

Foundation Stage Leaders (DHT/AHT/EYFS Co-ordinators)

Foundation Stage and Y1 Teachers

Early Years Foundation Stage


Following the Early Years Foundation Stage review a number of aspects across the Foundation Stage will change. This is currently viewed as having the main impact on the assessment, learning and development and provision within reception and nursery classes. Our aim is to bring about a smooth transfer of work in the coming year to support the exit of the current EYFS learning and developments and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile whilst making preparations for the new processes to be introduced from September 2012. Y1 teachers will also be invited to sessions so they can make the best use of children’s prior learning to prepare them for the phonic screening at the end of Y1.

Support is to be offered in packages to ensure that all staff have access to the relevant up to date messages at the appropriate times in the process. This will maximise the use of time and reduce opportunities for misinterpretation of messages.

In addition to the work to support specific developments with individual schools, capacity building groups and the developments to share good practice through a BLOGSPOT, work for 2011-2012 will be prioritised as follows:

  1. EYFS Review consultation – final submission to DFE by 30 September 2011.
  2. Quality assuring EYFSP and monitoring progress through pupil progress dialogues across the year.
  3. Supporting staff new to the sector.
  4. Improving interactions in learning to link work to the Language for learning strategy.
  5. Preparation for the introduction of the revised EYFS.

The overview of activities and events is shown overleaf. Booking for sessions will be through the Courses Desk in the usual manner. Please see the attached flyer for full details.

Schools who are to be visited by the moderation team will find that the Quality Assurance sessions will provide additional support in preparing for the visit.

All papers for EYFSP moderation and work for the year will be located on BSO – Curriculum and Assessment – Early Years & Foundation Stage from the end of September 2011.

If you require further information or have any queries please contact:

Telephone 01274 385728

Intended participants / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2 / Cost
Headteachers/ Governors
EYFS Leaders
EYFS Practitioners / EYFS
Consultation / No charge
EYFS Leads
Reception Teachers
Courses ASS 11P/01-12 / Quality Assure Attainment on Entry / 2ndChildren Development Dialogues / Moderation Workshops / £170 -1st school participant.
£90 - additional 2/3 participants from the same school
LA Statutory duty
31/10 & 7 /11 / w/c
09/1 & 16/01 / w/c
12/03, 19/03 & 23/04
Schools to be sampled for EYFSP visits in Summer 2012 / Informed of the visit / Meet the Moderator / School visits / No charge
LA Statutory duty
By end of September 2011 / 07/02 & 21/02 / w/c to w/e
14/05 - 15/06
New to EYFS / NQT’s & teachers new to reception
Course ASS 11P/013 / Starting out in reception / Quality Assure Attainment on Entry / 2ndChildren Development Dialogues / Moderation Workshops
LA statutory duty / Drop in clinics completing the profile / £250 - 1st school participant.
£120 -additional 2/3 participants from the same school.
LA Statutory duty
26.09.11 / w/c
31/10 & 7 /11 / w/c
09/1 & 16/01 / w/c
12/03, 19/03 & 23/04 / From 08.05 To 10.05.12
NQT’s& teachers new to nursery
Course ASS 11P/014 / Starting out in nursery / Developing language in nursery. Encompassing ECAT & Early phonics / Formative and summative assessment – preparing for nursery children’s development dialogues / Agreement trialling to secure reliability of children’ developments in nursery / Preparing for Reception. Supporting changes towards the revised EYFS in September 2012 / £250 - 1st school participant.
£120 -additional 2/3 participants from the same school.
26.09.11 / 17.11.11 / 26.01.12 / 19.04.11 / 05.07.12
New to Y1 in September 2011
Course - ASS 11P/015 / Using EYFSP data to evaluate practice and provision in the autumn term / £70 - 1st school participant.
£40 -additional 2/3 participants from the same school
New to Y1 in September 2012
Course - ASS 11P/018 / Preparing to use EYFSP in autumn term 2012 / £70 - 1st school participant.
£40 -additional 2/3 participants from the same school
EYFS Support Staff
Courses ASS 11P/016/017 / Interacting with learning / Interacting with learning / £100 -1st school participant.
£50 - additional 2/3 participants from the same school
30.11.11 / 09.02.11
Headteachers / Preparing for revised EYFS / No charge
EYFS Leaders
Courses ASS 11P/019/20 / Preparing for revised EYFS / £70 - 1st school participant.
£40 -additional 2/3 participants from the same school
EYFS Practitioners
Courses ASS11P/021/22/23/24 / Preparing for revised EYFS
27.06.12 & 03.07.12
If the following packages are selected then 2nd participant rates apply for subsequent staff from the same school as ticked / Package A / Package B / Package C / Package D / Package E / Package F / Package G / Package H
Package A
Package B /  / 
Package C /  / 
Package D / 
Package E
Package F
Package G / 
Package H


Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Moderation Package 2012 /

Course number ASS11P/01 to 12

As EYFSP moderation is a statutory part of the procedures, schools that are not receiving a moderation visit from the Local Authority team in 2012 are expected to participate in moderation meetings and to report back to Foundation Stage colleagues in school. Schools who are receiving an external moderation visit will find that these sessions will support and prepare staff for these visits.
This year the moderation is designed as a package of events to support the final collection of the EYFSP in the current form by providing a range of quality assurance activities throughout the year and giving guidance onthe changes to be implemented to the statutory arrangements from September 2012.
The aim of these events will be to secure attainment on entry to school; support preparation for children’s progress dialogues; quality assure assessments and data prior to submission in June 2012; and provide updates on the new procedures as they are published during the year.
There will be three half-day sessions for reception teachers, who may be accompanied by a member of support staff in reception class or an Early Year’s leader. At the end of each session participants will be provided with guidance on preparing for the following session and will resolve any queries that have arisen re the use of the e-profile or discrepancies.
Session 1 – Second half of the Autumn Term (w/c 30 October and 7 November 2011 – your exact date will be advised to you during the first half of the Autumn Term)
Schools with similar benchmarking characteristics will be invited to attend the same session and will provide teachers with opportunities to compare entry processes; moderate using the ages and stages/EYFS Profile; prepare the first children’s progress dialogue and the attainment on entry summary for senior leaders. Teachers will be required to bring:
  • Assessment evidence for a higher, middle and lower achieving child from the class, gathered during the first six weeks of children starting in reception class, including at least one extended observation covering a range of strands, the transition information from nursery settings and records of discussions with parents for these children.
  • A printout of the total scores for the end of October including the scores for each of the 13 scale points for all children in the class.
Session 2– First half of the Spring Term(w/c 9 January and 6 January 2012 – your exact date will be confirmed at Session 1 above)
During this session participants will prepare for the second children’s progress dialogue; quality assure the aspects of PSED and KUW through moderating these four strands and identify where additional provision may be required to support children’s learning and progress. Teachers will be required to bring:
  • The assessment evidence of PSED and KUW for the same three children from the Autumn Term – including at least one extended observation covering a range of strands.
  • A printout of the total scores for the end of December including the scores for each of the 13 scale points for all children in the class.
Session 3 – Moderation Workshop (w/c 13 March, 19 March and 23 April 2012 – please select one of the following courses – ASS11P/01, ASS11P/02, ASS11P/03, ASS11P/04, ASS11P/05, ASS11P/06, ASS11P/07, ASS11P/08, ASS11P/09, ASS11P/10, ASS11P/11 or ASS11P/12)
Practitioners will evaluate the school's moderation processes to identify any areas of development required to secure a rigorous process and meet the 2012 statutory requirements; prepare for the third and fourth children’s progress dialogues including the necessary requirement for Y1 colleagues. Particpants will quality assure data and assessments of all strands of problem solving, reasoning and numeracy (PSRN) and creative development alongside the Local Authority accredited moderators using the revised 2012 Bradford District guidance materials and QCDA exemplification materials. Teachers will be required to bring:
  • The assessment evidence of PSRN and CD for three children (one working below the Early Learning Goals (points 1-3), one working in the Early Learning Goals scoring (points 4-7) and one working at the higher points (8+).
  • A printout of the total scores for the end of February including the scores for each of the 13 scale points for all children in the class.
Please note:
Teachers will be required to bring along requested materials to each session for the activities and discussion. If these are not brought then they will not be able to participate in the session.
To book your package, please select your preferred date for the moderation workshop - session 3 – on the attached special application form.


