Date: 5th May 2006


1.The purpose of this report is to update the Executive on the position of Groundwork South Tees, looking in particular at:

a)the recent progress and achievements of Groundwork South Tees;

b)potential future work programme;

c)future protocol for working arrangements between Groundwork and the Council; and,

d)core funding requirements and renewal of sponsors’ agreement for the next six years.


Strategic context and background

2.Groundwork UK is a federation of more than 50 trusts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland whose purpose is to build sustainable communities in areas of need through joint environmental action. The trusts are committed to involving local people in practical projects that improve the quality of life, support wider regeneration initiatives and lay the foundations for sustainable development. Groundwork UK is supported by a grant from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) and is a partner in helping to deliver the government’s Sustainable Communities Plan. To date the grant has been distributed directly to individual trusts. Further funding is provided by a range of partners, including local authorities, regional organisations and local businesses. Each individual trust is a partnership between the public, private and voluntary sectors with its own board of trustees.

Local context

  1. Groundwork Middlesbrough was established during 2000/2001. On 21 December 2000 Middlesbrough’s Cabinet approved the submission of a bid to Government for £720,000 to provide core funding for six years until 1 October 2006 for the establishment of a Groundwork Trust in Middlesbrough. A sponsors’ agreement for Groundwork Middlesbrough between the Federation of Groundwork Trusts, Middlesbrough Council and West Middlesbrough New Deal for Communities was signed by all parties. Middlesbrough Council agreed to provide additional core funding for six years at £32,000 per annum. West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust, which had also agreed to contribute £32,000 per annum, has not funded Groundwork since 2003, preferring to implement its own projects. Groundwork has continued to show a strong level of commitment to projects in Middlesbrough despite the loss of the WMNT funding.

4.During 2003 Middlesbrough Groundwork Trust was extended to include the Borough of Redcar and Cleveland and was renamed Groundwork South Tees.

  1. Within the Tees Valley, Hartlepool has recently become a partner in Groundwork East Durham and Darlington is part of Groundwork West Durham. Stockton Council does not work in partnership with Groundwork.

Achievements to date

  1. Since its establishment in 2000, Groundwork South Tees has completed projects costing more than £5,500,000 in Middlesbrough. Funding has been secured from a range of funding sources including Single Programme, European structural funds, Neighbourhood Renewal Fund and a variety of governmental and charitable organisations. This funding has contributed to the delivery of120schemes across Middlesbrough.
  1. A number of larger value schemes have been carried out including:

a)extensive environmental upgrading at Riverside Park Industrial Estate costing £1,100,000;

b)improvements to Carter Park at a cost of £190,000; and,

c)improvements to open space and recreation facilities at Easterside costing £650,000.

Small-scale schemes costing a few thousand pounds carried out include:

d)improvements to the school playing area at Beechwood Primary School;

e)an environmental education project at Acklam Grange; and,

f)the improvement of local community spaces at Thorntree and Grove Hill.

8.Brief details of a range of current projects are included in Appendix 1.

9.During 2004/05 Groundwork South Tees successfully delivered £1,300,000 of environmental projects in Middlesbrough and achieved effective delivery against the National Performance Measures (NPMs) previously agreed with ODPM. A list of the NPMs as achieved by Groundwork is attached at Appendix 2. The trust is on course to deliver projects during this current financial year in excess of a further £1,300,000 in Middlesbrough.

Strategic programme

10.Groundwork UK has recently approved its Strategic Plan 2006-2009, setting out its vision for the next three years. Three strategic priorities are identified that establish the framework within the individual trusts can continue to operate and provide clear direction:

a)people – creating opportunities for local action and development of new skills;

b)places – creating better, healthier, safer neighbourhoods; and,

c)prosperity – helping businesses and individuals.

11.The Strategic Plan will be reviewed annually to ensure it responds to changing circumstances. A new set of Groundwork Key Performance Indicators is being introduced to provide clear measures against which the impact of the plan can be assessed.

