencing of individual human CpG promoter methylation events in patient matched primary and metastatic tumours

Figure S17. Validation of clonal events in human matched primary and metastatic pairs by end-point PCR and qPCR

Figure S18. Promoter CpG methylation is significantly different between metastases and their patient matched primary tumours

Supplemental Tables

Table S1. Histological analysis of metastases in murine medulloblastomas

(Table detailing the extent of metastatic disease in mice with medulloblastoma across the cohort)

Table S2. gCIS from primary Ptch +/- / Math1-SB11/T2Onc medulloblastomas

gCIS from metastatic Ptch +/- / Math1-SB11/T2Onc medulloblastomas

gCIS common to both primary and met from Ptch +/- / Math1-SB11/T2Onc

gCIS from primary Tp53 mut / Math1-SB11/T2Onc medulloblastomas

gCIS from metastatic Tp53 mut / Math1-SB11/T2Onc medulloblastomas

gCIS common to both primary and met from Tp53 mut / Math1SB11/T2Onc

Table S3. Biostatistical analysis of bi-allelical insertion of gCISes

Table S4. Overlap of bi-allelically inserted gCISes and the COSMIC database

Table S5. Mutually inclusive and mutually exclusive gCISes in primary tumours

Table S6. Mutually inclusive and mutually exclusive gCISes in metastatic tumours

Table S7. gCISes that present in both the primary and metastatic compartments of individual tumours.

Table S8. Transposon mutagenesis identifies genes implicated in human medulloblastomas.

(Overlap of genes between gCISes, and genes which we recently reported to be amplified or deleted in medulloblastoma, or which were recently reported to undergo SNVs in a paper by Parsons et. al.)

Table S9. gCISes are present in both the primary and metastatic compartments which are also in the COSMIC database

Table S10. gCISes that are also in human medulloblastoma studies, or the COSMIC database

Table S11. Summary of samples stained by IHC for select gCISes on a human medulloblastoma tissue microarray (hTMA)

Table S12. GSEA to compare pri-gCISes with met-gCISes

(Bioinformatic comparison of the pathways that are over-represented and under-represented in the primary and metastatic compartments as determined using the bioinformatics tool GSEA)

Table S13. Comparison of clinical response to therapy between the primary and metastatic compartments of human children with medulloblastoma

Table S14. Demographics of patient matched human primary and metastatic medulloblastoma samples

Table S15. List of all CNAs detected in human patient matched primary and metastatic tumor pairs

Table S16. List of all promoter CpG methylation events in human patient matched primary and metastatic tumor pairs

Table S17. Human promoter CpG methylation events validated by bisulfite sequencing

Table S18. List of all SNVs detected by whole exome sequencing in human patient matched primary and metastatic tumour pairs

Table S19. Median number of gCISes per tumour from SB mice

Table S20. Human patient matched primary and metastatic pair CNAs validated by qPCR

Table S21. Validation of individual gCISes by qPCR

Table S22. Metastatic gCISes compared to genes with genetic and epigenetic alterations in human metastatic medulloblastoma