August 21, 2012

Present: Al Adams, Linda Justinen, Jodi Beckner, Bob Goodwin, Cheryl Goodwin, Shelly Daly, Trisha Datema, Brad Dewing, Stacy Perkins, Lisa Perkins, Claire Melmoth, Barb Rauch.

Guest: Tanis Mofford

Absent: Shane Leer, Toni Alexander

Al Adams called the meeting to order at 7:08pm.

Addition to agenda:Presentation by Tanis Mofford on behalf of Elyse Morin - A proposal to restructure the Tykes and Dynamites program. The idea is to combine Tykes and Dynamites and split players into three different levels based on the player’s skill and stage of development. The focus is to build safe, fun, engaging, well-structured practices that will allow the players to develop skating and hockey skills in a progressive format. Level 1 will consist of beginner skaters, and the focus will be to develop skating and hockey skills including introducing puck handling. Level 2 will consist of first and secondyear skaters with a focus on further developing skating skills, puck control, and shooting skills to ready the players for competitive hockey. Level 2 will also introduce players into game situations on a smaller area of ice. Level 3 will consist of players with more advanced skating and hockey skills, and will be two even teamsthat travel and play regular league play in the West Central Hockey League.

Claire Melmoth read the minutes from the June 19th meeting aloud. Al Adams suggested we adjust the discount program for families with 3 or more children registered in hockey.

Bob Goodwin made a motion for the family discount program to read as follows: Families with 3 or more children registered with the Rocky Minor Hockey Association shall pay registration fees in full on or before the registration date then will be issued a cheque representing 10% of total registration fees on January 11, 2013. The children must all be living in the same household. This does not include try out fees. Those wishing to try out must pay the entire try out fee. Claire Melmoth seconded. CARRIED

Bob Goodwin made a motion to accept the minutes from the June 19, 2012 executive meeting as amended, Trisha Datema seconded. CARRIED

Treasurers Report: Linda Justinen explained that the accountant has finished with the books, but they have not been picked up yet and therefore she has no formal report. Linda said that the accountant assured her that the books are in good order.

Fund Raising Directors Report: Claire Melmoth stated that she has nothing to report. Claire is wondering if the Executive believes we should plan any association level fundraising for the upcoming year. The executive decided that since the association is sitting well financially there should be no need to engage in any association level fundraising. Linda Justinen suggested that Claire still send out general donation request letters.

Tykes & Dynamite Directors Report: Positions still remain vacant. Al Adams received a call from GMC stating that they will be continuing on with the Helmet Program for players born in 2007. GMC in Rocky Mtn. House would also like to post hockey schedules, and scores on their electronic sign.

Novice Directors Report: Trisha Datema stated that she has nothing to report at this time.

Atom Directors Report:Stacy Perkins stated that he has nothing to report at this time. Al Adams added that the Atom 4 on 4 tournament has been discontinued by Hockey Alberta.

Pee Wee Directors Report:Shelly Daly stated that she has nothing to report at this time.

Bantam Directors Report:Cheryl Goodwin stated that all is well, and registrations are trickling in. One goalie who had registered has decided to pull out.

Midget Directors Report:Barb Rauch stated that she had nothing to report.

Presidents Report: Al Adams spoke with the Caroline Minor Hockey President and discovered that Caroline teams will be merging with Spruceview teams where necessary. Caroline does have a few higher level players planning to try out for Rocky Minor Hockey teams.

The following tournament dates for the upcoming 2012/13 season were in need of updating:

Dynamite: February 9-10, 2013

Atom: December 7-9, 2013

So far we have 14 players registered for the Pee Wee, Bantam, and Midget 3 on 3 program.

Al feels that our guidelines for registration fees paid late are too complicated.

Claire Melmoth made a motion for late fees to not exceed $100.00, Barb Rauch seconded. CARRIED

Vice President’s Report:Shane Leer was absent, but stated via email that he has nothing to report.

Registrars Report:Claire Melmoth stated that registration numbers to date are as follows:

Midget: 28

Bantam: 26

Pee Wee: 27

Atom: 32

Novice: 32

Dynamite: 25

Tyke: 15

Currently, Claire is working on collecting birth certificates from players registered in Tykes and Dynamites, as well as gathering Parent Declaration forms for new players who recently moved to Rocky Mountain House.

RMHA pre-purchased 20 codes for the online Parent Respect In Sport to avoid the need for credit cards for O’Chiese residents.

