Student Assessment Rubric – Writing Stage 2

Name………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… Class……………………..……………… Date…………………………….…………………

Persuasive Text / E
Achievement / D
Achievement / C
Achievement / B
Achievement / A
Producing Texts
EN2-2A plans,
composes and
reviews a range of
texts that are
more demanding
in terms of topic,
audience and
language / Little to no drafting or revision.
Few structural elements. Little or no proofreading. Does not correct errors. Does not apply advice. / Limited planning or revision. Some structural elements. Limited proofreading. Little correction of errors. Notes advice. / Some planning and revision. Contains basic structural elements. Basic construction. Some proofreading. Correction of some errors. Listens to advice. / Strong planning and revision. Contains all structural elements. Sound construction.
Evidence of proofreading.
Can correct most errors. Acts on advice. / Thoughtful planning and revision.
Contains all structural elements.
Well constructed.
Engaging and interesting. Is able to proofread and identify errors and correct them. Acts on advice.
Grammar andPunctuation
EN2-9B uses
effective and
accurate sentence
conventions and
relevant to the
type of text when
responding to and
composing texts / Many errors with grammar and punctuation. (Less than 50% of text correct.) Text difficult to read and understand. / Obvious errors with grammar and punctuation.
(50% - 65% of text correct.)
Effort needed to make sense of the text. / Some errors with grammar and punctuation.
65%-80% of text correct.)
Text quite readable. / Few or some errors with grammar or punctuation.
(80%-90% of text correct.)
Text easy to read.
More complex sentence structure. / Few or no errors with grammar or punctuation.
(90%+ of text correct.)
Text very easy to read. More complex sentence structure.
EN2-5A uses a
range of
knowledge of
and common
letter patterns, to
spell familiar and
some unfamiliar
words / Many errors.
(Less then 50% of text correct.) Meaning compromised. Few or no strategies used. Text difficult to read. / Obvious errors.
(50%-65% of text correct.) Guessing needed to gauge meaning. Few strategies used. Text a little difficult to read. / Some errors.
(65%-80% of text correct.) Meaning still conveyed with some guessing. Some strategies used. Text readable. / Few or some errors. (80%-90% of text correct) Meaning not affected. Uses a variety of strategies. Text easy to read. / Few or no errors.
(90%+ of text correct.) Errors minor and do not affect meaning.
Uses a variety of strategies. Text very easy to read.
Handwriting andComputer technology
EN2-3A uses
handwriting and
publishes texts
using digital
. / Handwriting very hard to read, lacking many elements (size, slope, formation, spacing…) Very poor manipulation of a keyboard. Text very hard to read. / Handwriting harder to read, lacking elements (size, slope, formation, spacing…)
Poor use of the keyboard. Text harder to read. / Handwriting lacks some elements (size, slope, formation, spacing…) Clear but less consistent. Adequate manipulation of the keyboard. Text readable. / Handwriting lacks few elements (size, slope, formation, spacing…) but still clear and neat.
Good manipulation of the keyboard. Text easy to read. / Clear, neat handwriting of consistent size and slope correctly formed. Can use a keyboard correctly to produce desired text. Text very clear and easy to read.
Context and Text
EN2-8B identifies
and compares
different kinds of
texts when
reading and
viewing and
shows an
understanding of
purpose, audience
and subject matter / Cannot discuss how texts are adjusted for readers, how to develop subject matter or the purposes of a persuasive text. / Little understanding of how texts are adjusted for readers, how they develop the subject matter and the purposes of a persuasive text. / Some understanding of how the text is adjusted for readers, how they developed the subject matter and the purposes of persuasive texts. / Can discuss how the text is adjusted for readers, how they develop the subject matter and how persuasive texts serve a variety of purposes. / Clearly and easily identifies how their text is adjusted for readers, how they develop the subject matter and how persuasive texts serve a wide variety of purposes.
responds to and
composes a range
of texts that
viewpoints of the
world similar to
and different from
their own / Is unable to identify the structure of the text. Is unable to name relevant and appropriate grammatical features of their persuasive text. / Knows that an exposition is different but cannot identify the structure that makes it so. Cannot name relevant and appropriate grammatical features of their persuasive text. / Some knowledge of the structure of the text. Names some relevant and appropriate grammatical features of their persuasive text. / Identifies the structure of the text. Names most relevant and appropriate grammatical features of their persuasive text. / Clearly and easily identifies the structure of the text. Names relevant and appropriate grammatical features of their persuasive text.

Note: To work out percentage of text count the number of errors, subtract from the total words written and divide by the number of words then multiply by 100.

Eg With grammar and punctuation, a student writes 26 words and makes 5 errors, so26-5=21. 21/26=0.80x100=80% correct.

Eg: With spelling, a student writes 21 words and makes 9 errors so 21-9=12. 12/21=57 % correct.