South London LLN / West London LLN

Diploma Development Funds 2008-2009

Application Form

When completing this form please refer to the Guidance Notes that accompany this document

Name of Main Contact from lead institution:
Lead Institution:
Telephone Number:
Project Title:
Project Partners: (please include name of institution and lead contact)

Summary of the proposed project (max 250 words)

Evidence of Demand – please address the following (as applicable):

* Rationale for the project. Why is it needed and how will it support progression opportunities

for diploma learners?

* What is the anticipated target group for this project?

* How will this project improve the progression of diploma learners to higher level study?

* How many vocational learners is it anticipated this project will attract?

* Evidence of any discussions with employers or sector skills councils as to the vocational relevance of

this new or modified course or how it will meet their identified skills needs

* Contribution of employers or sector skills councils to the design and delivery of the course

* If this is a revised course, how will the modifications ensure that diploma learners will be


* Other market analysis that you can access that demonstrates a need for this activity

Funding Requested

Total funding required to deliver the project:

Total funding requested from the LLNs:

Planned Financial Spend

You should include, for example, staff time, consultant costs, curriculum development costs, materials, evaluation etc.

Project Delivery and Outputs

Tell us how the project will be organised and managed and provide a timetable showing activities, outcomes and timescales. Explain how you will ensure the project delivers the outputs you want to achieve and tell us about the responsibilities of respective partners. How will you monitor and evaluate the project and how will its results be disseminated across the two LLNs?

Authorising Signatures

Signature of Applicant





Signature of member of institution’s Senior Management Team






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