“The Wrath of Grendel”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to lines 1-103.

1.  What images does the poet use to contrast Grendel and his world and the Danes and their world in lines 1 through 16?

2. Who is Hrothgar and what is Herot?

3. An allusion is an indirect reference to another piece of literature. What Christian and pagan

references do the poet use to describe Grendel in lines 19 through 29?

4. Why do you think Grendel keeps invading Herot and killing its people?

5. What is different between the poet’s description of the world at the beginning of the poem and his

description in lines 59 to 78? What is the cause of this change in description?

6. Describe the situation in Denmark at the end of “The Wrath of Grendel.” What is being done to

remedy the situation? Is it working?

“The Coming of Beowulf”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to lines 104 – 284.

1. In this section we are introduced to Beowulf. In what ways is he characterized as a hero?

2. What reasons does Beowulf given for coming to Hrothgar’s hall? Why does Beowulf give a big

introduction for himself in lines 237 – 255? What does this say about his personality?

3. Why does Beowulf insist on not using a sword when battling with Grendel?

4. What heroic qualities do you see in Beowulf?

“Unferth’s Challenge”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to the handouts.

1. What causes Hrothgar to make a speech reminding Beowulf of the time he helped his father?

2. Find examples of alliteration and kennings in this section.

3. How does Unferth challenge Beowulf’s “hero” status? How does this build suspense in our story?

4. What does the line “fate saves the living when they drive away death by themselves” mean? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

5. In literature, a foil is a character who contrasts another. How does Unferth serve as a foil for Beowulf?

6. How does Beowulf turn the tables on Unferth? What does he call him out on?

“The Battle with Grendel”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to lines 285 - 410.

1. Where in lines 285-324 does the author use foreshadowing?

2. Why do you think Beowulf allows Grendel to slaughter one of the Geats before taking action himself?

3. Who is the “wakeful sleeper” in lines 320 - 324?

4. How does Grendel feel about his encounter with Beowulf? (lines 325 –331) Do you feel sorry for

Grendel at all?

5. What do we learn about Grendel’s powers in lines 371-378?

6. What happens to Grendel at the end of this scene? What does Grendel do right after the battle?

(lines 393 –397)

7. What is Beowulf’s “proof” of his victory over Grendel? (lines 404 – 410) What effect will/does this

“proof” have on its viewers?

“The Monsters’ Lair”

1. Describe Grendel’s lair (lines 424 – 440). What is it suggestive of?

2. What has happened in Herot and what do they ask Beowulf to do?

“The Battle with Grendel’s Mother”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to lines 450 to 622.

1. What does Beowulf ask Hrothgar to do in the event that he is killed while battling Grendel’s mother? (lines 450 – 465)

2. Explain what happens in lines 469 – 491.

3. What do lines 507 – 509 mean? “So fame/Comes to the men who mean to win it/And care about

nothing else!”

4. Describe the fight between Grendel’s mother and Beowulf? What saves his life?

5. What does Beowulf use to fight Grendel’s mother? (lines 530 – 542)

7. What does Beowulf do when he comes upon Grendel’s dead body? (lines 548 –562) what reasons

does he give for this action?

“The Last Battle”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to lines 623 to 775.

1. Read the italicized words on page 56. What happens to Beowulf when he returns home after his victory over Grendel’s mother?

2. Read lines 623 – 628 and 645 – 647. How do these sections emphasize Beowulf’s conceitedness?

3. What happens in lines 692 – 699? How is Beowulf “transformed” in this scene?

5. Who is Wiglaf? What is he going to do for Beowulf? (lines 714 – 722)

6. Read lines 754 – 764. How do these lines show Wiglaf’s allegiance to Beowulf and the allegiance of the rest of Beowulf’s men?

“The Spoils” and “Farewell”

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to lines 775 to 842.

1. What does Wiglaf take from the dragon’s den? (lines 796 – 799)

2. How does Beowulf feel about the outcome of this battle? Does he think it was fought in vain? (lines

810 – 821)

3. What is Beowulf’s last request? (lines 821 – 830)

4. What does Beowulf leave Wiglaf? (lines 831 – 834)

6. How do the Geats reward/honor their dead king?

Beowulf Worksheet

2.  Find 3 kennings for Beowulf.


3.  Find 3 kennings for Grendel.


3. Find 2 examples of alliteration.


4. Find any line(s) that show the concept of “wyrd.”

5. Find any example of the mixing of pagan and Christian elements in Beowulf?

6. Give an example from Beowulf that shows how important the “warrior code” was to Anglo-Saxon society.