CISV USA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 20, 2014

Conference Call

Present: Todd (presiding), Laura, Lauren, Tait, Chip, Catherine, Janet, Phil and Jim

The minutes of the previous call were adopted.

President's Report: Catherine reported and led a discussion about expansion. The board was told that there are at least six potential locations for new chapters, based on recent expressed interest of persons in those locations. They are Columbia SC, Portland OR, Seattle WA, Chicago IL, Los Angeles CA and Miami FL.

Questions: New locations based on geography? How many should be in process at a time? How many total over how many years? What are the obligations and privileges of an interest group/steering committee? At what points along the way does the BOD have yes/no approval?

After much discussion, there was a general consensus that we should develop/revise material for interested parties and that Laura and Catherine are empowered to go ahead with a limited number of interested people. The finer points of the process will be ironed out at our face to face in January.

Debrief re CISV in Notion 2014:

The survey of participants and subsequent discussions yielded: JB wants more time; Keynote speaker could have been better; Chapter representatives want more meeting time with each other and the board; there were conflicting opinions about the value/success of the meeting in general. Todd suggests that we use some time at January meeting to set agenda for next year's national conference.

It was reported that Justin has a plan for calling for papers for next year's meeting. By a motion, the board approved that he do so, though there is still some confusion about how they could be presented. More information later, but a go-ahead for now, as time is critical.

As discussed at CISV in Motion, Laura reported that the database project moves ahead. It is down to about 10,000 names, scrubbing in progress. The NA plans to use the database to send a December holiday greeting to those portions of the database that appear to be workable as a first effort at contact.

Other Reports:

Lauren reported about the Canadian national meeting which she attended and particularly about the discussions there about the first CISV Global Conference next summer. Canadian representatives have set some national criteria for selection/attendance to the conference and Catherine reports that this issue has also been a recurring topic at our presidents' conference calls.

Lauren also reported that, internationally, the vote for new insurance scheme, which we elected not to support, was not adopted by the vote of the IR's. The IO will work on alternative plans, but for now international insurance is unchanged.

Chip reports that the 2013 audit is done and will shortly be made available to the chapters. We are also to note that it appears will be audited by the IRS for our tax return for 2012.

Tait discussed briefly the progress of the football pool task force: an additional challenge will be to clear up the parameters for co-hosting, both internationally and between chapters domestically.

It was suggested , to at least tacit approval, that our meetings include, quarterly, the regional managers and JB officers.

The next face-to-face meeting will be January 23-25 in Philadelphia. Hotel Warner. Brandywine Valley board and BOD first event a pot luck at Janet's house Friday evening. More details to follow.

The board is reminded of their commitment to support CISV USA monetarily.

Todd: a major task of the January meeting is to update our strategic plan: board and committees.

Submitted December 17, 2014

Jim Watkins, Secretary to the Board