Example: Spring 2005
DESCRIPTION: ENV 6126, a graduate level course in air pollution control, concentrates on developing a detailed understanding of the process operation and the process design of air pollution control equipment. A basic knowledge of air pollution terminology, calculations, legislative standards, and the fundamentals of control equipment (such as that gained in ENV 4120) is assumed. Specific topics covered include baghouses, electrostatic precipitators, carbon adsorbers, VOC vapor incinerators, biofilters, SO2 scrubbers, and gas and particle wet scrubbers.
CREDIT: 3 semester hours
TIME & PLACE: 9:30-10:20 MWF, EN-1 388; also videostreamed to web
FACULTY: Dr. C.D. Cooper, P.E. Office EN-2; 211L Ph: 407-823-2388
TEXT: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL – A DESIGN APPROACH, (3rd ed.) by C.D. Cooper and F.C. Alley; Waveland Press, 2002
PROCEDURE: Material will be covered by lectures, discussion, written homework, exams, and a design project, weighted as shown below.
Exams (2@ 25%) 50%
Design Project 40%
Homework 10%
Final letter grades are based on the usual grading scale.
The design project is a team effort for the on-campus students, and an individual literature review paper for the off-campus students. Handouts describing the design project will be distributed later. Students pick their own teams of two, but must get my final approval.
For the literature review paper, each off-campus student must find one or more good technical articles (look in journals or books), and summarize (and/or criticize) the design approach and calculations reported therein. The paper must focus on one specific air pollution control technology in a specific application (such as: a baghouse with lime injection on a medical waste incinerator, or a fan, duct, and HEPA filter system to control fine PM in a clean room). You can choose the device and application but your topic must be approved by me. Sketches, material balances, sizing calculations, preliminary equipment specs, and preliminary cost estimates should be included. Sources of information are the technical literature, vendor information, and personal experience; all sources should be well-referenced in your report.
ENV 6126 – Design of Air Pollution Control Systems
Spring 2005
Week of : Topic Chapter Readings
Jan 10 Intro/Admin; Review of selected topics from ENV 4120 1
Jan. 17 Holiday (1/17);Process Design & Costing; Design Project Assigned 2
Jan. 24 Fans, Ducts, Hoods, Coolers 8
Jan. 31 Particle behavior, Cyclones 3 & 4
Feb. 7 ESP’s 5
Feb. 14 Baghouses 6
Feb. 21 Wet Scrubbers for PM 7
Feb. 28 Exam 1 – Feb 28 (covers 1-8); VOC Behavior; VOC incinerators 10 & 11
Mar. 7 Carbon Adsorbers 12
Mar. 14-20 Spring Break
Mar 21 Gas Absorption 13
Mar. 28 Biofilters 14
Apr. 4 SO2 Scrubbing 15
Apr. 11 NOx Control; Design Project Reports Due April 18, 2005 16
Apr. 18 Exam 2 – April 22, 2005 (covers Ch 10-16)
From Students:
Topic Problems On Campus Off Campus
Review of 4120 Material 1.5, 1.7, 1.12, 1.15, 1.16, 1.24, 2.3, 2.7 1/21 1/28
Auxiliary Equipment 8.1, 8.4, 8.9, 8.10, 8.13, 8.14 2/4 2/11
Cyclones and ESPs 3.5, 3.16, 4.10, 4.12, 5.8, 5.10 2/14 2/21
Baghouses and Scrubbers 6.11, 6.13, 6.16, 7.2, 7.5 2/25 3/4
VOC Incinerators 11.6, 11.7, 11.11, 11.12, 11.18 3/11 3/18
Adsorbtion/Absorption 12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.7, 13.1, 13.2 3/25 4/1
Biofilters 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.5, 14.6 4/4 4/11
SO2 Scrubbers 15.1, 15.2 15.4, 15.5 4/11 4/18