Claire mentioned that she is being questioned by a few past coaches as to why the Parent Respect In Sport program is necessary if one parent has completed the Coach Respect In Sport Program. Al answered by saying that the point of the Parent RIS program is to encourage parents to assist with keeping our spectators respectful of the players, coaches, and referees.

Office Managers Report:Toni Alexander was absent. Toni’s report was presented by Al Adams:

Many volunteers have let their criminal record checks lapse. We need to ensure everyone volunteering has a current record check(within the last 2 years) on file.

Toni will be emailing League Directors in the near future to schedule a time to go over use of the NCMHA website.

Coach Coordinators Report:Bob Goodwin said he has received 14 coaching applications so far.

Elite coaches will be chosen approximately a week before try outs.

Bob mentioned that he has a spreadsheet outlining the minimum clinic requirements for coaches and bench staff. He will post this on the website under the ‘coaches corner’ link.

Coaching staff will be removed or the team will be suspended if the bench is not compliant by December 31, 2012.

Referee In Chiefs Report:Brad Dewing is waiting for final schedule of Referee clinics.

Brad mentioned that he would like to use the “Arbiter” website for referee scheduling for the coming season instead of Ramp. He has found that it is much easier to use.

Brad Dewing made a motion to use the Arbiter site for referee scheduling instead of the RAMP site. Bob Goodwin seconded. CARRIED.

Clinic/Risk Managers Report:Lisa Perkins stated that Shane Leer will be compiling drills for the 3 on 3 program, and Lisa will locate coaches for this.

The checking clinic for first and second year Pee Wee players is scheduled for September 15.

Lisa is currently receiving quotes for the purchase of new socks for the Rocky Minor Hockey players as promised last year. She estimates that the socks will cost approximately $30 to $32 per pair. Lisa will order 275 pairs of socks, which will be approximately 45 pairs per division. (Excluding Tykes)

There was some discussion about booking coaching clinics in Rocky. Bob Goodwin and Lisa Perkins will look into this and discuss further.

There was some discussion about what to do with the remaining old jerseys from last year. There may be a possibility of donating them to the Rec Hockey program.

NCMHA:Al Adams said the first meeting is September 15. We will be sending the NCMHA our ice schedule next week.

The President of NCMHA is considering scheduling exhibition games for the top tier Midget, Bantam, and PeeWee teams.

Knee Hill and Olds hockey associations have left the NCMHA due to there being too few teams in the league.

WCMHA:Trisha Datema stated that the next meeting is September 10, 2012, and that the league typically doesn’t begin until after Thanksgiving.

Old Business:

Barb Rauch mentioned that Rocky Minor Hockey needs to consider applying to host provincials again this year.

Cheryl Goodwin is in the process of gathering quotes for replacing and/or replenishing first aid kits, and for purchasing new pucks. To purchase pucks with RMHA logo on them is almost double the cost of pucks without logos.

There was some discussion about deposits required from each team for equipment. There have been lots of jerseys returned without being cleaned.

New Business:

Discussion began regarding the “Initiation Program” presentation made by Tanis Mofford on behalf of Elyse Morin.

Al Adams stated that in previous years there have been a lot of inconsistencies with coaching in the Tykes and Dynamites Programs, and that this will eliminate most of those inconsistencies.

Bob Goodwin made a motion to implement the Three Level Initiation Program. Shelly Daly seconded. CARRIED

RMHA 2012/2013 Rules and Regulations amendments:

Jodi Beckner, Al Adams, and Trisha Datema had a meeting to change and reword some rules and regulations for the upcoming hockey season. Changes are as follows:



All beginner players aged 4 to 7 as of December 31will be registered in the “3 Level Initiation Program”. Players registered in the Initiation Program will go through an evaluation process and be divided into three levels based on skill and development level.

The Level 1 team will consist of 1st year hockey players and beginner skaters. This level will play zero games, and will focus on developing skating skills and introducing young players to hockey basics.

The Level 2 team will consist of 1st and 2nd year players who have developed their skating skills, are still working on balance and agility, are in the early stages of puck handling, and are not quite ready for competitive hockey. This level will possibly be ready to play half-ice games by January at a ratio of approximately 4 practices to 1 game.

