South East Museum Development Programme: Hampshire Solent
Young Museum Shapers Grant Scheme 2015-16
This document explains the purpose and process of the Hampshire Solent Young Museum Shapers Grant Scheme 2015-16. After reading this document, you should contact your MDO before submitting your application.
In its strategic framework, the Arts Council England identifies the following as one of its objectives for supporting museums:
To promote a diverse workforce, through our funded
organisations and strategic programmes, with the aim
of creating fairer entry and progression routes in the arts
and culture sector, as well as more diverse leadership
and governance
(Great Art and Culture for Everyone, 2013 p.55)
In response, the South East Museum Development Programme tailored its action plan for Hampshire Solent to include the following objective:
To champion inclusion and diversity opportunities specifically for young people
The aim of the Young Museum Shapers scheme (YMS) is to enhance the skills of our young talent working within the museums as staff or volunteers to plan, deliver and evaluate projects that can make a difference in museums. It gives young people working in our museums an opportunity to realise and take ownership of their ideas for developing the services provided in the future and invests in the service delivery of museums who promote and engage with young people in their teams.
It does so by providing young people working or volunteering in museums in Hampshire Solent with the opportunity to secure £1,000 for a development project at their museum. As the Applicant, the young person is expected to plan and deliver the project with the support of their Museum organisation testing their metal in being part of the next generation of project managers shaping the future of museums.
We encourage applications for development activities that contribute to one or more of the four South East Museum Development 2015-18 key themes:
Active Collections: Excellent practice in collections management care, access and interpretation
Great Experiences: Effective communication of a multi-faceted offer, providing real life-long learning, engaging diverse communities and contributing to social agendas
Better Business: Enterprising and income savvy, building relevant fundraising with a mature approach to finance management
Strong Leadership: Pro-active leaders, developing a diverse and skilled workforce, addressing succession planning through continual improvement
In order to be eligible to apply to YMS, all of the following criteria have to be met:
- The Applicant must be a member of staff or a volunteer in a museum that operates in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth or Southampton
- The Applicant must be 25 years or younger at the time of application
- The Museum at which the Applicant works must be either Accredited or Working Towards Accreditation
- The Applicant and the project must be fully supported by the senior management of their museum
Applications will not be considered:
- The project does not have a demonstrable benefit to the museum but is designed solely for the benefit of the Applicant
- To cover the cost of AMA (Associateship of the Museums Association) fees;
- To cover the costs of activities taking place before a offer is made;
- By museums that are not actively working towards Accreditation.
The YMS scheme operates on the following basis:
- The Applicant and the Museum apply together. While the Applicant is expected to deliver the project, the Museum will receive the grant payment and will be accountable to SEMDP for its delivery. Therefore, the application must be supported and signed by a senior member of the Museum team who have the authority to commit the organisation to the project.
- As part of the application process, the Applicant describes their current relevant skills and what they hope to learn as part of the project. Depending on relevant shared need between the cohort of successful Applicants, SEMDP may provide complementary training to accompany the project. If such training is offered, the Applicant will be expected to attend where practically able.
- The maximum amount for an application is £1,000.00 (including any VAT which cannot be recovered by the Museum)
- The grant must not be used for any other purpose than that stated in the application form and offer letter.
- The Applicant, with the support of their Museum, must be involved in all stages of the project delivery, from application to evaluation.
- Only one application can be considered per Applicant, and equally a Museum can only support one application.
- Only costs directly relevant to the project delivery are eligible for funding. This may include professional fees, travel and subsistence, materials, equipment, print and marketing.
- Staffing costs are not eligible for grant support unless they are in addition to the existing provision and solely dedicated to the delivery of the project
- The use of the Museum’s own venue is not eligible for grant funding, but can be recognised as match-funding in kind,
- There is no minimum requirement for match-funding although projects that include a financial (i.e. not in-kind) commitment from the Museum will be viewed favourably.
- Where funding for subsistence is agreed, this will not exceed the HMRC guidance rates of £5.00 for breakfast, £5.00 for lunch and £15.00 for evening meal. Breakfast and evening meal costs can be included only for activities requiring an overnight stay. Alcoholic drinks cannot be included.
- Where funding for travel costs is included, this will be for standard class travel on public transport: any mileage at no more than the HMRC guidance rate of 45p per mile.
