December 1st2013

Nearly90 young talents have won MOL support again


MOL Talent Support Programme has been helping the career of nearly 90 young gifted artists and scientist this year with a total of HUF 18 million. The talented young people could apply for funding for the purchase of the necessary gears and outfits or for their travel expenses. In afestive event held in the Budapest Music Centre the young talents were awarded with a Certificate of Merits handed over by actress Eszter Ónodi, Goodwill Ambassador of the New Europe Foundation, and Lili Felméri, the ballerina of the Hungarian Opera, who used to be a former beneficiary of the programme herself. The MOL Talent Support Programme has been assisting the development of the young talents since 2006 and so far they have spent a total of HUF 30 million on talent support.

MOL Talent Support Programme assists the development of young and successful artists, sports talents and researchers. For their preparation and practice they have to buy certain tools, musical instruments or sport gears, or they need to travel to competitions or master courses and usually these are the fields where they are mostly in need of assistance. In 2013 87 young talents and their teams won HUF 18 million support with their applications for the tender invited by MOL

An jury of experts evaluated the applications, the members were László Baán,director of the Budapest Museum of the Fine Arts, ZsuzsaEsztó, pianist, teacher of the Hungarian Academy of Music, MártonDevich, journalist, Ágnes Gereben, literary historianand Péter Várkonyi, engineer, teacher of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The final decision was brought by the curators of the New Europe Foundation. During the evaluation the main criteria were the results of the contestants achieved so far and their level of need for support.

During the concert titled „Let’s play together” held in the Budapest Music Centrethe young talents received their Certificates of Merits from actress Eszter Ónodi, the Goodwill Ambassador of the New Europe Foundation, which is managing the talent support programme, and Lily Felméri,the ballerina of the Hungarian Opera, who also used to be a beneficiary of the programme. The classical music concert was given by artistswho were earlier supported by the MOL Support Programme. They played together with pianist Tamás Érdi.

MOL has been assisting young talents through its public utility foundation since 2006, helping so far nearly 3000 young sports talents and youth preparing for a classical music career or for a scientific career. Among the supported talents this year is – among others - cellistBalázs Dolfin, winner of several international competitions, student of the Preliminary Course for Special Talents of the Hungarian Academy of Music, as well as thenatural science team of the 10th International Junior Science Olympiad, who are expected to return from the prestigious competition with foreign students with several gold and silver medals just as they did it in the previous years.

You can find the list of the winners here.

For more Information:

Gáborné Haáz Andrea, 0670 373 4384

Nagy Diána, Eurolex Consulting, 0670 938 6894