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Anne Pellicciotto/SeeChange
Anne Pellicciotto, President
Senior Organizational Change Consultant/Facilitator
SeeChange Consulting, Inc.
Ms. Pellicciotto is founder and president of SeeChange Consulting, Inc., focused on improving the effectiveness of leaders and teams, and facilitating smooth organizational transformations. Ms. Pellicciotto leverages 15-years experience in management/information technology modernization combined with organizational change consulting. Her range of expertise includes strategic planning, large-scale project management, business process re-engineering, organizational change management, group facilitation, teambuilding, training and coaching. She specializes in the organizational transformation challenges and solutions related to enterprise technology adoption, such as ERP, web/portal, and workflow/content management systems. She employs collaborative, facilitated sessions as a key approach to bridge organizational gaps (often between the technology and people), reduce resistance, improve team performance, and ensure real results. She has developed and applies appropriate SeeChange tools, such as Co-Analysis and the Star Model, in addition to industry standard methodologies, to improve the success and impact of her client projects. She works with a range of innovative organizations and teams in the financial, federal government, and non-profit sectors.
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Anne Pellicciotto/SeeChange
Change Management and Business Process Improvement Ms. Pellicciotto employs a holistic approach to assist organizations with changes that are strategic and sustainable. She works with clients to ensure that all the elements of change are addressed and in balance, including: strategy, structure, people, process, culture, and technology. Her change management projects include those driven by changing technology, globalization, merger/acquisition, growth, streamlining, and increased competitiveness. She applies the collaborative, facilitated approach to gain group alignment on the change vision, and assess and plan for the broad impacts of change. She also specializes in business process and technological improvement as it relates to organizational change, employing reengineering tools to various complex processes, including: procurement, loan application processing, customer service, grants management, and human resources operations.She applies her broad knowledge of the system development lifecycle, and the use of standards and best practices, including the SeeChange proprietary Co-Analysis approach, to ensure structured, collaborative, and business-focused solutions. She encourages collaboration, clear communication of expectations, and staff realignment and re-training as key elements of a successful change.
Facilitation and Coaching
Ms. Pellicciotto applies extensive and certified facilitation skills to assist groups in gathering complex information from many sources and developing consensus around critical decisions. She has conducted over 100 facilitated sessions during her career, with a range of groups, including project teams, virtual teams, organizational leadership groups, boards, and cross-functional/departmental groups. She offers facilitation experience in a variety of areas, such as visioning, strategic planning, project planning, business process analysis, and change leadership. Ms. Pellicciotto specializes in bridging the gaps that exist among individuals with different agendas and perspectives. She employs techniques in goal and role clarity, brainstorming, active listening, probing questions, consensus-building, and team exercises to gain the most out of groups and the collective time invested. She emphasizes thorough preparation, and employs structured, focused agendas to ensure accomplishment of business objectives. She facilitates SeeChange branded Co-Analysis sessions to help IT project teams proactively initiate projects and proceed through the critical requirements phase efficiently and effectively. Because leadership effectiveness is such a critical element of organizational change success, Ms. Pellicciotto coaches her clients on collaborative leadership approaches to improve ongoing team performance and results. Her coaching approach focuses leaders on three elements of effectiveness: clarifying their business, personal, and career goals; identifying actions and priorities for themselves and their teams to reach those goals; and addressing the human and organizational dynamics to gain team commitment. She coaches both organizational/corporate and individual clients.
Training Development and Delivery
Ms. Pellicciotto’s training experience includes both the development and delivery of learning programs, as well as preparation of learning strategies and implementation plans to ensure sustainability and impact of the programs. She leverages SeeChange prepackaged modules that cover a range of core competencies for individual and team effectiveness. These modules include: project management, customer service, collaboration and teamwork, business process analysis and improvement, consensus-building, change management, and strategy and action planning. Ms. Pellicciotto encourages an interactive, participatory approach to training, realizing that the vast majority of what is learned is what is done, not what is seen or heard. Employing hands-on exercises, breakout groups, and feedback sessions, her programs ensure participants get the most learning out of their training investment.
Department of State, Computer Science Corporation Federal Sector – Consular Information Services Program, Customer Service Transformation, January-August 2003.
Ms. Pellicciotto led a project with CSC’s Federal Sector group to conduct a lessons-learned analysis of client projects and identify a set of best practices and a change plan for improving customer service and project profitability. The team employed the SeeChange Star Model to conduct a holistic assessment of change issues and ensure a structured plan for making the transition. Ms. Pellicciotto led a series of facilitated sessions with the CSC leadership team and their client representatives to define the vision of the new program, identify impacts, and devise a communication and implementation plan to ensure a smooth transition. SeeChange worked with the CSC leaders to coach and guide them on making the transition, and helped define new processes, roles and responsibilities, and technology changes that were required to support the new vision.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission – Starfire/PeopleSoft System Project Management, Teambuilding, and Facilitation – May-August, 2001.