Level 3 will consist of players with more advanced skating and hockey skills fitting into a pre-novice level, and that are ready for competitive hockey. At Level 3, there will be two even teams that travel and play regular league play in the West Central Hockey League. The practice to game ratio at this level will ideally be 3 to 1.

For the first year of implementation of this program, players who had played at the Dynamite level the previous year can be grandfathered into the Level 3 program should the parents desire, even if the child is not demonstrating the necessary skills to be successful at that level.

  1. FEES
  1. Registration fees are calculated to cover ice rent, referee cost, insurance, league fees, equipment, and other operating costs for the estimated number of teams in the coming season. Fundraising is required to subsidize registration fees, and cover any other unexpected costs. Individual team fundraising is necessary to fund team based items such as tournament entries, team apparel, etc.
  2. Parents/guardians must complete and sign a RMHA Registration form. Signing the registration form also indicates that the parent/guardian agrees to the FOIP guidelines, which are available for review at
  3. All fees must be paid in full by the registration deadline set by the RMHA Executive.Players will not be permitted on the ice until all fees are paid in full and at least one parent has completed the Parent Respect In Sport Program. Anyone whose cheque is NSF or who had an NSF cheque in previous years will be required to pay cash.
  4. REMOVE THE ORIGINAL NUMBER 4. It is now covered in #3.
  1. Pro-rated refunds will be possible until November 1 but only after receipt of a written request stating reason, and after review by the Executive. Any refunds will be subject to $25 administration fees.
  1. (new)Families with 3 or more children registered with the Rocky Minor Hockey Association shall pay registration fees in full on or before the registration date then will be issued a cheque representing 10% of total registration fees on January 11, 2013. The children must all be living in the same household. This does not include try out fees. Those wishing to try out must pay the entire try out fee.

7.Team managers shall sign out equipment and provide a $150 cheque dated March 31, 2013 payable to RMHA that will be returned when equipment is all returned with jerseys washed, and after the equipment has been deemed acceptable by the level director. If the equipment is returned un-washed or with items missing/damaged the cheque will be deposited and the money will be used to help cover the cost of equipment cleaning or replacement.

15.Clinic registrants who are not involved with the RMHA will be charged market price to attend.

17. Jr. Coaches must take the Intro Coach Clinic before December 31.



3.All RMHA teams shall have one tournament per year in Rocky Mountain House, if they so choose, the exception being Bantam and Midget who will alternate hosting tournaments every year. The vice president, treasurer, office manager, and division director are responsible for coordinating the tournaments, including the bank account(s).

6.Directors shall provide a tournament financial statement to the fundraising chairperson within one week of the tournament.



7.All money raising projects must first be approved by the Fundraising Chair Person. Teams may run 50/50 draws, raffles, and any other fundraisers requiring a lottery license after obtaining a lottery license with the assistance of the Fundraising Chair Person. Teams may not solicit “door to door” for any donations. In order to participate in any bottle drives, or other community oriented fundraisers, teams must first obtain a HA Special Events Permit through the office manager and Fundraising Chair Person.

13.RMHA will provide awards at the end of each hockey season. At which time the following trophies/awards may be presented:

(a) Individual medallions and ESSO Certificates, Tykes to Novice

(b) ESSO Certificates and Medallions, Atom to Midget

(c) RMHA Coach-of-the-Year Award

(d) RMHA Manager -of-the-Year Award

(e) RMHA Volunteer-of-the-Year Award

(f) CHA Longtime Coach Award

(g) RMHA Longtime Volunteer Award

(h) Any other RMHA awards that the executive approves


18. Any future memorial awards will be set up for a term of five years.

21. After six absences from games or practices the coach, manager, level director, and a member of the executive must meet with the players family to assess the situation and determine whether disciplinary action is necessary.

Bob Goodwin made a motion to accept the 2012/2013 Rocky Minor Hockey Association Rules and Regulations changes as noted above. Claire Melmoth seconded. CARRIED.

Al Adams requested a discussion regarding the Office Manager’s wages and office hours. There was some discussion regarding this, and it was suggested that the Executive offer the office manager a set salary and request a schedule outlining when the office will be open.

Brad Dewing made a motion to offer the office manager a set salary, with expectations of office operation set schedule. Bob Goodwin seconded. CARRIED.

The next RMHA Executive meeting is set for September 11, 2012 at 7:00pm in the Arena meeting room.

Lisa Perkins made a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:49pm. Trisha Datema seconded. CARRIED.

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