October 15, 2017

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.”

Monday 8:00 a.m. Sandra Wakeford – Pearl Fler

Francis Maloney – Marsha Taylor

Tuesday 8:00 a.m. Special Intentions of a Parishioner

Father Phil Sherlock – Pearl Fler

Patricia Peacock – Mary & Jim Renner

Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Paul Garnier – Michael & Family

Helen Downey – Downey Family

In Thanksgiving to St. Rita – Sonia Daza

Thursday 8:00 a.m. Mary Callan – Jane Creighton & Family

Kay Logel – Larry & Marj Goodyear

Laura Logel – Larry & Marj Goodyear

Friday 8:00 a.m. Manuel & Isabel Dias – Florentino Dias

Manuel Isidore & Maria Isidore – Etelvina Dias

Father Phil Sherlock – Anne Jarvis

Friday 10:30 a.m. Mass at Golden Years Nursing Home

Saturday 5:00 p.m. John Weston – Marlene Evanchuk

Deceased Members of the Starr Family – Family

Lucas Badulak – Louisa & Theresa & Family

Girardo Lisi – Family

David Kautesk – Dolores Kautesk

Stephen Kautesk – Dolores Kautesk

Special Intentions of Mary Ann & Bob – Marcia Kratzer

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PRAYERS for the SICK – As a faith community, we pray for all who struggle with illness and for their families. At this time we especially remember Blaine Galway, Joe Levai, Kevin Young and Anton Gale.

PRAYER NETWORK – Are you in need of prayerful support? Or would you like to help us pray for those who have requested prayers? We have a parish Prayer Network: People who pray for those in need of prayers. Please contact Reggie Weidinger at 519-653-0625 or


Your new schedules are ready to be picked up in the sacristy. Thank you for all you do!

A REMINDER to ALL EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – The Ministers of Communion Workshop will take place this Monday, October 16th, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. here at St. Clement Parish. Father Peter and Sister Elaine look forward to seeing you there.


§  Young girls and boys (Grade 4 and up) … Are you interested in serving Our Lord and our parish by becoming an Altar Server? If you answered “yes”, please note that parental consent forms are in the sacristy. Our sacristan, Dan Schmalz, along with Father Peter, will train all new Altar Servers.

§  Men and women interested in becoming an Adult Altar Server for weekend Mass – Please call the parish office or speak with Father Peter.

§  We are in great need of Altar Servers for the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturdays as well as the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays.

§  The first training session for all new Altar Servers will be held in Church on Saturday, October 21st, at 10:30 a.m.


All are welcome to attend the Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of Reformation:

A joint service with The Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, Bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton,

and Rev. Dr. Michael Pryse, Bishop, Easter Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

Saturday, October 21st, at 2:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 49 Queen Street North, Kitchener

MASS of THANKSGIVING – The Carmelite nuns in St. Agatha are celebrating their 65th Anniversary of Foundation (1952-2017). All are welcome to join the Sisters in a Mass of Thanksgiving – Sunday, October 22nd, at 2:00 p.m. at 1127 Carmel-Koch Road, R.R. #1, St. Agatha. Bishop Douglas Crosby will be the main celebrant. For further details, please visit www.thecarmel.ca or call (519) 884-6700.


An event for all adults, not just young adults ...

A priest. A great talk. Free munchies. Our hot topic series is back!

PRIESTS IN THE PUB! …. “RESISTING THE DEVIL” … SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, at 6:30 p.m. Come to The Pheasant Plucker Pub, 20 Augusta St., Hamilton, for a fascinating talk by Fr. Bill Trusz, Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish and Diocesan Coordinator of Spiritual Healing Ministry. Q & A to follow. For further details, check out “Hamilton Catholic Young Adults” on Facebook or contact

MINISTERS OF THE WORD WORKSHOPS – For all who proclaim the Word of God to their brothers and sisters during the Sunday Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations of the Christian community. This workshop will also prove beneficial for those who proclaim the Scriptures as part of their ministry as catechists. Please register for ONE Session only

§ Saturday, October 21st, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon – St. Joseph Parish, Guelph
§ Monday, October 23rd, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. – St. Clement Parish, Cambridge
§ Wednesday, October 25th, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. – St. Andrew Parish, Oakville
§ Thursday, October 26th, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. – St. John the Baptist Parish, Hamilton

Payment Details: The cost of each workshop is $10 per person. Please note that our parish will cover the cost. Please call the parish office (519-653-6123) to register.