Future programme opportunities

12.Groundwork South Tees has identified key themes within this national strategic framework that link with established regional and local strategies, including the Regional Economic Strategy, Middlesbrough Local Plan, Middlesbrough Partnership’s Community Strategy and the Council’s emerging Green Spaces Strategy. These themes aim to add value to partners’ current regeneration initiatives, enhance the delivery of physical and social improvements and fill gaps identified in existing programmes delivered by the Council and other organisations.

13.Groundwork South Tees produces an annual business plan setting out the strategic objectives for the trust and opportunities are identified to expand existing programmes alongside the development of new programmes. However, this has not previously been formally agreed with the Council.

14.The trust will continue to operate five programmes linked to national themes within which individual projects are developed.

a) Community open space. Projects include physical environmental improvements to parks, play areas, school grounds and open spaces. Working with the local community, Groundwork will develop initial proposals through to deliverable schemes and manage their implementation. Intermediate Labour Market organisations that provide training opportunities are regularly used to facilitate implementation.

b) Community capacity building. This programme provides the opportunity to deliver environmental awareness initiatives with local residents, which often lead to the development of projects.

c) Environmental education. This programme provides the opportunity to deliver environmental education in schools, linked with delivery of the national curriculum.

d) Business site enhancement. This programme provides the opportunity to deliver physical environmental improvements to individual business sites, industrial estates and business parks.

e) Environmental youth work. Working alongside Middlesbrough Council’s Youth Service and voluntary agencies to develop a complementary youth programme delivering environmental projects.

15.In addition a sixth national programme, Employment, is indirectly delivered through Groundwork South Tees engaging a variety of organisations delivering training and work related opportunities.

16.There is considerable potential for continued joint working between the Council and Groundwork South Tees to develop the range of environmental regeneration projects. The Council’s emerging Green Space Strategy will inform and influence a range of projects with emphasis on projects which can assist in the delivery of the strategic priorities, including improvements to the green wedges and beck valleys and the improvement of quality in play areas. Opportunities exist in older housing areas, including the need for physical improvement works to the streetscape and existing open spaces alongside work to support communities. Following the successful joint working at Riverside Park the trust is assisting in the implementation of schemes in the East Middlesbrough Business Action Zone.

17.Groundwork will continue to respond to direct requests from local community groups and other organisations in areas of need.

Current working arrangements with the Council

  1. The Council played a key role in setting up Groundwork South Tees and supported the Trust’s expansion into Redcar and Cleveland. Through the original sponsors’ agreement, the Council agreed to provide core funding for six years and nominated two board members, currently Councillors Kerr and Ferrier. Regeneration is the sponsoring department and a link officer from the Urban Policy and Implementation Unit facilitates co-operation between the trust and appropriate Council services. All Groundwork schemes are vetted through the Sustain and Maintain Group against an agreed set of criteria. The Council benefits greatly from being able to draw on the expertise offered by Groundwork in terms of consultation, design, contract management expertise and its ability to lever in financial and other resources that are not otherwise available to the Council.

Future working protocol

19.To date there has not been any formal arrangement to govern the working arrangements between the Council and Groundwork South Tees. A protocol is required to develop and formalise effective working arrangements at both Board level and day-to-day project level. The protocol should include the following:

a)Groundwork South Tees will produce an annual report as part of its business planning work, which will review progress during the previous year and identify the achievement of outputs and outcomes. It will also inform future strategy and programme activity and identify a range of additional funding requirements. This annual report will be reported to the Council’s Executive for endorsement at the beginning of each financial year;

b)quarterly formal liaison meetings will take place between Groundwork and Council representatives of the Urban Policy and Implementation Unit, Regeneration Programmes, Streetscene, HBS Estates, Economic Development and others, as appropriate, to monitor progress on programmes and working practice;

c)monthly project meetings will continue between Groundwork and relevant project officers to assess progress on individual projects;

d)the Council will continue to provide a link officer from Urban Policy and Implementation to support the work of the Trust;

e)a formal procurement agreement will be established between the Council and Groundwork South Tees. This will ensure that design and project management services provided by Groundwork are directly procured in accordance with the Council’s standing orders; and,;

f)a detailed Service Level Agreement (SLA) will be agreed for each major project or programme that Groundwork South Tees implements on the Council’s behalf. Each SLA will clearly define the roles of Groundwork and the Council, identify outputs, milestones, and cover contractual and reporting arrangements.


