What’s Happening in Copper Canyon – June 2013

By Sue Tejml

Mayor of Copper Canyon

Mayor’s Remarks – May 13, 2013

(1)Cookbook College Scholarship Awards

$1,000 1st Prize – Nicholas Chase

$ 500 2nd Prize Awards – Ross Morales, Ben Powell, Chris Svatik

Excerpts from the winning essays are attached to this Agenda, so that everyone can appreciate the quality of the writing and the thoughtfulness of the analyses.

Thanks also to our Scholarship Judges –Chair Louise Williams, Jim Carter, Tan Parker, and Brenda Tucker. All of whom commented on what a privilege it was to read the applicants answers and the Letters of Recommendation for each applicant.

(2) 15 Graduating Seniors

Each received a $100 gift check from the Town. And our State Legislature Representative Tan Parker gifted each senior with a full size Lone Star flag with a certificate in their name that the flag had flown over the State Capitol in Austin.

(3) Donors to Scholarships and Senior Event

A very sincere thanks to Town Engineers Halff Associates, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Steven Hill, Council Member Charlie Nicholas, and Mayor Sue Tejmland Emil Tejml for their $1,000 each contribution.

And many thanks to our Staff who all helped make this event so successful – Town Administrator Donna Welsh, Town Secretary Sheila Morales, and Municipal Court Clerk Carol McLeod.

And to our Hostess Committee – Pris Johnson, Kaye Hill, Mary Maddoux, Rita Lokie, Gerri Mariano, and Mary Alexanderfor their delicious desserts and hors d’oeuvres!

And a special thanks to Art Morales and son Ross Morales, who barbecued threebriskets, using their recipe that won 1st Prize at the Texas State Fair two years ago! And to Andre Nicholas and Patti Nicholas who brought 3 different versions of their home made sausages – brats, Italian, and jalapeño cheese!

Door Prizes were a treat for many! Former Mayor Larry Johnson contributed two $100 Gift Certificates to Fogo de Chao; Matt Mortimer contributed four $25 gift certificates to Blue Goose Cantina and another four $25 gift certificates to Aw Shucks! Pei Wei contributed (Sheila – get Donna to complete the details of the gift certificates…)

(4)Bill Castleman – Volunteers as Town Photographer

Thank you to longtime resident and professional photographer Bill Castleman for contributing his talents to take group photos of each graduating senior and their family! And for his candid shotsof the over 100 people who attended the happy Event!Please view some of his wonderful family photographs displayed in ourCouncil Chambers.

(5)2013 Cookbook Update

The Update contains 40 new photos and over 200 new recipes! It’s on sale at Town Hall for $20! The photos are also on display in ourCouncil Chambers. The Cookbook Update sales help replenish the Town’s College Scholarships and Gift Checks for graduating high school seniors.

A special thanks to our Cookbook Editor and Publisher LaRue Johnson, who worked long, long hours getting the update edited and printed on time for the Volunteer Event. And it was LaRue who arranged the large standing displays of the 40 new photos to be displayed here at Town Hall.

(6)Cross Timbers Water Supply Corporation

(Bartonville Water’s new name)

Congratulations to re-elected Board Members Susan Crawford of Double Oak and Mike Paulson of Copper Canyon. And a Thank You to candidates Dr. Gary Goodman of Double Oak and Andre Nicholas of Copper Canyon for being willing to serve!

Council packets will now provide the CTWSC General Manager Jim Leggieri’s monthly Operations Report to his Board. Our Town website will also now provide relevant information on our Water Supply Corporation such as its completed Capital Improvements Program for 2010-2012, the recently adopted long range Master Plan, and the Bylaws.

(7) Six Rose Bushes “Lifted” (literally) out of Orchid Hill Round-about

(8) Update on Copper Canyon Road

(9)Scam Alert by CoServ