Ms. Pellicciotto led an initiative with the CIO’s Information Technology Infrastructure Division to build teamwork and develop a consolidated project plan to ensure on-time production start-up of the new enterprise-wide PeopleSoft human resources and financial system. Ms. Pellicciotto planned and facilitated a series of sessions, starting with a project team leadership session to define a project charter, mutual goals, roles and responsibilities, and a self-managed work team structure. In addition, Ms. Pellicciotto and her team conducted interviews with the project team members from across CIO, CFO, and Human Resources, to assess current status of critical tasks and gain feedback on issues and roadblocks. She conducted a feedback session with management to discuss the issues and devise potential solutions to ensure a smooth delivery. Based on the data gathered, Ms. Pellicciotto and her team prepared a consolidated MS project plan and defined an ongoing process for tracking progress, including a collaborative input mechanism and team meetings. The SeeChange team trained and transitioned the new project management process to the client project coordinators and provided coaching on the new process. Finally, the SeeChange team prepared a report to CIO management containing recommendations for immediate and long-term improvements to the process of managing large, complex technology projects.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission – Regulatory Document Management System (ADAMS) Transition, Process Redesign, and Training – September 1999-January 2001.
As part of an effort to implement a commission-wide regulatory document management system (a FileNET EDMS), Ms. Pellicciotto led two separate projects: one to analyze business processes under the new system and reengineer business processes to incorporate and streamline system use; the other to conduct a time-motion study of the new paperless document processing operation, including scanning, indexing, and quality review, and recommend areas for improvement. As part of these efforts, Ms. Pellicciotto conducted facilitated sessions with managers and users as a critical method of information gathering and consensus-building. In addition, Ms. Pellicciotto devised training courses on the new FileNET system targeted at assisting staff members with use of the system for business functions. She developed customized training courses and led hands-on training and transition efforts, resulting increased system acceptance and usage.
Library of Congress, Information Technology Services (ITS) – Co-Analysis Training for Application Development Leadership Team – October, 2001-January, 2002.
Ms. Pellicciotto and the SeeChange training team worked with the Library of Congress’s IT division to define and train technology project leaders and analysts best practice approaches to definition, scoping and delivery of software development projects. SeeChange applied our proprietary Co-Analysis Project Initiation, Scoping, and Requirements Analysis training course, and teamed with ITS leaders to tailor the course and approach to the Library’s needs. Ms. Pellicciotto led the three-day training course, employing action-learning, case studies, and addressing participants’ immediate project challenges. Delivery was followed by a feedback and planning session with the management team to determine future directions, including adopting Co-Analysis as a methodology and broader training of additional technology and business operations teams.
Department of Defense, Information Technology Division – IT Strategic Planning – March-July 2000.
Ms. Pellicciotto was team leader and facilitator on a project for the DOD ITD to develop a strategic plan for their investment in information technology to support key DoD components. She conducted a series of facilitated sessions to define mission, goals, objectives and thrusts for the coming fiscal year. Ms. Pellicciotto guided various stakeholders from IT and business teams in the definition of key projects that aligned with overall goals and objectives. Team members input project ideas into an interactive Lotus Notes tool which allowed for on-line discussion and rating of projects. The team gathered data from the tool and created a straw man plan for validation by the team in a facilitated session. The final, validated session output was analyzed and a plan developed for use by the DoD in guiding its ongoing IT efforts.
Exxon-Mobil - Supplier Diversity Procurement Division – Team Strategy, Alignment, and Coaching – January-March 2004.
Ms. Pellicciotto led a project and facilitated working sessions with the Supplier Diversity team to identify and refocus priorities and develop an action plan to increase results and revenues generated via minority suppliers. The team is now executing on the action plan, and Ms. Pellicciotto is providing coaching to the team leaders to ensure completion of actions and achievement of results.
State Street Bank – Princeton and Toronto IT Offices – Project Team Effectiveness Training, Facilitation, and Change Planning, 2003.
Ms. Pellicciotto and her team conducted an organizational assessment and tailored and delivered interactive training sessions with key leaders from the IT teams to improve the effectiveness of project delivery. Key topics included project management, teamwork, collaboration, and business analysis and process improvement. SeeChange also worked with and coached the leadership team of the IT department to develop a change plan to integrate the new project management processes into the projects and into staff development plans.
The World Bank – Information Services Group – Internet Services Program Change Management, January-May, 2003.
Ms. Pellicciotto led a team in the strategic assessment and change planning to support roll-out of a new, Bank-wide Internet Services Program (ISP), aimed at centrally managing Bank content, and standardizing the look and feel of all internal and external Bank websites. This system would impact tens of thousands of Back stakeholders worldwide, including internal operations teams, country offices, and World Bank clients and partners. The change management team, led by Ms. Pellicciotto, planned and conducted a series of working sessions with the core team define and align on the ISP vision; conducted stakeholder analysis and defined a collaboration and messaging strategy for each stakeholder group; prepared and conducted vision briefings to stakeholders to gain feedback and buy-in; and developed a communication plan for disseminating information over the 2-year roll-out life cycle of the new ISP.
