City of Phillips’ Common Council Meeting

Council Room, Municipal Hall

174 S Eyder Avenue

July 8, 2014


Mayor, Charles Peterson

Council Members: Wards 1 & 2 –Richard Heitkemper, Jerry Clark; Wards 3 & 4 –John Vlach, Linda Johnson; Ward 4-Dorothy Hanish, Jordan Spacek.

Public Works – Bronson Thalacker; Police – Michael Hauschild; Library – Rebecca Smith

Clerk/Treasurer: Barb Revak

This meeting is held in compliance with Wisconsin’s Open Meeting Law, WI § Chapter 19, Subchapter V. As such it is open to the public.

Call to Order (presiding officer)


Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Charles Peterson ___, Jerry Clark___ , Richard Heitkemper ___, Linda Johnson, ___ John Vlach___, Dorothy Hanish ___, Jordan Spacek___.

Public Comment


  1. Motion to Approve/CorrectJune 10, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes.
  1. Motion to approve the payment of vouchers in total amount of $264,086.72.
  1. Motion to adopt resolution #1144 for a budget adjustment of expenses and revenues $4,000 as recommended by the Committee of the Whole.
  1. 2014 Budget
  1. Committee Reports.
  2. Ambulance
  3. Library
  4. Chamber
  1. Adjournment


………of the Common Council of the City of Phillips at a organizational meeting held in the Council Room of Municipal Hall on July 8, 2014.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson at 5:30 p.m. Those present included:

1st Aldermanic District: Jerry Clark, Richard Heitkemper

2nd Aldermanic District: Linda Johnson, John Vlach

3rd Aldermanic District: Dorothy Hanish, Jordan Spacek

Clerk/Treasurer: Barb Revak

Also present:


  1. Hanish/Heitkemper motioned to ApproveJune 10, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes as presented. Carried
  1. Johnson/Vlach motioned to approve the payment of vouchers in total amount of $264,086.72. Carried
  1. Heitkemper/Vlach motioned to adopt resolution #1144, 2014 budget adjustments as recommended by the Committee of the Whole. Carried

Resolution #1144

2014 Budget Adjustments

WHERE AS, an amendment to Year 2014 City Budget for the City of Phillipsis needed to accommodate expenditures and Revenues in Year 2014; and

WHERE AS, the Police Department needs to amend the budget for the purchase of Brite Computers and Texas Wolfcom equipment; and

WHERE AS,the Police Department received a grant in the amount of $4,000.; and

WHERE AS, the City of Phillips Treasurer needs to make the following adjustments;

Increase 100-00-52100-500-000 Contract Services-Police $4,000.00

Increase 100-00-43690-000-000 Other Police Grants $4,000.00

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Phillips that the overall Schedule of Expenditures and cash accounts would be adjusted corresponding to the budget line items as presented.

Adopted this 8th day of July, 2014

  1. 2014 Budget: Budget looked good. A couple that were high was due to insurance premiums being paid semi-annually.
  1. Committee Reports.
  2. Ambulance – meeting July 30th. Been busy.
  3. Library- One little library is up at the pavilion, summer kick off party went good, about 100 people.
  4. Chamber: Questions about the fire rings and picnic tables. If the city comes up with a letter the Chamber will sent them out to the businesses. Concern about the Banner System. Revak needs to verify the company is still going to do it. Bathrooms at Anne Marie field need repairs. Strong odors need to be vented new rood and liquid deodorizer. There needs to be a dock added to the campground.

Clark motioned to adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

City Clerk-Treasurer