Saint Matthew the Apostle

Guidelines for Altar Servers


Altar servers are to always come to church wearing their “Sunday best.”

After all, they are coming to give their best in their service at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Appropriate Altar serving attire:

Young men are to wear:

-Plain white dress shirt

-Long pants

-Black or brown dress shoes with matching dark socks

Young women are to wear:

-Plain white blouse

-Long skirt (or pants)

-Black or brown flats with nylons or matching dark socks

It is strictly prohibited for anybody to wear:


-Athletic shoes


It is strictly prohibited to chew gum or have a cell phone on during Mass.

It is permitted to wear knee pads during Mass.


1. Please arrive at least 20 minutes before Mass and sign in on the attendance log.

(You may arrive as early as you want, but 30 minutes before Mass is ideal.)

(If you were playing a sport that started at 10am, your parents would never arrive 5 minutes before

the game starts…. Servers, you may need to encourage your parents to bring you to Mass earlier.)


If you are substituting for someone, please record this on the attendance log so that we know the person has taken the responsibility of finding a sub.

If a server is missing and it is 10 minutes beforeMass, a substitute will be sought out.

If you are late and someone has already dressed to take your place,

the vested person will serve.

2. Pray the Altar server prayer located in the server’s sacristy.

O God, thank you for having graciously called me to serveat Your Altar
and assisting others in their prayer to You.

May I be worthy of the trust placed in me

and through my example of humble service

in being directed by my Guardian Angel

may I assist in bring others closer to You.

Grant me the grace to serve You faithfully and wholeheartedly.

Open my mouth, O Lord, that I may bless your Holy Name.

Cleanse my heart from all evil and distracting thoughts.

Grant me a true spirit of faith and humble obedience

so that I may ever behold the priest as a representative of God

and to follow him in the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Christ.

O Mary, Mother of Christ the High Priest,

as I serve at the most Holy Sacrifice,

obtain for me the grace of knowing my vocation in life.

St. John Berchmans, Patron of Altar Servers… pray for us.

3. Put on an alb and cincture while praying the appropriate prayers.


Purify me, O Lord, from all stain and cleanse my heart,

that washed in the Blood of the Lamb, I may enjoy eternal delights.


Gird me, O Lord, with the cincture of purity,

and quench in my heart the fire of fleshly desires,

that the virtue of continence and chastity may remain in me.


An alb fits if it either touches or is within a few inches from the tops of your shoes when wearing a cincture.

The cords from the tied cincture are to hang alongside one’s left leg

A wooden cross is placed around the neck with the rope positioned under the hood of the alb.

4. Immediately after vesting, the Crucifer, Torch bearers, and Boat bearer ask the MC about any questions they may have. When a server’s questions are answered, they pray before the Blessed Sacrament until the MC directs them back to the Sacristy.

Servers are encouraged to pray that the priest offers the Mass, that servers may serve the Mass, and that the faithful may offer themselves in the Mass with great love, reverence, and devotion.

Servers are encouraged to know that while our sins are forgiven in confession, the best way to atone for our sins is by reverently attending the Mass. In fact, at the hour of your death, when the sins of your life pass before your eyes, the Masses you have heard will be your greatest consolation since each Mass will plead for your pardon at your judgment. Also, by praying for the Poor Souls of Purgatory at Mass, you will afford them the greatest possible relief. And after the Holy Souls are freed from Purgatory, they will certainly pray for you before the heavenly throne and thus preserve you from misfortunes which otherwise might have befallen you. Consequently, by reverently participating at the Holy Sacrifice, the time you would have spent in Purgatory will be shortened and the glory you merit in Heaven will be increased. In short, all of this and more is possible by reverently attending Mass.

5. After vesting, Acolyte 1 places the following on thecredence tables1 and 3in the Apse:

-Chalice- Water cruet (filled) -Tray of Patens with bread

-Clean lavabo bowl and finger towel

-Aspersory dish and purificator for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

-Extra purificators

6. After vesting, Acolyte 2 checksthe Sanctuary for:

-Bells in proper place

-Missal upon Missal Stand at credence table 2 (behind the priest’s chair)

-Notebook of intercessions at credence table 2

-Key in Tabernacle

-Lights candles (and Easter Candle if it’s the Easter Season)

When all candles have been lit, extinguish the wick and be sure that an un-burnt piece of wick is

visible (if the wick is entirely inside the taper, it can get “gummed up”).

Note: Before and after Mass, whenever anyone crosses the center of the Sanctuary, reverence the Tabernacle by genuflecting.