The World Bank – Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Division – Management Curriculum Design, Communications, and Implementation – September, 2001-June 2002.
Ms. Pellicciotto led a SeeChange team of consultants on a project for the Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness division of the World Bank to assist with development of the new World Bank Management Curriculum. SeeChange’s role on the project was to provide change communications planning and implementation, and course design and materials development, for the new curriculum. As part of SeeChange’s responsibilities, our team conducted background research, management interviews, and communications planning sessions to collaboratively define: change challenges and potential resistance issues, management themes, benefits of the new program, audience makeup, and potential channels for reaching the audience. SeeChange developed action plans and teamed with the workshop champions to prepare designs and materials. In addition, SeeChange led development of a communications strategy and materials to encourage the participation of World Bank managers.
State Street Corporation – Computer Technology Integration (CTI) Process Analysis and Facilitation, and Global Change Management – November 2000-May 2001.
Ms. Pellicciotto teamed with State Street’s Technology Integration Services division to assess goals, define options, and plan for global expansion and associated process improvement. She led a series of facilitated sessions to collaboratively analyze integration service business processes and devise new processes to support more complex, global clients. She assisted with the definition of strategic issues, guiding policies, and key challenges to drive business-focused decisions. As a result of the leadership sessions, she recommended and jointly defined with technology integration division managers, a division-wide change leadership program. She and her team prepared a one-day facilitated change program, delivered a pilot and incorporated leadership feedback, then delivered a series of sessions across US and European offices. She worked with the training team to analyze session feedback, review with management, and devised recommendations for ongoing change work.
Micro-finance Development Team – Advisory Board Strategy, Team Building, and Coaching – June-October 2004.
Ms. Pellicciotto was consultant, facilitator and coach to the MFT board, assisting the leaders with development of a strategic plan and process for the new organization. MFT’s mission is to develop and disseminate broadly an open source technology and process to support the micro-finance industry. Ms. Pellicciotto planned and led monthly virtual board meetings, applying SeeChange Virtual Team Optimization (VTO) process and online tools; facilitated the group’s critical decision-making; helped the organization define norms and build trust, so they could work together productively; and facilitated a culminating 2-day meeting to define a transition strategy to a new, more formidable organization for the 3-5 year horizon. Ms. Pellicciotto also coached the board chair and key contributors on gaining buy-in from and alignment with the overall board and with the project team on the ground in Uganda.
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) – Global Strategy – Assessment, Facilitation, and Coaching – October 2000-April 2001; March-April 2002, Ongoing Coaching.
Ms. Pellicciotto worked with ACT to analyze their global strategy, identify potential challenge areas, and facilitate a series of strategy sessions to increase alignment and performance. She interviewed and worked with a broad audience of stakeholders, including management, headquarters, and field staff, board members, key funders, and partners, and identified key set of improvement areas. These included: improved alignment on vision, increased focus and alignment on fundraising efforts, enhanced communication with field in a virtual environment, clarity in roles and responsibilities, and need for administrative standards. She then worked with the leadership team to plan for a collaborative session with the stakeholders to discuss, prioritize, and define a plan and key steps to achieve the overall vision. Ms. Pellicciotto facilitated the session, and provided follow-up mini-sessions with key committees to ensure progress and real improvements. Ms. Pellicciotto also facilitated a full-group annual session the following year to build upon the progress and maintain alignment. Ms. Pellicciotto provides monthly coaching and advisement to the President and COO to ensure sustained organizational improvements.
President, SeeChange Consulting, Inc. (1999 – present.)
Program/Client Manager, Document Management Solutions Division, Infodata Systems, Inc. (1998-99).
Principal, Management Systems & Technology Division, American Management Systems, Inc. (1997-98).
Director, Consulting Services, Intelus Corporation (1993-97).
Project Manager/Systems Analyst, American Management Systems, Inc. (1987-93).
M.S., Organization Development
American University/National Training Laboratories, Washington, DC, June 2001
B.S., cum laude, Decision and Information Sciences
College of Business and Management, University of Maryland, College Park, December 1986
Gary Rush Facilitator Certificate Program, August 1992
Women in Technology (WIT) member and programs committee participant; Chesapeake Bay Organization Development Network (CBODN) programs committee member and seminar leader; Organization Development Network (ODN) member; AU/NTL Association; International Association of Facilitators (IAF) member and conference speaker/attendee; Executive Women’s Roundtable member; Association of Image and Information Management (AIIM) member and speaker; Knowledge Management Roundtable member; National BPR Conference ’96, speaker and chairperson; GIGA Business Process and Workflow Conference '94, ‘95, ‘96.