20.This protocol should be implemented with immediate effect and be embodied within any new sponsors’ agreement, see following section for details.

  1. The current sponsors’ agreement between Groundwork and Middlesbrough Council expires at the end of September 2006. The agreement can be extended for a further six years. The Council therefore needs to review the level of its ongoing financial commitment.
  1. Changes in the allocation of national core funding have been notified. Under this revised funding regime, ODPM core funding will be allocated through the Groundwork regional structure, replacing the present system where individual Trusts agree their contribution directly with ODPM. Each region will receive an allocation based on measures of deprivation and environmental degradation. It is estimated that the north-east region could lose up to 33% of its existing core funding once the revised funding mechanism is introduced, likely to be in 2007/08. The levels of deprivation experienced in Middlesbrough mean that it may have a strong case to prevent any decrease in funding. However, the support from the Council will be critical.
  1. Under the provisions of the existing sponsors’ agreement the Council provides core funding of £32,000 per annum (see paragraph 3 above). It also provides office accommodation valued at £5,000 p.a. The loss of support from West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust (WMNT) has reduced the core funding to the trust. The other sponsoring authority, Redcar and Cleveland Council, provides £70,000 per annum core funding under an agreement that will continue until 2008. If the trust is to maintain the current levels of activity then it argues that Middlesbrough Council will need to increase its level of core funding to ameliorate for the loss of the WMNT resources.

The business case

24.There will be a need to identify an appropriate level of funding support from the Council as part of the process of renewing the sponsors’ agreement beyond September 2006.

25.Groundwork South Tees wishes to enter into a further six years sponsors’ agreement and is seeking an annual contribution of up to £70,000 from Middlesbrough Council. To establish that the trust’s future work programmes will add value to current regeneration initiatives outlined previously (see paragraph 16) and fill gaps in existing delivery programmes it is proposed that the trust will work with council officers to prepare a report that will establish the business case for continuing financial support. The purpose of this report will be threefold:

a)to review progress in Middlesbrough during the last six years;

b)to develop a strategy to establish future work programmes; and,

c)to establish funding requirements for a period of up to six years, including an examination of different scenarios based on varying levels of core funding support. This will be undertaken in conjunction with the Director of Resources.


26.There is considerable potential for further joint working between the Council and Groundwork to continue the current successful environmental regeneration projects. The report referred to in paragraph 25 above will look at a range of options for funding arrangements, in the light of forthcoming changes to the allocation of national core funding, and likely impact on performance.

27.In respect of risk, the protocol highlighted in paragraph 19 is being suggested to reduce risk by undertaking a fuller assessment of each project under a plan, monitor and manage arrangement.


28.The Council has committed £32,000 core funding for financial year 2006/07 that will cover the final instalment of the existing sponsors’ agreement. There is no provision for any further contribution Groundwork may require this year. However, the Council now needs to review its commitment to provide any further core funding to Groundwork South Tees for a period beyond 2006/07. Discussions will be held with Groundwork to establish their funding requirement value for money assessment and the timescale for any further agreement. This should particularly focus on what additionality will be achieved from any resources over the existing level of commitment. It is recommended that any future resources should be based initially on a three-year programme of activity to comply with the Council’s own medium term financial planning, following which this would then be formally reviewed. This will be the subject of a further report to the Executive.


29.This report has not been through the Scrutiny consultation process.


30.It is recommended that the Executive notes the progress being made by Groundwork South Tees and agrees to the following:

a)a working protocol be agreed as described in Paragraph 19, including the setting up of quarterly liaison meetings between the Council and Groundwork South Tees;

b) Council officers work with Groundwork South Tees to prepare a report to inform future strategy and establish appropriate funding arrangements as part of the process of renewing the sponsors’ agreement for the period beyond 2006/07 until 2012 and report back to the Executive in mid 2006.


