Commission Chairman Ronald Winterton; Commissioner Greg Todd, Commissioner Ken Burdick, Deputy County Attorney Tyler Allred, Public Works Director Glen Murphy, and Clerk Auditor JoAnn Evans taking minutes of the meeting.
Public Works/Landfill Update
Director Murphy reported that the Road Department has been working on the Justice Center and Fairground projects. They have also been working on County Road #142 in Jenkins Draw where there was back wash from last fall. They are in the process of moving the crusher to Duchesne for about two months and then move it to Altamont.
Director Murphy also reported that Kent Berg is retiring from Wasatch County. There will be a retirement party on the 15th. He will purchase a gift.
Discussion Of Eliminating A Dam Across County Road #258 In Bluebell
Property Owners Shiloh Williams, Cindy Hamilton, Bjorn Carlson, Shannon Carlson, Wayne Embleton, Cindy Embleton joined the meeting at 10:04 A.M…
Chairman Winterton stated that this culvert is a big hazard and needs to be fixed. Director Murphy stated that they did get the culvert opened up so it’s draining again. We need to put in a bigger culvert, but want input from the residents. We would rather have the culvert put in at the bottom of the pond. Chairman Winterton asked if everyone was okay with the county going in and fixing the problem. They need a wider width to be able to maintain it and get equipment over it. If we widen it, there is the option of paving it in the future. Director Murphy stated that they might need a turn-around for snow plows. Chairman Winterton stated that we could send Surveyor Jerry Allred up there and stake it out so the residents can have an idea of what will need to be moved. Attorney Allred stated that because this is a stream, we have to submit our application to the State of Utah as to what our proposal is and give them 30 days to review it.
Commission Assistant BobbiJo Casper joined the meeting at 10:21 A.M… Clerk Auditor Evans was excused.
Chairman Winterton stated that we don’t want another accident or leave anyone stranded.
Discussion Of Wastewater Policies And TriCounty Health
Darrin Brown with TriCounty Health & Deputy County Attorney Jared Tingey joined the meeting at 10:45 A.M…
Mr. Brown stated that the Health Department should have rules of how the State Department governs all of the rules, but the local commission should have the say. We are figuring out how we are going to implement the reused. We want public input and hold public meetings. He has a very rough draft to give and idea of the direction they are going. He is asking for the commission to say move forward to the next step and get public input. We want in conjunction with the county. There are different definitions between this and the building code such as the definition of a bedroom. We want to be in conjunction with the building code. There are lots of rules out there so we want it all in one document. He has met with Uintah and Daggett Counties and they are ready to go public. Attorney Tingey asked how long the feasibility assessments are; he thought he read 180 days. Mr. Brown stated that site assessments are good for two years. Attorney Tingey stated that if the ground water changes within the two years that’s a long time. There is a lot that can happen and suggested adding that if there are changes such as a road being put in, that they are to have another site assessment. Chairman Winterton stated that if everyone is okay with it, let’s have Mr. Brown put it out to the public.
Discussion Of Property Sold At The May Tax Sale
Treasurer Stephen Potter, Recorder Shelley Brennan, Clerk Auditor JoAnn Evans, Bridget Saunders & Dan Hunter joined the meeting at 11:02 A.M…
Mrs. Saunders stated that she bought property in Duchesne County two years ago from Julie Mata. Julie told her that she would drop off the warranty deed at the county. Mrs. Saunders faxed a copy of it to the county and spoke to someone who told her to call back to pay the taxes. Last week, she received a text from Julie saying that according to the prior owner the property was on the county tax sale. Recorder Brennan stated that if we received the information it would have been updated in our system. Clerk Auditor Evans stated that Roy Dennis bought the property at the tax sale in the amount of six thousand two hundred dollars ($6,200). Mr. Hunter stated that certified mail was sent to the Mata’s and was returned to the county and feels that the county could have done more to find Josh Saunders. Chairman Winterton stated that as property owners, you are responsible for keeping your address up to date with the county. He feels that the county did their diligence on this. We have to be firm enough so we can pay our bills and provide all services. We have set precedence, but this isn’t something that we like to see.
Entered recess at 12:00 P.M…
Re-Entered Combined Commission Meeting at 12:23 P.M…
Consideration Of Vouchers
Deputy Clerk Auditor Connie Sweat joined the meeting at 12:23 P.M… Commissioner Burdick excused himself from the meeting at 12:24 P.M…
The commission reviewed vouchers # 131678 through 131764 dated May 18, 2015, in the amount of two hundred twenty one thousand six hundred three dollars and ninety six cents ($221,603.96) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. The commission also reviewed vouchers # 131765 through 131792 dated May 25, 2015, in the amount of ninety three thousand fifty four dollars and seventy nine cents ($93,054.79) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. The commission also reviewed vouchers # 131793 through 131877 dated May 31, 2015, in the amount of four hundred ninety eight thousand three hundred eighty two dollars and fifty seven cents ($498,382.57) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the vouchers as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Chairman Winterton seconded the motion. Both commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of A Business License Application For Preschool Adventures
Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the business license application as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Chairman Winterton seconded the motion. Both commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of A Business License Application For TM Sales And Service
Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the business license application as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Chairman Winterton seconded the motion. Both commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of Ratifying The May 21, 2015 Tax Sale
Commissioner Burdick rejoined the meeting at 12:31 P.M…
Chairman Winterton stated that we received a letter from Gene Angus protesting the sale of three parcels that were purchased by Assessor Greg Garff. Attorney Tingey stated that Mr. Angus is claiming that there was a conflict of interest, but that can be however it’s interpreted. Commissioner Todd motioned to ratify the May 21, 2015 Tax Sale. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Discussion Of Personal Property Taxes
Assistant Casper stated that no discussion is necessary at this time.
