Restructuring Rules

This section identifies several MPUC rules that govern various aspects of Maine’s electricity market, particularly those that are most relevant to standard offer providers. To obtain a copy of any of these rules, call the MPUC at 207-287-3831 or click on the Chapter number below.

1. Chapter 301: Standard Offer Service

This rule governs the terms and conditions of standard offer service and the supply procurement process.

2. Chapter 305: Licensing Requirements, Enforcement and Consumer Protection Provisions

This rule establishes licensing requirements for competitive electricity providers, including retail standard offer providers. The rule also governs consumer protection for non-standard offer service to residential and small commercial customers.

3. Chapter 306: Uniform Information Disclosure

This rule governs the content and format for information that competitive electricity providers are required to provide to customers.

4. Chapter 307: Sale of Capacity and Energy of Undivested Generation Assets

Maine law requires that utilities divest their interests in electricity generation, including their entitlements to energy and capacity received under purchased power contracts. This rule governs the bidding procedures for selling these entitlements.

5. Chapter 311: Renewable Resources Portfolio Requirement

This rule implements Maine’s statutority-required eligible resource portfolio requirement.

6. Chapter 313 and Chapter 360: Net Energy Billing

These rules establish terms for customer net energy billing, including the net billing of standard offer service.

7. Chapter 321: Load Obligation and Settlement Calculations

This rule establishes the processes by which utilities develop hourly estimates of competitive electricity providers' load obligations, including load profiling and metering procedures.

8. Chapter 322: Interactions between Utilities and Providers - Metering, Billing and Collections and Enrollment for Electric Service

This rule governs how competitive electricity providers (or utilities on their behalf) meter usage, issue bills, and enroll customers. It also addresses transfer of customer history and business data.

9. Chapter 323: Electronic Business Transactions

This rule governs procedures for transferring data. In Maine, there was a statewide EBT group formed to establish the protocols for electronically transferring data between utilities and providers. The Commission has adopted the standards developed by that group (Maine Electronic Business Transaction (EBT) Standards).