ST. VINCENT de PAUL MEETING – All parishioners are welcome to attend the next meeting of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Thursday, October 26th, at 7:30 p.m. in St. Clement’s parish hall (church basement).


You are invited to volunteer for one or two “Welcome to Confirmation” Masses here at St. Clement Parish. Dates: Sunday, October 29th, and Sunday, November 19th, 2017. Time: Before/during/after the 12:00 noon Mass. Youth are needed to serve as lectors, assist the ushers, help with serving pizza to Grade 7 Confirmandi, etc. The “etc.” is in its planning stages; if you have ideas to welcome the Grade 7’s, we are listening! Our contact person is Dee Donahue, . Please email Dee for more information or to volunteer. Thanks!

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT – St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Kitchener, offers a Bereavement Support Group each year beginning early in November. Resources include those from the Diocese of Hamilton, Dr. Bill Webster and Father Fred Scinto, C.R., who has ministered to the bereaved for over 35 years. The primary resource book is Grief’s Courageous Journey by Gordon Lang and Sandi Caplan. (There is a nominal fee for this workbook.) Friends and family mean well but sometimes we need someone “to just listen.” Come and see if this programme is something that may help. The first meeting will take place Monday. November 6th, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Registration is required. For further information, please contact Barbara Diemert (tel., 519-744-8955; email, )

“An authentic faith always implies a deep desire to change the world.” – Pope Francis

Our own Marie Adam will be participating in Chalice’s 2017 mission to Bolivia from November 4th to 14th!

Join in and see, hear, touch, smell and taste life as experienced in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Witness the impact that true Christian charity has on the lives of children, their families and their community. v Will you be in solidarity with us? Here’s how: Pray for Marie and the Mission team. Follow their blog at www.ChaliceOnTour.blogspot.ca. Support their fundraising goals to (1) Sponsor 50 children from Bolivia. (2) Raise $25,000 for the local families in need. v To donate: Visit http://chalice.ca/get-involved/travel-with-us … Contact Chalice at 1-800-776-6855 … Or contact Marie directly (tel., 519-650-1083; email, ). v If you prefer to donate items such as tooth-brushes, toothpaste, sports equipment or school supplies, please contact Marie to arrange for pick up. Thank you.


Once again next year – from Friday, February 2nd, to Sunday, February 11th, 2018 – I will be going on my annual trip to Kingston, Jamaica. I would like to invite you to join me on this upcoming trip to spend time with people of Holy Name of Jesus Parish and the children of Marcus Garvey Basic School (75 children ages 4, 5 and 6). Other activities will be to assist for a few hours a day on some projects that both men and women are able to do. The approximate cost per person would be $1,400.00 Canadian. This would include the flight to Jamaica, transportation, lodging and meals. For more information, please call Father Ed Hinsperger, 1-519-323-7733.

If you would like to assist us but are unable to join us on the trip,

you can be part of this adventure

by visiting with us when we host …

A Continental Breakfast here at St. Clement’s:

Sunday, November 5th, in the Parish Hall

following the 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses.

More details will follow in next week’s bulletin. Mark your calendars!

We look forward to having breakfast with you!


Saturday, November 18th, at Scotiabank Convention Centre, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

§  This year’s theme is based on one of the most important questions of our time, “What is Truth?” and how and where do we find it. In a culture that promotes truth as relative, how do we as Catholics respond?

§  Keynote speakers will address atheism, relativism, the divisions in Christianity bringing Protestantism and how to discuss this with family and friends.

§  For the first time, REGENERATE(D) YOUTH 2017, for ages 12 to 18, will run concurrently.

§  Early-bird tickets are available now! To purchase tickets or for more information about these conferences, call Branches at (905) 685-7000 or visit www.branchesoftheword.org. If you are in need of financial assistance, please

§  contact


745 DUKE ST.


N3H 3T7

Telephone: 519-653-6123

Fax: 519-653-4393


