Key Stage 3 Lesson Plan 1
Curriculum Links:This lesson has links to curriculum aims and Programmes of Study in Modern Foreign Languages.
Learning Objectives: To learn about La Côte d’Ivoire and about what life is like there.
Learning Outcome:Pupils will be able to demonstrate an understanding of key facts about the country and about what it is like to live there. They will be able to do this both in English and in French.
Resources Needed:KS3 L1 Starter Activity, KS3 L1.Vocab, KS3 L1 Main Activity, KS3 L1Plenary, KS3 L1 Teachers’ Answers
Starter Activity:Pupils are presented with a list of 10 multiple choice statements about The Ivory Coast.
Individually or in pairs, pupils choose what they know or think to be the correct answer.
Once completed, the teacher reviews the answers with the class.
Once completed, the teacher reads out each sentence with the correct answer. The pupils listen and mark their own work. They then feed back their score.
How much did the pupils know or work out, about The Ivory Coast?
Main Activity:
a)Activity a) Pupils use their own knowledge and cognates to match up the vocabulary.
b)Study the vocabulary and pronunciation as a class. Pupils can either then play ‘vocab tennis’ * or simply use the grid for reference, as support for the next activity.
b)The following tasks can be done by pupils individually or in pairs.
Pupils are given 8 titles and 8 paragraphs. By skim-reading the paragraphs, pupils should write the correct title above each paragraph.
Read the first four paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary provided. Teachers have a choice of two worksheets. (Foundation / Higher)
Read the four remaining paragraphs and complete the sentences in English. Teachers have a choice of two worksheets.
Whole class: Review answers.
Plenary:Pupils work in pairs or in small groups. They are given one or more(depending on ability and time available) titles of the paragraphs they studied in the main activity.
Pupils draw a symbol to represent that title and then jot down as many key words or facts, linked to that title, as they can. This should be written in French and presented in a cloud. See example.
Individuals read out their ‘fact cloud’ at the end of the lesson.
Finally, the fact clouds can be made into a poster or a wall display under the heading ‘La Côte d’Ivoire’.
* Vocab tennis.
In pairs. Person A reads down the list reading out French terms. Fom memory, Person B gives the meaning to each French term. Pupils swap roles when person B makes a mistake. Aim: to complete whole list from memory. However, winner is the person who gives the answer to the final word on the list.
Repeat as many as times as required. When the task is easily achieved, person A should try reading down the list in English and person B should produce the French from memory.