*Order of the Day

*2:30 pm Call to Order...... Moderator, Teaching Elder Arch Wallace

Bang the gavel, call the meeting to order, and have an opening prayer. Call upon Rev. Patrick Dennis to welcome the Presbytery

Welcome...... Teaching Elder Patrick Dennis, Tuckahoe Church

  1. Committee on Nominations...... Teaching Elder Gordon Lindsey, Scottsville Church

Call upon Rev. Gordon Lindsey for the Committee on Nominations Report. (As you know, he is withdrawing the report)

  1. Committee on Ministry...... Teaching Elder Todd McCoy, Louisa Church

Call upon Rev. Todd McCoy for the Report of the Committee on Ministry. Todd will make a motion that the following persons be examined for ordination: Candidate Reveley, Candidate Lester-Bacon, and Candidate Davidson. After the approval of this motion, invite the presbytery to move to the location indicated by the STAR on their name tag. (There will be hosts in each room with the candidate and to moderate that portion of the exam)

A. That the following persons be examined for ordination:

Candidate Kathryn Lester-Bacon, Philadelphia Presbytery, to become

AssociatePastor, Second Church, Richmond...... p. 5

Candidate Todd Davidson, POJ, to becomeAssociate Pastor, Three Chopt Church p. 10

Candidate Katie Preston, Greater Atlanta Presbytery, to become

Director, Virginia Interfaith Power and Light (VICPP)...... p 14

Candidate Nelson Reveley, POJ, to become Religion Teacher at St. Christopher’s and Assistant Director of The Summer Institute p. 18

  1. That the following process be followed: each candidate will preach a sermon in a specific location after which each candidate will be examined individually.

Candidate Lester-Bacon...... (Green Star) Wilson Hall

Candidate Davidson...... (Silver Star) Fellowship Hall

Candidate Preston ...... (Red Star) Fellowship Hall

Candidate Reveley...... (Blue Star) Sanctuary

Upon return from the three locations, call upon Rev. McCoy to continue the

examination. He will call upon Rev. Banbury to examine the candidates. (I ..... assume they will be examined in alphabetical order)

(we have a person hosting in each room for the candidate’s sermon; the

group in each room will take a vote to sustain the candidate’s sermon and

will report that to Rosalind.)

(I will escort each candidate out of the sanctuary during the

discussion/debate and vote on their ordination)

(Suggestion: after each vote, you might ask if there are family members or

members of the Three Chopt Church or Second Church, Richmond, present asking them to stand and be recognized.)

4:00 pm III. Conversation about Settlement Agreements: led by Teaching Elders Ron Bullis, George Conway and Sarah Nave (pp. 23-26)

Call upon Rev. Ron Bullis who will moderate this portion of the meeting.


Closing Prayer...... Moderator, Teaching Elder Arch Wallace