7. Acolyte 1 and 2 pray before Tabernacle while MC double checks the work of Acolyte 1 and 2.

8. Thurifer lightscharcoal10 minutes before Mass.

9. MC will bring all servers praying before the Tabernacle to the Sacristy 5 minutes before Mass.

10. Immediately before the Procession begins, the Priestwill invite you to pray with him.

Note: If the Priest says: “Procedamus in pace.”

(Let us proceed in peace)

The server(s) reply: “In nomine Christi. Amen” .

(In the name of Christ. Amen)

Pronounced: Een no-me-nay Crees-tee. Ah-men.


Thurifer (Th)

(with Boat Bearer (BB) on thuifer’s left if necessary)

Acolyte 1 (Ac1) Crucifer (Cr) Acolyte 2 (Ac2)


Torch bearer 1 (Tb1) Torch bearer 2 (Tb2)

Deacon with Evangeliarium

Torch bearer 1 (Tb1) Torch bearer 2 (Tb2)



11. During the procession, please walk slowly while keeping the about 3 pews between yourself and the person in front of you. When you arrive at the steps, after genuflecting (or bowing in unison if you are carrying something), always go up the steps with your right foot first.

Note: If you do not have anything in your hands walk with your hands folded at sternum level with an approximately 45 degree angle and with your right thumb over left.

If you are carrying something with one hand: carry it with your right hand and with your left hand placed on your sternum with your fingers (including your thumb) together.

12. The Thurifer swings the thurible with their right arm, (holding the boat in their left hand if there is not a Boat bearer). When the Thurifer (and Boat bearer) arrive at the steps, a bow is made. After bowing and advancing straight up the steps, the Thurifer moves to the right of the Altar and stands in front of the Ambo waiting for the Priest and Deacon to arrive.

Note: When bowing, keep the boat level so incense does not spill.Also, when bowing make sure the thurible does not hit the floor or the steps. If there is a Boat bearer, they follow on the Thurifer’s left wherever the Thurifer goes while carrying a thurible.The Boat bearer’s only task is to carry and give the boat with their right hand and to receive the boat from the Deacon in with their left hand.

13. When the Crucifer, Acolyte 1, and Acolyte 2 are processing they should strive to be parallel with each other if the aisle width allows it. When they arrive at the steps, they do not bow. Instead, the Crucifer and Acolytes nod their head in unison, in such a manner that their shoulders and what they are carrying do not move/tilt.

Note: The Crucifer carries the cross so that the bottom of the crucifix is approximately at mid-thigh level.

For Acolytes, when carrying candles, the majority of the weight should be supported by the lower hand, however, the hand that carries the majority of the weight is determined by where they are standing in relation to the other Acolyte. As a simple principle, the hand that is closest to the other Acolyte is the hand that supports the bottom of the candlestick. The other hand steadies the top of the candlestick.

In a procession, Acolytes must always be in pairs if they are carrying a candle. Paired Acolytes should be nearly equal in height. Acolytes are to be mindful of carrying the candles so that both of the flames are even with each other. Flames are also to be kept at the eye level of the taller Acolyte so that their breath may not accidently blow out the flame and so they may keep an eye on the flame to see if it is in danger of blowing out should they be walking too fast.

You may have noticed through the years that albs frequently get wax stains. The best way to prevent this from happening is to always keep your candle vertical (especially when you are picking the candle up, setting the candle down, or moving up or down steps).

14. After proceeding directly up the steps, the Crucifer, Acolyte 1, and Acolyte 2 are standing in front of the Altar, at which point the Acolyte on the Crucifier’s right allows the Crucifer to lead a single file procession to the apse following along the tile next to the wood of the top step.

15. The Crucifer places the cross in the appropriate holder found in the Apse. The Acolytes proceed to place their candles upon credence table 1 next to the cross.


Whenever somebody crosses the center of the Apse, they are to genuflect to the Tabernacle.

Whenever somebody crosses the center of the Sanctuary, they bow to the Altar.

Exception: Genuflect to the Altar when consecrated Hosts are upon the Altar

The chair on the Priest’s right is always reserved for a Deacon.

If a Deacon is serving at Mass, the Deacon sits on the Priest’s right and the Crucifersits at the Priest’s left.

Acolytes 1+2sit upon the stools by the Ambo.

The MC as a general principal does not sit down, but may. The role of the MC is to be “invisible” while performing highly visible functions. The MC is to be thinking two-steps ahead while being immersed in the present. In other words, the MC is to be discreet in his movements, must know the movements of everybody and ensure that everybody does what they are supposed to be doing. In order to ensure the smooth flow of the Mass, the MC may exercise the function of any server at any given time.

16. Torch bearers 1-4arrive in pairs at the foot of the Altar, bow their heads in unison while keeping their torches and torso vertical. After bowing, they proceed up the steps and proceed to the Apse along opposite sides of the Sanctuary (where the wood and tile meet) and will place their torches on the Credence tables.

