Fall Quarter 2012

Monday, September 24 / Introductions, Discuss Syllabus; Review: Talk About Summer Break
Begin Unit 13: Locating Things Around the House / 1.  Review Unit 13: Language in Action and Classifiers for shapes in workbook and DVD pp. 1-3
2.  Do worksheet pp. 4-9
Wednesday, September 26 / 1.  Discuss homework assignment
2.  Continue Unit 13
a.  Fingerspelling Practice
b.  Do survey activity / 1.  Practice yes/no questions on p. 10
2.  Complete worksheet pp. 10-14
3.  Begin reading, “American Deaf Culture (ADC) Chapter 1: The Deaf Community and the Culture of Deaf People pp.1-16, answer questions on ASL 221 website under Course Resources, click on ADC Due Monday, Oct 1st.
Mon, October 1 / A.  Discuss Homework
B.  Continue Unit 13:
C.  design your own living room activity
D.  Create a hand-shape story using your name or a word and
E.  Create your own “Lost Ring” narrative on videotape for grade. (see handout and/or website / 1.  Read about plurality in
classifiers and
2. Watch DVD story, “Exploring a Cave” and
3. Read about Handshape stories, create a story using your name. pp.14-17
2.  Create your ideal living room
using handouts with paper cut-outs, you may color your furnishings. Do NOT paste!
Due before class Wednesday, Oct 3rd.
4. Review for Quiz on Unit 13
5. Submit your video, “Lost Ring”and handshape story Due before Monday, Oct 8.
Wed, October 3 / 1.  Review homework assignment
2.  Quiz on Unit 13
3.  Introduce Unit 14: Complaining, Making Suggestions and Requests / 1.  Watch DVD: Asking to Borrow a Truck pp. 31-32 and complete worksheet p. 33
2.  Read about Inflections for Temporal Aspect pp. 33 and do worksheet p. 34.
3.  Read ADC Chapter 2: A Night of Living Terror” pp. 17-20. and answer questions on website. Due Monday, Oct 8.
Mon., October 8 / 1.  Review Homework
2.  Continue Unit 14 / 1.  Read about Spatial Agreement pp. 35-36
2.  Watch DVD, “Making Requests and answer questions on worksheet pp. 37
3.  Watch DVD and do worksheet on Clock Numbers p. 38
Wed, October 10 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 14 / 1.  Watch DVD and do worksheet on Fingerspelling and “The Fortune Teller” p. 39
2.  Watch DVD story, “Final Exam”
3.  Read about Cheers and Songs p. 40
4.  Read ADC Chapter 3: Inside the Deaf Community & 4: Notes from a “Seeing Person” pp. 21-32 and answer questions on website. Due Monday, October 15th.
Mon, October 15 / 1.  Continue Unit 14 / Complete Unit 14 homework assignments for review on Monday
Wed, October 17 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 14 / 3.  Review for Quiz on Unit 14
4.  Read ADC Chapter 5: How Do You Dance Without Music? & Chapter 6: “It’s Our World Too!” pp. 33-48 and answer questions on website
Mon, October 22 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Quiz on Unit 14
3.  Introduce Unit 15: Exchanging Personal Information: Life Events / 1.  Watch DVD on Life Events pp.53-59 and answer questions on worksheet
2.  Watch DVD about the Immigrants p. 60
3.  Do numbers, dates and addresses practice p. 61-63
Wed, October 24 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Introduce Unit 15
3.  Create your own life story on video for grade. Use handout or website for examples. Due Wednesday, October 31
4.  Discuss ASL Poetry, show video examples / 1.  Watch DVD and do worksheet “A Show of Hands” and It’s a Small World pp. 63-65
2.  Read ADC Chapter 7: “Dimensions of Difference: ASL & English Based Cultures” & Ch 8: “Our Future, Ourselves” pp. 49-64 and answer questions on website.
Mon, October 29 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 15 / 1.  Watch DVD “The Dead Dog” p.66
2.  Read about ASL Poetry p. 67
3.  Review for Quiz on Unit 15
Wed, October 31
Happy Halloween / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Quiz on Unit 15
3.  Introduce Unit 16: Describing and Identifying Things
4.  Describe in class then create your own video describing about a favorite or interesting costume used for Halloween or other event. Due Wednesday, Nov 7. / 1.  Watch DVD and answer questions on worksheet pp. 78-79
2.  Read about Classifiers to Describe Things and watch DVD, “The Science Lab” pp. 80-83
3.  Watch DVD, Describing Objects and answer questions on worksheet pp. 84-85
4.  Read ADC Chapter 9: “funny in Deaf-Not in Hearing” and Ch 10: “What If… AGB Had Gotten His Way? pp. 65-87 and answer questions on website. Due Monday, Nov 5th.
Mon, November 5 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 16 / 1.  Watch DVD and do worksheet, “Picture It” p. 86
2.  Watch DVD and do worksheets p. 87-89.
3.  Watch DVD and do worksheets: pp. 90-91
4.  Watch story, “The Reveille” and “The Ball” pp. 92-93
Wed, November 7 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 16 / Read ADC Chapter 11: “Train- Gone-Sorry: The Etiquette of Social Conversations in ASL pp: 89-102 and answer questions on website. Due Wed. Nov 14.
Mon, November 12 / NO CLASS-Veterans’ Day / 1.  Read ADC Chapter 12: “The Deaf Child as a Linguistic Minority” and Ch 13: “Total Communication, A Total Farce” pp. 103-120 and answer questions on website. Due Wed. Nov 14.
2.  Study for Quiz on Unit 16
Wed, November 14 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Quiz on Unit 16
3.  Introduce Unit 17 / 1.  Watch DVD and do worksheet p. 103-105
2.  Watch DVD and do activities pp. 106-111
3.  Think of a vacation you had or a dream vacation you would like to do. Follow examples on handout or on website.
4.  Read ADC Ch 14: A Bilingual-Bicultural Approach to Teaching English…and Ch: 15: STUCK in School…pp. 121-162 and answer questions on website. Due Mon. Nov 19.
Mon. November 19 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 17
3.  Create final graded video: “Talking About Your Vacation or Dream Vacation” use examples from handout/website. Due Wednesday Nov 28. / 1.  Watch DVD and do activities on pp. 112-114
2.  Watch DVD story, “Uncoding the Ethics” and Legends pp. 115-116
3.Read ADC Ch 16: “How You Gonna Get to Heaven If You Can’t Talk With Jesus..” and Ch 17: “Who’s Itching to Get Into Mainstreaming?” pp. 163-177 and answer questions on website. Due Mon. Nov 26.
Wed, November 21 / NO CLASS-THANKSGIVING / Read ADC Ch 18: “Breaking Through the Culture of Silence” and Ch 19: “The War is Not Over” pp. 179-192 Due Monday Nov 26.
Mon, November 26 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Continue Unit 17 / 1.  Watch DVD and Read Cumulative Review pp. 129-130
2.  Watch DVD and read pp. 131-132
Wed, November 28 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Quiz on Unit 17
3.  Introduce Cumulative Review / 1.  Watch DVD and read pp. 133-134
2.  Choose a topic from handout/ website and practice your dialogue with your partner
Mon, December 3 / 1.  Homework Review
2.  Cumulative Review Units 13-17
3.  Final dialogue with partner in class (scheduled time) / 1.  Study for Final Exam
Wed, December 5
Last night of class / 1.  Final Dialogue with partner in class-scheduled
2.  Final Receptive Exam Units 13-17 / Have a Great Winter Break!