United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund
Project #: B1-28
Date and Quarter Updated: October 2009 (3rd Quarter)
Participating UN Organisation:UNESCO (Lead Agency), ILO, UN HABITAT / Sector: Education
Government of Iraq – Responsible Line Ministry: 1. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR)/ Foundation of Technical Education (FTE) 2. Ministry of Education (MOE) 3. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA)
Title / Improving Relevance and Quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Iraq
Geographic Location / TVET institutions, vocational schools and training centres of FTE/MOHESR, MOE and MoLSA, based mainly in Baghdad, Basra, Thiqar, Ninewa, Babylon Karbala, and Missan
Project Cost / Total Budget $ US 8,860,000
UNESCO: $ 5,308,400 UNHABITAT: $2,000,932 ILO: $1,550,668
Duration / 18 months - application was made for 12 month extension on Jan 18, 2009
Approval Date (SC) / From 31 July 2007 / Starting Date / 1 August 2007 / Completion Date / Jan. 2010
Project Description / To develop a highly effective and relevant and quality TVET system in Iraq. TVET stakeholders will be empowered to deliver flexible demand driven training programs that meet the needs of industry and labor markets.
Development Goal and Immediate Objectives
To support the rehabilitation and modernisation of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)Sector in Iraq to prepare young people effectively for wage and self-employment in the industrial, construction and service sectors of the economy.
1. Establish a National Technical and Vocational Education and Training Policy Framework
2. Vocational and Technical skills provision enhanced in all TVET public structures.
3. MoE , FTE and MoLSA TVET equipment improved and modernized
Outputs, Key activities and Procurement
Outputs / 1.1. A TVET Policy Framework document prepared and endorsed by concerned Ministries and stakeholders and functional, comprising (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research /Foundation of Technical Education and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) to guide TVET reform and streamlining of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training sector in light of labour market requirements.
1.2. Organizational reform plans developed and adopted for individual TVET schools, institutes, colleges and training centers to facilitate the implementation of the changes in the TVET system.
1.3. A TVET Program Review and Renewal Plan developed.
1.4. The national labor market and training needs information system strengthened.
2.1. A short-cycle modular training “Skills for Work” programme implemented, consisting of modular training in selected vocational skills that are in high demand in the labour market, in order to achieve quick impact in terms of youth employment and self-employment.
2.2. Entrepreneurial skills integrated and delivered in the TVET stakeholders programs.
2.3. Three Contract Training Centres (CTCs) established as pilot Business Units within the Foundation of Technical Education (FTE) in order to capture industries’ needs.
2.4. An Apprenticeship Vocational System for 6 selected disciplines at 6 pilot schools introduced in order to demonstrate best practice-based approaches.
2.5. Quality and relevance of vocational and technical programmes upgraded in pilot MOE schools, FTE/ MOHESR colleges and MoLSA centres.
3.1. TVET equipment and ICT infrastructure improved through procurement of workshop equipment and computer labs.
Activities / 1.3 Programme Review and Renewal first workshop was held in Amman from 19-23 July 2009 for 4 experts from MOE and MOHE/FTE during which an introduction to the concept of Review and Renewal was made in addition to a SWOT and stakeholder analysis, evaluation methodology and tools, and renewal strategies.
2.3 2.4. A workshop for school principals was held for 12 persons (6 from concerned schools and 6 from other MOE staff) as well as 3 employers as joint management of apprenticeship programs from 12-16 July 2009.
(major items) / 3.1
FTE: Contracts have been signed for CNC & Mechatronics, Mechanics workshops, Communications & Electronics, and Power & Electrical Machines. Surveying-Civil Engineering, workshops have been approved and will be signed first week of October.
MOLSA: Carpentry, Car Electrics workshops have been delivered during Aug. –Sep.2009.