New to Early Years Foundation Stage
Supporting NQT's and teachers moving to Reception class from other key stages in September 2011. /

Course number

Five half day sessions designed to support teachers new to Early Years Foundation Stage from September 2011. Activities will include using assessment to inform planning and provision, making accurate assessment to develop a secure reliable data set; support for moderation visits; and sharing effective practice and contacts points for any concerns that may arise during the year.
A. Introductory Meeting - Monday 26 September 9.00 - 12.00 am
The first meeting will introduce the EYFS and the EYFSP processes in Bradford including the use of the electronic software (e-profile) to collate assessments across the year.
Guidance and time frames will be provided to collect formative and summative assessments including preparation for activities in the autumn term and spring terms.
Good reception practice will be shared to support development of effective provision and children’s learning journeys.
B. Access to the 3 Moderation package
Session 1
Second half of the Autumn Term (w/c 30 October and 7 November 2011 – your exact date will be advised to you during the first half of the Autumn Term)
Putting your baseline together and preparing for the first children progress meeting
Teachers will be required to bring:
  • Assessment evidence for a higher, middle and lower achieving child from the class, gathered during the first six weeks of children starting in reception class, including at least one extended observation covering a range of strands, the transition information from nursery settings and records of discussions with parents for these children.
  • A printout of the total scores for the end of October including the scores for each of the 13 scale points for all children in the class.

Session 2
First half of the Spring Term(w/c 9 January and 6 January 2012 – your exact date will be confirmed at Session 1 above)
Preparing for the second children's progress dialogue and moderating the 4 strands of PSED and KUW.
Teachers will be required to bring:
  • The assessment evidence of PSED and KUW for the same three children from the Autumn Term – including at least one extended observation covering a range of strands.
  • A printout of the total scores for the end of December including the scores for each of the 13 scale points for all children in the class.

Session 3
Moderation Workshop (w/c 13 March, 19 March and 23 April 2012 – please select one of the following courses – ASS11P/01, ASS11P/02, ASS11P/03, ASS11P/04, ASS11P/05, ASS11P/06, ASS11P/07, ASS11P/08, ASS11P/09, ASS11P/10, ASS11P/11 or ASS11P/12)
Completing the statutory moderation processes as detailed in the Assessing and Reporting Document (available November 2011)
Particpants will quality assure data and assessments of all strands of problem solving, reasoning and numeracy (PSRN) and creative development alongside the Local Authority accredited moderators using the revised 2012 Bradford District guidance materials and QCDA exemplification materials. Teachers will be required to bring:
  • The assessment evidence of PSRN and CD for 3 children; one working below the Early Learning Goals (points 1-3); one working in the Early Learning Goals scoring (points 4-7) and one working at the higher points (8+)
  • A printout of the total scores for the end of February including the scores for each of the 13 scale points for all children in the class.

C. Drop in clinics in the first half of the summer term.
Theses will be arranged in geographical areas and the date and venue will be advertised at session 3 of the moderation workshops.
This will be a final opportunity to re- solve any technical issues with the electronic profile, understand how and where to submit the data. Quality assure any tricky points and check the links between scale points.
Please note:
Teachers will be required to bring along requested materials to each session for the activities and discussion. If these are not brought then they will not be able to participate in the session.


