Annual Conference of the

Mathematical Association of Tasmania (MAT)

Keynote Speakers:

Keynote speakers

Pep is a lecturer and team leader in mathematics education at the University of New England. She has taught at primary, secondary (including pre-tertiary mathematics) and tertiary levels of education. Her studies and research projects have included both primary and secondary foci and she has led professional development with teachers at all system levels. Pep’s particular interests are the development of geometry concepts and the use of technology such as dynamic geometry software as teaching tools in the mathematics classroom. She is currently engaged in a curriculum development project in Nauru.

Shelley is a senior lecturer in mathematics education at The University of Queensland. She teaches in the Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle Years of Schooling) programs. Shelley is an experienced classroom teacher having taught in primary and secondary schools in Victoria, Northern Territory, and Queensland. Shelley has also been a tertiary educator in universities in Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria. Shelley’s current research focus is on the importance of proportional reasoning as a foundation for numeracy. She is leading a major national project on promoting proportional reasoning across the curriculum with teachers of students in the middle year of schooling. She is also working with colleagues from The University of Queensland on teaching mathematics through inquiry. Other research interests include students’ mathematical learning difficulties, misconceptions and conceptual change; assessment in mathematics; mental computation; and multiplicative thinking within the study of rational number. Her passion in teaching is on rich learning experiences to foster students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics and hence to encourage success and enjoyment of mathematics in school.

Getting into Shape


Annual Conference of the

Mathematical Association of Tasmania (MAT)

Offers to Present Workshops

If you are interested in presenting a workshop at this year’s Mathematics conference, please complete the details below. We are particularly interested in hearing from classroom teachers willing to share their practice.

Workshop presenters receive a special discounted fee of $77 if attending the Dinner and $55 if not.

Presenter’s name/s: ______

Workshop/Presentation title: ______

Abstract/description (for the program): ______

Intended audience: (please circle as many as apply)

Birth – 5 K-2 Primary Middle School Secondary Senior secondary

Equipment/material required: (Please bring own laptop if possible) ______

Please submit presentation details by March 31stpreferably via email to: Louise Fisher



Mail: Dianne Ashman,

University of Tasmania, School of Education, Locked Bag 1307, Launceston TAS 7250

Fax: (03) 6324 3048

Mathematical Association of Tasmania 2012 Conference

Getting into Shape

Key note speakers Pep Serow & Shelley Dole


ABN: 99 841 054 827

Please circle or highlight options chosen.

MAT Members / Non Members / Students / *Workshop Presenters
Fri & Sat
(includes Fri dinner, Sat. morning & afternoon tea lunch) / $132
Early Bird - $110 / $154
Early Bird - $121 / $70 / $77
Fri & Sat(excluding Fri dinner)
(includes Sat. morning & afternoon tea lunch) / $90 / $112 / $35 / $50
Sat only
(includes morning and afternoon tea lunch) / $88 / $110 / $35 / $50
Dinner only / $60 / $60 / $60 / $60

School/ College/ Organisation: ______

Persons attending: ______



Email address of contact person: ______

(Confirmation of registration will be made via email and receipts will be provided at the conference)

*If you would like to present a workshop please see attached form

For any enquiries please contact ;

Name of Attendees and Catering Form

For organisational purposes please list the name/s of attendees and their registration type.

Please list any special dietary requirements and return form with registration by 29th April, 2011.

Name of Attendees / Registration Type
Fri, & Sat &Dinner - FSD
Fri& Sat – no dinner FS
Sat only – S
Dinner - D / Special Dietary Requirements

Note: Saturday morning and afternoon tea and lunch are provided