Funds Committed / UNESCO $ 4,787,056
UNHABITAT $ 1,297,628
ILO $ 944,783 / 90.18% of approved
65% =
61% of approved
Funds Disbursed / UNESCO $ 2,107,244
UNHABITAT $ 312,883
ILO : $ 944,063 / 39.70% of approved
16% =
61% of approved
Forecast final date / 25 January 2010 / Delay (months) 12
Direct Beneficiaries / Number of Beneficiaries / % of planned (current status)
Men / 11,000 males / 70 %
Women / 3,000 females / 40 %
Indirect beneficiaries
Employment generation (men/women) / 40,000 / 70 %
Quantitative achievements against objectives and results
Objective 1
1.Establish a National Technical and Vocational Education and Training Policy Framework / - UNESCO completed activity of Designing Governance Module for Iraq.
- Study tour to Iran was organized for eight representatives from the TVET institutions in Iraq (including Kurdistan). (ILO)
- The national skills development report is under preparation by the three ministries (MOLSA, MOE & MOHE) .It will be completed by mid-November 2009.
- VTC‘s mangers team are working on restructuring the VTC’s structure. / % of planned
80 %
Objective 2
Vocational and Technical skills provision enhanced in all TVET public structures. / -UNESCO: 1- three Contract Training Centers are now in operation in Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul.
2-Criteria for three selected skills are complete, textbooks for same skill are now being written on the following disciplines: Textile , Carpentry and Printing . School managers have been trained
-Two workshops were held inside Iraq for 37 curriculum designers.
-30 curriculum designers started the preparation of the training regulations for twenty occupations. It will be completed by end of November.
-KAB training for 404 students in ten vocational schools, five technical institutes and colleges and five vocational training centers was completed.
-New (47) KAB trainers were trained through three courses held inside Iraq.
- The draft film and five posters have been completed by the media contractor and reviewed by UN-HABITAT. The final version of media materials are expected to be completed in the coming month.
- Request for expression of interest was distributed to wide range of international TVET Institutes using UNESCO-UNEVOC roster for training of master trainers on construction trades. Only one EoI was received / % of planned
80 %
Objective 3
Equipment improved and modernized in MOE, FTE and MOLSA.
TVET equipment and ICT infrastructure improved through procurement of workshop equipment and computer labs. / -UNESCO: contracts have been signed for all MOE and FTE equipment and workshops are in delivery stage. 2 workshops for MOLSA will be sent to headquarters for approval. Contracts will be signed as soon as they are approved.
-UNHABITAT: offers for lab equipment for FTE, were technically evaluated by Iraq Programme, and the evaluation report was sent to UNON for final review and recommendations.
The Purchase order was signed with the selected Iraqi Supplier for laboratory equipment. They started the procurement process with the manufacturers, Shipping lists were provided to get customs clearance. It is expected to deliver the equipment in two months. / % of planned
40 %
Qualitative achievements against objectives and results
1- Objective 1:
The governance TVET model was developed with strategy and policy paper frame work with the contribution of all TVET providers (MOLSA, MOE & MOHE).
The National Skills Development (NSD) is under preparation by the three ministries (MOLSA, MOE & MOHE).This report is the first NSD report in Iraq and it will be the basis for the TVET national policy & to be linked to the national employment policy and the National Development plan for the years (2010-2014).
2- Objective 2:
-The KAB training implemented in twenty training institutions for (404) students,38% of them are female.
-New (47) KAB trainers were trained through three workshops held in Baghdad. These trainers will start the KAB training in new vocational training centers. Vocational education schools and technical colleges and institutes.
- A team of Iraqi experts are working on modernizing the VTC’s operating under MOLSA and introducing the Competency Based Training programme.
Main implementation constraints & challenges (2-3 sentences)
1- Most constraints have been overcome since the system of operation has become familiar to all parties.
2- There still are some delays in presenting acceptance reports from the Iraqi party due to delay in the Ministry of Finance to issue the letter of tax exemption and to long process to issue the letter of acceptance in the concerned ministries.
3- The security situation still restricts the movement of the international consultants inside Iraq.
4- Running the project from a distance requires more time and extra effort to achieve its objectives with the concerned beneficiaries.