D. Project description

Details about the contest

The contest has as target the promoting, in the community (defined as neighborhood in a precise way and as a European multicultural general way) the human resources with ages between 9 and 19 years old, with concerns in informatics, communication, mass-media techniques and ecology.

Annex 1

Contest theme

It was settled by the Eco-civics education Department of the Bucharest’s city hall since last year, referring to the way students involve themselves in solving ecologic problems from their neighborhood.

Theme: “Parks and gardens in your locality”.

Regulation of the contest

The 4 sections where teams from the same or different learning institutions of learning can sign up are:


Theme: “Coming back to nature – park, garden or forest, place of refuge, place of inspiration, and place of economic reevaluation.

Animation duration: 2 minutes

Maximum synopsis - 100 points (50p – technique realization, 30p – artistic realization, 20p – message + scientific content).

Presentation condition: The CD with the animation must include a 2 pages (*.doc) presentation about the making of the animation and a document with data about the team and about the institutions of learning from where the students come from, preceding realizations of the team and a phone number (proffered local) where you can be called for details, in the case when the jury has understandings.

b)Publicity movie

Theme: “Young people involved in solving community’s problems – the park, garden, a rural and urban necessity”.

Movie duration: 2 minutes

Maximum synopsis – 100p (30p – technique realization, 30p – sound, 20p – artistic realization, 20p – impact + message + scientific content); only original sound background is accepted (made by the participants).

Presentation condition: The same as for a) animation


Theme: “Keep the parks’, gardens’ and natural spaces cleaning”

Dimensions: 4 posters (A3 format) – these will be exposed during the festival; The CD with the posters must include a 2 pages (*.doc) presentation about the realizing of the posters and a document with data about the team and about the institutions of learning from where the students come from, preceding realizations of the team and a phone number (proffered local) where you can be called for details, in the case when the jury has understandings.

d)Web Pages

Theme: “The park, garden – the earth of my community”

Condition: You must indicate the address, because the debates will be on-line.

Synopsis: 100 points (50p – complexity, technique realization, 20p – esthetics, 30p – the objective reflection of the community with resources, realizations and problems); it is important to show how people who work on computers can help in solving community problems.

There are 2 age groups:

-Junior, 7-14 years old;

-Experts, 15-19 years old;

Singing up

The period of singing up teams is 08.01.2006 – 05.04.2006 at or at phone/fax 0214130320. You must tell us only the team’s name, city and an address or a phone number where the coordinator can be reached and on which section(s) would you like to participate.

Observations – Please fill the voting papers that you will receive attached with the CD with all the works, because your vote means a lot in nominating the big prize.

Organization – it will be assured by the “Dimitrie Sturdza” Nr.59 School, as in the last years. We hope to joy, this year too, of the Sector 6 city hall amiability in demanding the finalization of the contest – we need the conference hall and sound equipment.

As in every year, the video projector and the screen will be assured by “ORIFLAME”.