CAKE session no. 7

”Injuries on hands and fingers”


This CAKE session has a specific focus on injuries on hands and fingers. We have made this session in cooperation with the Hands on Safety campaign but we have tried to make it ‘as CAKE as possible.’

You have received a bag containing material from Hands on Safety. You will find a film there which is to be used in this CAKE session. You show the film before the introduction. In the same bag you will find a memory stick with a presentation on it. THIS PRESENTATION IS NOT TO BE USED! We have our own presentation.

Posters and booklets from the bag can be distributed where ever you find suitable.

The work shop results should be written down on the reply sheet.


  1. Hands on safety film, 16 min.
  2. Introduction and presentation of work shop, 10 min
  3. Work shop

Slide 2– This far …

Our silent deviation series is now finished and we are happy with the experiment. It was an experiment since it was our first time running series and not single sessions. We will do that again. It enabled us to dig far deeper into the issue.

Slide 3 – Injuries on hands and fingers

Hands and fingers are our most important tool. It is no coincident that we frequently hurt our hands and fingers. In 2008 we had 64 injuries on hands and fingers. Very few where serious, but all of them with a large potential. They can all be avoided.

Slide 4 – Grand Consequences

We do not have to tell people that they are lucky to have hands and fingers. But the consequences of not having them are grave.

Slide 5 – Typical situations

These are the most typical situations where hands and fingers are injured.

Slide 6 – Safety gloves

The important part in this slide is not that we have a variety of designated protection gloves. The important part is that every one of us must assess own risk, and then deciding which gloves to use. Safety gloves protects somewhat – a good risk assessment much more.

Slide 7 – But a glove won’t be enough

We have lots of procedures and routines that are meant to secure all activities and operations. These are our most important barriers. We also believe in our main values:

Care, awareness, knowledge and engagement can prevent injuries on hands and fingers.

Slide 8 – Work Shop

This is self-explanatory. Crew may be reminded on the importance of high quality output. We have made a reply sheet that can be downloaded on the web site. It is a word file and you can write directly in to the document and e-mail it onshore.