31.The above recommendations are supported by the following reasons:

a)the current working arrangements between the Council and Groundwork South Tees have been successful but need to be formalised to develop more effective and accountable working relationships; and,

b)Groundwork South Tees has made considerable achievements in the projects it has implemented on behalf of the Council since it was set up in 2000 and the case needs to be established for continued support for Groundwork South Tees.


The following background papers were used in the preparation of this report:

Groundwork South Tees Business Plan


Appendix 1 Current and completed Groundwork South Tees schemes

Appendix 2 ODPM National Performance Measures (NPMs)

AUTHOR: Liz Hughes

TEL NO: (01642) 728411




Groundwork South Tees – current programme of work in Middlesbrough Appendix 1

Project Number / Project Title / Ward / Project Description
M006 / Acklam 2020 / Acklam / Ongoing relationship. Projects such as winter hanging basket training and pond clearance and support where necessary.
M029 / Friends of Linthorpe
Cemetery / Linthorpe / Ongoing relationship. Offer support for one off projects and events.
M047 / St Martins Community Garden / Ayresome / Create a garden for the church.
M052 / North Ormesby School / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / Improvements to school grounds
M054 / Charlbury Road
Community Centre / Pallister / To create a Surestart play area and garden
M059 / Letitia Industrial Estate / Ayresome / Improve and enhance the industrial estate environment.
M070 / Jefferson Street / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / To create a pocket park, designing out anti-social behaviour.
M075 / Stainsby Centre Garden / University / Improve the grounds of the anxious pupils unit.
M079 / Tollesby/ Beverley Pitch / Beechwood / NOF funded games area for the two schools.
M082 / Thorntree Park / Thorntree / Create a teen play area (assault course) and 2 ball courts.
M086 / Beckfield Streamside / Beckfield / Improve the environment around Middlebeck in Beckfield ward.
M092 / North Ormesby Play area / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / Refurbish the Pavilion's ball court.
M097 / Riverside Park Phase 2 / Middlehaven / Improving the environment in Riverside park designing out anti-social behaviour.
M106 / Carisbrooke Avenue Phase 2 / Thorntree / Provision of off-street parking, walls and gates for dwellings.
M112 / Hemlington Shopping Centre / Hemlington / Removal of large planter, installation of seats and general improvements to the shopping area.
M113 / Middlesbrough Independence Network / University / Create a garden with the young people who use MIN's services.
M114 / Newberry Centre / Linthorpe / Environmental projects with young people who have mental health issues/mental illness.
M118 / Trees Alive Education Pack / N/A / Developing an education resource pack with partners.
M127 / Operation Gate it 2005 / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / Installing 4 alley gates in North Ormesby.
M129 / Greater Riverside Park / Middlehaven / Improving the environment in Riverside park designing out anti-social behaviour.
M132 / NRF ECC 2005/06 / N/A / Grants for voluntary and community groups up to £5000 for environmental projects in NRF areas.
M133 / Kader School / Kader / Create a play area and nature garden.
M134 / Brambles Farm Community Centre / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / Work with the youth group to improve the centre's garden.
M138 / Pallister streamside / Pallister / Improvements to Middlebeck valley in Pallister.
M139 / Henry Street Rec Play area / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / Play area for under 5's.
M140 / Brinewells Green / University / Improvements to the environment around Brinewells Green, including a mosaic project with local young people and children.
M141 / Hall Garth School / Acklam / 10 week environmental education project with young people with some learning disabilities. Accredited by ASDAN.
M142 / Manor Youth and Community Centre / Coulby Newham / Moving a gas meter and creating a garden in front of the centre.
M143 / Hemlington Lakeside and Park / Hemlington / Improving the environment around the lake including interpretation boards, benches and artwork.
M144 / Beechwood BMX / Beechwood / Fence around the BMX track.
M145 / East Middlesbrough Industrial Estate / North Ormesby and Brambles Farm / Feasibility study and action plan with costed proposal for improvements to the industrial estate.
M146 / Middlesbrough Greenstart / Ayresome / Developing a programme of activities for Surestart in Whinney Banks.

Groundwork South Tees - National Performance MeasuresAppendix 2