Torch bearers sit in the Apse.

17. When the Deacon arrives at the foot of the Altar, he does not make any reverence. Instead he goes directly up the steps, places the Evangeliarium upon the Altar and descends to the foot of the Altar where he will genuflect with the priest and MC in unison.

18. When the Priest arrives at the foot of the Altar, the MC moves to the left and waits for the Deacon to descend.All three genuflect together.

After the genuflection has been made, all three ascend (right foot first) and move around the right side of the Altar in a single file line led by the Deacon.

Note: If the Priest asks, the MC and Deacon may assist the Priest as he walks up the steps in one of two ways: (1) by lifting the Priest’s alb slightly or (2) by offering their elbow/hand to steady the Priest.


19. The Deacon and Priest reverence the Altar while the MC cues the Thurifer (who has been standing in front of the Ambo).

If a Deacon is present the boat is immediately given to him. The Thuriferthen immediately opens the thurible so that the coal of the thurible is at the height of the Priest’s stomach. The Priest will put incense into the thurible and after giving the sign that he has finished, the Thurifer closes the lid and hands the thurible to the Deacon who hands the thurible to the Priest.

If no Deacon is present, the MC is handed the boat and performs the functions a Deacon would perform were he present for the incensing of the Altar.

Note: The proper way to give and receive objects within the Liturgy is to:

give with your right hand and to receive with your left hand.

(This only works well if you are directly facing the person you are giving/receiving objects to/from.)

With thurible in hand, the Priest will begin incensing the Altar. As the Priest does so, the Deacon is on the Priest’s right.

After the Priest has concluded, the thurible is handed to the Deacon who hands it to the Thurifer. The Thurifer proceeds to place the thurible in the Sacristy next to the Apse or in the Apse itself and sits in the chair closest to the Thurible.


20. When the Priest begins the Mass by making the sign of the Cross, all servers are to make the sign of the cross in unison with him.

21. If the Priest prays the Confiteor, bow slightly throughout and strike your chest 3 times total at the words, “through my fault, my fault, my most grievous fault.” Stand up straight when the priest says, “May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen”

The Priest, Deacon, or choir will then either chant or say Lord have mercy/Kyrie elison, etc.

22. After the Penitential rite has concluded, the Gloria is chanted at all Sunday Masses unless it is during the Advent or Lenten season (or a Funeral Mass).

23. Towards the end of the Gloria or Kyrie (depending upon the season), the MC picks up the Missal before the Priest says, “Let us pray.”

Note: If a Deacon is present, the Deacon receives the Missal from the MC, hands it to the Crucifer, and then opens the Missal to the appropriate page. If no Deacon is present, the MC hands the Missal to the Crucifer and opens the page to the Opening Prayer (Collect).

(The MC should be careful to ready the Missal early in the hands of the Crucifer so that he may travel to the seat of the First Reader by the time the Priest has prayed the Collect.)

For the Collect, the Crucifer holds the Missal high enough so that it is held at the chest level of the Priest, directly in front of him. This may require the server to rest the upper edge of the Missal upon their forehead if the Priest is significantly taller than the server.

24. As the Priest is reading the Collect, the MC moves through the Apse, genuflecting before the Tabernacle, goes through the hallway and positions himself by the pew where the first Reader is seated.

25. When the people respond to the Collect by saying, “Amen,” all servers first wait for the Priest to sit down. Once the Priest has taken his seat, all servers bow towards the Priest and sit down in unison. All servers are to sit up straight with their hands placed upon their knees.

Note: If the Priest is wearing Roman vestments care is taken by the servers sitting beside the Priest to prevent the Priest from sitting on his chasuble. To prevent this, the servers push the back of the chasuble backwards until the Priest has sat down and then allow the chasuble to naturally hang behind the seat of the Priest.

26. After saying, “Amen.” the MC will escort the first Reader to the Ambo and stand to the Readers left, always maintaining a line of sight with the Priest.

Note: The MC will alert the Priest with a nod of the head any time the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity are named in succession, when the Holy Name,“Jesus” is said, the name of Mary is said (only when Mary refers to Mary, Mother of God), or if the saint of the day is mentioned in the readings.

27. After the first reading has concluded, the MC will lead the first Reader back to the pew where he will meet the Cantor. All three will bow to the Altar together.

Note: The Cantor may chant from the choir loft.

28. After bowing together to the Altar, the MC will escort the Cantor to the Ambo in the same way as the Reader but will not remain next to the Cantor during the Psalm. Instead, the MC will move directly to the Sacristy and proceed to assist the Thurifer in readying the thurible. Therefore, the MC will need to be aware of the length of the Psalm before Mass begins so he may plan accordingly.