Troubleshooting Companion for SharePoint Access

Please note that when a password for a BPIA or PRACS user is set for the first time, it happens on the master server only. The synchronization process to update all secondary servers with the new account information can take 4 - 6 hours to complete. Likewise, if the password is only changed (after the initial password is set) the synchronization process can take up to 2 hours to complete. Also, access with BPIA and PRACS certificates can only be given to externally facing SharePoint sites, not internal sites. The URL for all externally facing SharePoints will have the word “external” in the URL (i.e.

Using a new browser instance for each test, try the following steps:

  1. For PRACS certificates, navigate to:

and in the "update profile" section click on the “With Certificate” button.

  1. For BPIA certificates (users or approvers), navigate to:

and click on the “Edit/Create My Profile” link at the top.

  1. If this test is successful, the individual will be presented with a page to change theirpassword. If there is still an issue with accessing the SharePoint, see the Password Problems section below for an additional check. If this fails, there is a problem with the certificate, the private key or the network of the client workstation:
  2. On the user’smachine, please check the certificate store (Tools>Internet Options->Content-Certificates) to be sure the certificate exists in the browser. If there is no certificate in the Personal tab, then the certificate needs to be re-issued. This could be because the user received a new PC, had their hard drive re-imaged, or the certificate was accidentally deleted.If the certificate is there, double-click on that certificate.
  1. Click on the "details" tab, then "copy to file". This will invoke the Internet Explorer export certificate wizard. If the option to export the private key is "inactive" and if the reason is "the system cannot find or locate the private key" there is a problem with the client workstation because the browser cannot access the private key. This means that you cannot access the private key associated with the certificate. This could be the result of not running Internet Explorer as "Administrator"; or the certificate was imported without the private key originally. To correct this you need to contact your BPIA Approver or PRACS Liaison to have the certificate re-issued.

If this succeeds, then the certificate and private key are viable. In this case, there may be a problem with the client's browser configuration. Check Tools->Internet Options->Security->"trusted sites" to be sure that is listed. Other areas specific to security can be found under the "advanced" tab. Be sure that under "Security" SSL 3.0 and SSL 2.0 are checked.

If the certificate and private key are viable, the password was successfully set, is listed in your "trusted sites" and you have both SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 enabled in the "advanced" tab under Security, you will need to open a call with the help desk.

Password Problems:

If the test of your BPIA or PRACS certificate to edit your profile above was successful, but you are still having a problem accessing a SharePoint site, the problem may be with your password. There are certain special or extended characters that SharePoint will not accept even though the BPIA or PRACS site will allow you to enter them. Please change your password using the edit profile instruction above and be sure to follow these password guidelines:

BPIA and PRACS passwords must be a minimum of 12 characters long, and contain all 3 of the following items:


1 lower case letter

1 number

No special or extended characters should be used.

[CD1]It says the url should have the word External, but it doesn’t.