- The project has to be completed by 16 March 2016 and any underspend that has originally been awarded must be returned to SEMDP by that date.
- Supporting evidence such as invoices and receipts must be kept for all project costs, copies of which must be submitted together with the completion report.
- The activity must be completed within the timetable stated in the application. Any variation in timing must be notified to the MDO as soon as possible. Severe slippage may result in the cancellation of a grant.
- The Applicant and the Museum must be able to complete the project evaluation and contribute to the provision of a case study report after completion.
- Publicity must acknowledge that it has been funded by a Young Museum Shapersgrant from the South East Museum Development Programme, supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
The YMS scheme operates within a limited timescale and is a one-off opportunity to apply for support.
Deadline for submission:12pm on Weds 25 November 2015
Approval of projectBy Mon 7 December 2015
Submission of Acceptance Form and
Project invoice By Thurs, 17 December 2015
Submission of Project Completion Report By Wed 16 March 2016
How to apply
It is important to follow these instructions carefully, to ensure the success of your application and claim. Failure to comply with the scheme guidelines may result in an offer being withdrawn or an application not being considered for assessment.
- Discuss your application in advance with your MDO (Museum Development Officer).
- Application forms are available from the MDO by email, or online at:
- Only correctly completed application forms will be considered.
- The application may be submitted by email, but must include a signed copy of the application form (scanned if necessary).
- You must enclose full details of the proposed project activity to be funded and a detailed breakdown of costs.Supporting evidence is required to demonstrate why your financial estimates are sound. Costs should be given net of VAT if your museum is VAT registered.
Applications will be evaluated by the Museum Development team. When reading applications, the reviewers ask themselves the following questions:
Are both, the Applicant and the Museum, able to deliver the project that is proposed within the time and budget and with the proposed outcome?
Does this development activity address an important challenge for the museum(s)?
Does the project present good value for money?
How well does this project enhance the skills and ability of the Applicant to manage a project in the Museum?
Would funding this development activity contribute to one or more of the four South East Museum Development 2015-18 key themes:
Active Collections: Excellent practice in collections management care, access and interpretation
Great Experiences: Effective communication of a multi-faceted offer, providing real life-long learning, engaging diverse communities and contributing to social agendas
Better Business: Enterprising and income savvy, building relevant fundraising with a mature approach to finance management
Strong Leadership: Pro-active leaders, developing a diverse and skilled workforce, addressing succession planning through continual improvement
What happens after you apply
- Applications will be acknowledged by email only.
- Successful applicants will receive an offer letter by email. This will confirm the amount of the Grant and any special conditions applied, in addition to the general expectations set out in this document.
- The offer letter will be accompanied by an acceptance form.To accept the Development Grant on the terms offered, this must be completed, signed and returned by the deadline stated in the letter, or the offer may be withdrawn.
- On acceptance, a purchase order is raised and sent to the successful applicant who must provide an invoice for the full grant amount by Thursday, 17 December 2015.
- If the application is rejected, feedback will be provided to assist the applicant in submitting a successful application in future.
How to claim your Development Grant
It is the responsibility of the Museum associated with the successful project application to claim thegrant in accordance with the conditions stated in this guidance and the offer letter.
- The grant payment will be in advance. Any funding provided that was not spent in accordance with the approved application form or any subsequent variations that have been agreed in writing by the Museum Development Officer must be repaid before the end of the financial year
- Your claim can be for no more than the amount actually spent (as evidenced with receipts, etc.) and not exceeding the amount offered in your letter
- Claim amounts should be net of VAT if your museum is VAT registered
- On completion, the Applicant and the Museum will be asked to provide the following:
A completed claim form.
A completed feedback form.
Copies of all evidence relating to project spend
A breakdown detailing any variations relating to the original project budget, and where necessary, a credit note to return funding that was not spend as agreed
- The claim documentation may be submitted by email, but must include a signed copy of the claim form (scanned if necessary).
- All claims must be received, correctly submitted, by 16 March 2016. Claims received after this deadline risk being in breach of the scheme terms and conditions. Where a claim is considered in breach of the terms and conditions it must be returned in full
You must discuss your application with your Museum Development Officer in advance of submission. Please contact the Hampshire Solent Museum Development Officer at:
T: 01962 826711
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