Discussion Of URS Contributory/Non Contributory Window And Performance Evaluations
Melissa Yorgensen & Becky Caton joined the meeting at 12:39 P.M…
Mrs. Yorgensen stated that URS has passed a window to change to non-contributory if we choose to do so. Also the death benefit changes could affect 72 employees. If we change to non-contributory, it would save us $30,000. We would have to hold meetings with these employees that URS would provide. You have until December 31, 2015 to decide. We currently pay the six percent for employees. Commissioner Todd stated that he would like URS to come out and discuss this with us.
Consideration Of Policy Changes For Telecommuting And The Affordable Care Act
Mrs. Yorgensen stated that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is 30 hours per week. If an employee works more than 130 hours a month, we have to offer benefits for 12 months. We will continue to monitor this and notify supervisors if an employee is close to going over. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the benefit changes as presented by the Human Resources Department. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Mrs. Yorgensen stated that there were changes made to telecommuting. They feel that it shouldn’t be the personnel’s decision and that it should be up to the elected official or department head. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the policy changes as presented by the Human Resources Department. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Discussion And Consideration Of HR Director
Chairman Winterton stated that we need to appoint an HR Administrator or Director for contact purposes according to our policy. This could be for a while until UCIP and UAC makes their decision on what direction they are going. We are impressed with both ladies in the Personnel Department and their work ethics. We need to hold confidences and that is the #1 thing in Human Resources. Commissioner Todd motioned to appoint Mrs. Yorgensen as the Interim HR Director. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Consideration Of An Interlocal Cooperation Agreement With Duchesne County For Investigation, Review And Prosecution Of A Case
Attorney Allred stated that this has to do with the recent shooting in Roosevelt that has been conflicted out. It went to Uintah County then to the Attorney General and now to Utah County. We have to cross deputize as Deputy Attorney’s. If they prosecute, we will pay for things such as lodging and meals. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the agreement with Utah County. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Reconsideration Of 2015 Commission Assignments
Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the revised Commission Assignments for 2015. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Entered recess at 1:29 P.M…
Re-Entered Combined Commission Meeting at 1:2\30 P.M… Meeting reconvened in Commission Chambers…
Consideration Of Amended Resolution No. 15-09, A Resolution Of The Duchesne County, Utah Commissioners Calling On The Congress Of The United States To Pass Utah Congressman Rob Bishop’s Bill Commonly Known As The Utah Public Lands Initiative, Consistent With The Terms Listed Herein
County/Community Planning Administrator Mike Hyde, Duchesne City Mayor RoJean Rowley & Steve Rowley joined the meeting at 1:30 P.M…
Administrator Hyde stated that on April 27, 2015 the commission adopted Resolution No. 15-09. After the adoption, Congressman Bishop’s staff visited with the commission to see if they would donate more. We are trying to pass a bill that would prevent President Obama from bringing three monuments into Utah without public comments. The proposal was presented to the Public Land Use Committee and they conducted a public meeting on April 22, 2015. Public comments received at the meeting were unanimous in opposition to the creation of new wilderness designations in Duchesne County. The Public Land Use Committee feels that the commission should stick to their original proposal and not give anymore. There are options as indicated in the written report. Exhibit A increased the size of the Desolation Canyon wilderness area in Duchesne County from 2,940 acres to 4,821 acres. Exhibit B-2 was added to provide a Special Management Area above 11,000 feet in the Chapeta Lake area, to be managed as wilderness except for winter snowmobile use. This potential SMA is about 4,742 acres in size. Casey Snyder with Congressman Bishop’s office has asked the commissioners to hold off making a decision until they meet with him.
Public Comments –
Mayor Rowley stated that she is opposed to giving anymore and is against even giving them what we have already.
Mr. Rowley stated that once SUWA gets their hands on stuff they get it indefinitely. If SUWA wants a study done, he feels that they should pay for it not us taxpayers.
No other public comments were received.
Commissioner Todd stated that we received letters from the coalition that we sent to the Public Land Use Committee. After reviewing the letter there were several members of the committee who backed away and wanted to stay at the 1,509 acres not an inch more. Commissioner Burdick stated that he is in agreement with the Public Land Use Committee and feels that we have given enough and that we need to be careful in the future. Attorney Allred stated that he feels that the decision by the Public Land Use Committee was made by emotion, particularly in the southern piece. We shouldn’t play off of emotion. The boundary is always going to be there and he doesn’t know how they are going to police it. Chairman Winterton stated that he would like to go look at the northern area to take the emotion out of it. Commissioner Burdick motioned to table Resolution No. 15-09 until we have an opportunity to meet with Casey Snyder. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.
Commission Calendaring
Chairman Winterton adjourned the meeting at 2:39 P.M.
Read and approved this 15th day of June 2015.
Ronald Winterton / BobbiJo CasperCommission Chairman / Clerk/Auditor
Minutes of meeting prepared by BobbiJo Casper______
Combined Commission Meeting June 01, 2015 Page 5 of 5