Brookside Place School PTA


Just in time for Mother’s Day!!!

Our annual Brookside Plant Sale will take place

Friday, May 12th rain or shine

What is it?

1)An opportunity for all Brookside children to buy plants during school on

Friday May 12th.

2)An opportunity for Brookside parents and guardians to order flatsof their favorite plants (see separate order form – due Friday May 5th) to be picked up the day of the plant sale (Friday May 12thbefore 2:30 pm).


How it works:

  • All Brookside teachers take the children in their classrooms to the plant sale during school (15 minute slots throughout the day).
  • Students bring in money and a shoebox and can shop during their time slot.

Here is an example of the types of plants that will be available:

4” pots (begonias, salvia, marigolds) $1.50

4 ½” pots (geraniums, hybrid impatiens) $3.00

Peat pots (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, basil) $1.50

Hanging baskets:

4 ½” $3.00

6” $5.00

8” $10.00

  • Parent volunteers will be available to help the children pick out plants and put them in their shoeboxes to transport their plants home.


What you can do:

1)PLEASE HELP with our plant delivery on the morning of the sale. DreyerFarms is delivering the morning of May 12th at8 AM. The more help we have the faster it will go!

2)PLEASE VOLUNTEER to assist the students with their selections throughout the day.

If you can spare some time to help with either of these, please contact:

Jen Rogers (917) 270-9072

3)Don’t forget to send your child in with money and a shoebox on Friday, May 12th!

*This event is NOT a PTA fundraiser but a service to our children in helping them choose a plant for someone special.


Brookside Place School PTA


Flats Pre-order Form

1)All orders must be pre-paid in full – Checks to ‘BPS PTA’

2)Return completed form along with payment in full to PTA Mailboxin office.

Please mark envelope “Plant Sale”.

3)Flat orders MUST be submitted by Friday May 5th at 2:30pm – no orders will be taken after that time.

4)All flat orders must be picked up BEFORE 2:30pm on Friday, May 12th.


Petunias (48) $14.00:Alyssum (48) $14.00: Jumbo Marigolds(32)$14.00:


Pink ___Purple___ Orange ___

Purple___White ___

Red ___Mix ___


White___ Salvia (48) $14.00:

Red ___

Begonias (32) $15.00: Coleus (32) $15.00:


Red___ Red___

White ___ Mix___

Mix ___

Name: ______

Class: ______

Phone: ______

# Flats Ordered:______Total $ Enclosed:______