New to Early Years Foundation Stage
Supporting NQT's and experienced teachers moving to Nursery class from other key stages in September 2011. /

Course number

Five half day sessions designed to support teachers new to Nursery class from September 2011. Activities will include using assessment to inform planning and provision, making accurate assessment to develop a secure and reliable attainment on entry summary for leadership. Final session will focus on the preparation for moving into reception and the implications of the revised EYFS to be implemented in September 2012
Session 1 Introductory Meeting - Monday 26 September 2011 9.00 - 12.00 am
The meeting will focus on the introduction of the EYFS and the assessment processes to collate nursery assessments across the year.
Session 2 – Thursday 17 November 2011 9.00 - 12.00 am
Developing language in nursery. Encompassing ECAT & Early phonics
Session 3 - Thursday 26 January 2012 9.00 - 12.00 am
Formative and summative assessment – preparing for nursery children’s development dialogues
Session 4 - Thursday 19 April 2012 9.00 - 12.00 am
Agreement trialling to secure reliability of children’ developments in nursery
Session 5 - Thursday 5 July 2012 9.00 - 12.00 am
Preparing for Reception. Supporting changes towards the revised EYFS in September 2012
Guidance and time frames will be provided to demonstrate children’s learning including appropriate children development dialogues for nursery classes.
Good nursery practice will be shared to support development of effective provision and children’s learning journeys.
Please note:
Teachers will be required to bring along requested materials to each session for the activities and discussion. If these are not brought then they will not be able to participate in the session.


Effective use of EYFSP DATA to support learning in Year 1
Supporting NQT's and teachers new to Y1 in September 2011. /

Course number ASS11P/015

One half day sessions designed to make sense of the EYFSP Data. Activities will include using assessment to inform planning and provision, securing phonics tracking in readiness for the statutory phonic screening in June 2012
A. Introductory Meeting - Monday 26 September 13.15 -16.15
The meeting will support teachers understanding the EYFSP data of their class and how to use the key elements of EYFSP to ensure that children are on track to meet the year 1 expectations.
Strategies to plan appropriate provision for children operating below a good level of development (age related expectations) whilst also meeting the needs of the average and more able children in accessing the requirements of the National curriculum will be explored.
Please note:
Teachers will be required to bring along requested materials to each session for the activities and discussion. If these are not brought then they will not be able to participate in the session.


Effective use of EYFSP DATA to support learning in Year 1
Supporting NQT's and teachers new to Y1 in September 2012. /

Course number


One half day sessions designed to make sense of the EYFSP Data. Activities will include using assessment to inform planning and provision, grouping pupils from EYFSP DATA and securing phonics tracking.
Thursday 12 July 13.15- 16.15
The meeting will support teachers understanding the EYFSP data of their class and how to use the key elements of EYFSP to ensure that children are on track to meet the year 1 expectations.
Strategies to plan appropriate provision for children operating below a good level of development (age related expectations) whilst also meeting the needs of the average and more able children in accessing the requirements of the National curriculum will be explored.
Please note:
Teachers will be required to bring along requested materials to each session for the activities and discussion. If these are not brought then they will not be able to participate in the session.

Package F

Interacting with learning in areas of provision across Foundation Stage
Developing language for learning with support staff /

Course number

ASS11P/016 & 17
Two half days sessions designed for support staff working in Foundation Stage. (Nursery, Reception and Year 1)
Support staff have an important role in supporting children’s learning through quality interaction and involvement with children, questioning, supporting their thinking and learning.
Session 1 November 30th am
This will focus on looking at observational skills and evaluating children’s learning.
We will also be looking at how quality adult interaction improves both children’s learning and assessment opportunities.
Session 2 February 9th am
This will focus on reviewing processes of observation and interaction from the first session including feedback of the classroom task agreed at session 1.
Please note:
Practitioners will be required to bring along requested materials to each session for the activities and discussion. If these are not brought then they will not be able to participate in the session.